Femanon here. Can someone explain the appeal of this movie to me? Tom Cruise isn't even cute in it...

Femanon here. Can someone explain the appeal of this movie to me? Tom Cruise isn't even cute in it, he's got a scruffy beard and acts drunk the whole time.

Attached: The Last Samurai 00.jpg (500x659, 65K)


Baiting is an art. You need to practise more.

Either this is just a poor, poor troll or an actual pleb. Not even funny in any sense of the word. Try again. Saved.

As much as this is bait, I really don't understand the appeal of this film myself. It's trash.


fellow girl here

it's not a good movie at all. The nerds that use this site just like it because they think hitting people is a sign of manliness and they want to appear as manly as possible. It's also because they think samurais are cool (when they're really just gay)

Unironic femanon here. Can some of you boys post your penises with timestamps please?


Homosexual male here. I would also appreciate this.

This reads like it was written by a mtf transexual.

Anyway, ol scruffy beard is a perfect icon for white people with a japan complex.

White people act drunk because it enables them to then do that thing where they pretend to be speaking the `truth` (aka why don't you just be truthful all the time white devil?).

Movie about how white man steals japan secrets while destroying them. He is righteous however so yeah.

It's like how white people ancestors tortured and murdered even the literal "son of god" without exemption, but you know they are "his followers" today.

Maybe white people should try not destroying source materials, like their own humanity. Fucking nazis love to burn books.

It's not a movie meant for females to enjoy or appreciate. Just like we don't give a shit about Twilight or The Notebook or whatever. Fuck off

movie was kino btw

hey r/asianmasculinity

What the hell is that

Where you need to go back to

>isn't even cute in it
spew your filthy lies elsewhere

>he's got a scruffy beard and acts drunk the whole time.

and that's how you know it's bait.
seeing he's only drunk for about the first 10 minutes.

Attached: 1416948157218.jpg (1000x1000, 51K)

Stupid white piece of shit I been on this fucking site since 04 (yep, it was better back then, when Sup Forums actually existed), you go.

jews aren't white, my chink friend.

Jews are basically white people to me, I am a native of the middle east and they are integrated into white people society no longer actually jewish for centuries.

It most definitely is close to trash, not complete trash, but like 5/10. It simply doesn't compare to other films "women will never understand" like Master and Commander

Wew lad

tremendous cope, jesus mother and mary you stupid gook, you think they kikes have integrated into society?


What the fuck does "tremendous cope" mean white devil?

Jews are white people, why do you think we don't want israel you fucking idiot?