Good god guys I saw annihilation the other night and fuck. I would honestly argue that the last 20-30 minutes of this film is some of the finest film I've seen, in my life, regardless of genre. The way the visuals and music worked together almost had me shedding tears, it was honestly one of the best experiences I've ever had in a theater.
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To be fair, the only popular opinions here are people bitching about everything.
I found the interracial fucking scenes unnecessary. Did those really need to be in the film?
Unpopular? Isn't the end of this movie praised by almost everyone?
I kind of think so. What other flaws of hers did they really expose, other than that? I think it kind of humanized her. It would have bothered me if they harped on it but that was literally a 2 minute scene. It also plays into the theme of self destruction that the film presents to us earlier on too. So.. I think it has a few purposes.
To be fair, you need to have a really high iq to truly "get" Annihilation.
It's hardly a controversial opinion. It's hardly a perfect movie but it is science fiction doing what it does best.
Yes of course it was amazing. Contrarian monkeys fishing for (you)s will claim otherwise just as they did with Fury Road.
>didn’t say “kino”
>and fuck. I would honestly argue that the last 20-30 minutes of this film is some of the finest film I've seen
Unironically this.
As you say the final act is kino.
The rest of it is just tropy trash though.
>Stalker For Retards: Feminist Edition
Here you go
>Annihilation is postmodern dribble.churned out by the democrat cuckolds of Netflix. Its premise can only belong in the fanfic of a millennial school girl. It aims to be a feminist empowerment fantasy story yet only manages to infantilize its audience.
Armond has done it again.
>said based
Unlike you Armond actually knows how to write.
Yeah it was very good compared to the sub-trash tier stuff that's in theaters now. Only fundamental problem i had with this movie is that the directors/writers had in their hands the elements needed for the Best Surreal Action Movie Of All Time but instead of going with that they fag it up with artsy fartsy bullshit. imagine if there were more horror video flashbacks with poe dameron and less unecessary exposition and hippie tier visuals like the flaming crystal trees.
your pathetic anus will be stretched with extraordinary force, destroyed with a blunt object, for thy crime of impersonating Armond
Why isn't anyone bringing back the best part of the 70s and 80s? The violence, the heroic fantasy? Can you imagine a film that looks like a metal album cover?
it's garbage with no redeeming qualities at all.
your opinion is pleb tier and you have to go back to
>It also plays into the theme of self destruction that the film presents to us earlier on too
People keep calling self-destruction a "theme" of Annihilation but the movie never explores the idea at all. It's barely even a motif. I enjoyed the film as a fairly well-made genre flick but it's about as deep as a puddle
>but the movie never explores the idea at all.
user you're either really stupid or you need to watch the movie again. For your sake I hope it's the latter
I agree. The film was pretty based until they got to the lighthouse and tried forcing a meme climax.
op is right. That dance in the lighthouse scene was keeno in it's purest form
As someone who liked Stalker, Annihilation is way less boring
>there was one good scene in the film thats why its kino
fucking retards on this board. context makes a scene great. if the rest of the movie is shit, it doesnt help much.
>muh fractals+a weird sounding song from semipopular album which sounds a bit surreal=kino
Here's how to fix it:
>no shitty cgi
>use the fractal theme more throughout the shimmer
>throw out the retarded IT REFRACTS DNA scene and the tree scene
>more scenes like the monster scene (the crying bear one, not the shitty AAH and gone one)
>more surrealism in general
>better explanation why sending a fucking squad is the best idea instead of slowly progressing and setting up multiple bases in the shimmer, for example anyone who exits the shimmer dies immediately (except the aliens for a nice plot twist)
>DELET retarded Blacked scenes because it really doesnt bring much to the plot
>But muh self destruction!!! an actor can show that in many ways, which she didnt, so they had to include this shitty scene
I'm open for more ideas.
>female ghost busters
>chrome skinsuit meme boss
>everyone is broken
>only women make it!
this is one of the worst posts I've ever seen, congrats user.
It's starting to seem like this movie is a retard filter.
Did people who compare Annihilation to Stalker even watch either movie?
