Television and film

Are there any movies where the main character is sexually frustrated and doesn't have any type of relationships with any females?

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Lars and the real girl.

No, that'd be pathetic and sad. People don't want to watch pathetic and sad movies.

They are both con artists.
Amber Heard seduces rich men with her looks to get alimony shekels. Elon Musk seduces rich men with fancy talk about shit that doesn't work for investments.

>that'd be pathetic and sad
Good thing we're only talking about fiction here.

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Too unrealistic. Do people like that exist?

It's pretty good, desu.

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Elons fancy shit does work,A tesla is on its way to buzz Mars right now.

what I don't understand is that with girls you can easily go for a non famous one who is still ridiculously hot. Why the fuck would you bother with some 'celebrity' girl?

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300k is less than the interest he makes on his fortune on a daily basis.


This, Elon is basically paying pennies to sleep with the hottest woman on the planet

if he has to pay for pussy just for company, he is still a beta loser.

They're celebrities because they got something regular hot girls don't -- charisma, seductiveness etc

When will Elon make his space hair growth secrets available, he could become even richer

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Still a massive upgrade from shitposting on a Taiwanese knitting forum all day

She is the definition of a succubus.

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>not shaving his head and becoming Lex Luthor

is this the same friend johnny had to pay for her mansion next door and amber would spend all her time over that?

Some of people (like me) would literally let Amber take our soul if it meant getting close to her.

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No one really gives a shit if you use hair-plugs or whatever, people only care about that shit if you have a career rooted in appearances. He's a fucking tech-god, not some bimbo getting botox up her cunt.

nigga you want to date a guy who will take you anywhere and buy any thing you want. this is normal survival instinct.

It's her lesbian momma.

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>the hottest woman on the planet
Yeah... No. She is just a normal bimbo.

Harry Potter

if i had money, i would also pay big money to fuck her. no doubt. but to be a fake-girlfriend? nah, fuck that shit.

Up your game, son. You still have time.

oh my lucky stars, a negro

so this is the power of billions of dollars

sign me up

you know the hot girls are dumb? same goes for guys usually. you want a dumb, poor, hot guy or a rich, normal looking guy who might also be charismatic (or at least have some kind of entrepreneurship, like a shitload of sillicon valley ones?) . you always go for the second.

he's probably got a chip on his shoulder from when he was a nerdy kid that got no pussy.

and now, even though he's very successful, he still feels like he needs to prove himself in regards to women.

also munsk is the example of money buying more than decent looks.
he fixed his hair
fixed his teeth
fixed his jaw
worked out
he looks more than decent. any girl could date him. he's not a model, nowhere near, but he has money and decent looks.
off course if he pays for company he's a mega loser.

i misinterpreted you. celebrity one? power status. nerdy life.
now he shows the world he fucks amber heard.
also man, after you are in certain social circles, that's who you meet. who you end up talking to. not the cute waitress but the cute actress. they might not be of similar social status, but they can live similar lifes, similar wealth spendings, similar parties, similar hobbies, etc.
its the social ladder. you date the ones who climb similar to you.

Whoever thinks this "man" is smart should get euthanized.

He could get hotter and a decade younger without a divorce under her belt. I don’t get it.

That's great hair replacement. Would have never known if I didn't see the before pic.

>be KHV til im 23, lose it November 2016 on my first ever date
>August 2017: go on a date with a cute 33 year old, end up having sex on the beach. She tells me it's one of the most romantic nights she's had in years. Days later I go to hers and we fuck like rabbits, tells me that's probably the most sex she's ever had in