>only women make it
someone didn't watch the movie
Hey user, i partly agree with the essence of your post. but that other guy that thinks youre a retard is probably pretty close to the mark. Take your english classes more seriously and maybe you will be better equipped to compose your thoughts.
Most slow sci fi from the 60s and 70s were very much nothing like that. The closest would probably be Alien, and that's only the end. Annihilation honestly still moves quicker. That's probably what shocked me about this movie, all I heard was how slow it was and how general audiences couldn't possibly like it but like 15 minutes in they're already in the shimmer with new shit popping up in it constantly.
Agree. Best film I've seen since Donnie Darko.
>that the last 20-30 minutes of this film is some of the finest film I've seen
really? despite the rainbow alien in a cheap expressionists dancer costume?
Sorry that my english isnt that good, it's only my third language
I'm pretty lowbrow when it comes to movies. I can usually just ignore agenda driven narratives, but I get distracted by pretty, shiny things.
Great cinematography.
Still applies. I didnt say you should work on grammar/spelling. i said you need to practice composing your thoughts. as in, the content of your posts is shit. including this most recent one where you missed the point again.
Normies should be forced to watch Jeanne Dielman or Satantango over and over until they learn to appreciate slow films. Then we won't have to tolerate anything like Annihilation being made ever again.
>t. smug enlightened philologist who wants to seem perfect while spending half an hour per sentence
i'm the user that the user you responded to responded to. I considered your point of view and wondered if i was actually just retarded for not liking the pacing of Ahnillilation: Hershlag Filled. I even internally made the comparison to alien (and predator). but with Alien you are "in the shimmer" right away. It's a space film in a space ship and the atmosphere was done really well, to a level that was very interesting all the way back then.
you know there are timestamps on these posts right? And i'm not saying i'm smart, i'm saying you're dumb.
The acting was wooden as fuck and the dialogue was fucking garbage for the most part.
The situation and concept was pretty great though, some of the visuals felt incredibly fresh.
I really wish there was more of the scientists sitting around and trying to figure out what was going on.
It's kind of lame how few tests they run on their environment or really sit down to try and figure what's happening.
It's like half a really interesting sci-fi that actually "rly makes u think" but it's mixed with a shitty by the numbers film.
But you could sort of make an argument that this odd "splicing" of two different films help reinforce some of the themes.
I don't think I've ever been this bored while also being this interested watching a film before.
How many producers/executives do you think said, "When Natalie Portman finds Shepard dead on the tree you gotta jump scare the theatre! No really! This is the ONLY way to do this! You have to jumpscare!".
i wouldn't say it's the best, but the end was pretty cool. i'm a sucker for the music working with everything like that. the sound was definitely great. the bear parts, the clone part at the end, all the little things they find along the way were scary in a psychological way without being too gimmicky, points for that.
>they actually showed her fucking the nigger
Lmao I can just imagine the numale cucks who worked on this movie
>in a theater
too bad it never showed in the theatre in my country
>story is about human self destruction
>her fucking a nigger was actually the epitome of that
i bet you love the movie now
Good thing you didn't work on this movie. This is scary door tier
>implying scary door wouldnt be kino
>the bear parts, the clone part at the end, all the little things they find along the way
These were my favourite parts too. I love the sound effects the alien made when it moved. Also, I don't know whether it was my friend's TV or what, but it sort of looked like the Ally McBeal dancing baby at times.
Alien is a great movie, but it does move incredibly slow for a movie that even normies know a lot about. The first hour of the movie is literally just slowly walking around an empty ship, now the atmosphere and set is great but normies usually don't see that. Annihilation doesn't really have a pacing issue as shit relevant to the story is constantly happening, it's the "everyone took their sleep medication before shooting" acting that makes it feel like every scene drags.
I get where you're coming from with wanting an exploration of the world presented, but that's honestly what made the movie for me. That lovecraftian thing of the unknown and how it's impossible to truly grasp or understand. Felt like a junji ito story with weird shit happening and the main characters essentially just being there so you can see more of it as the viewer but not too much.
wish i saw it at the movie theature
the last act was pure kino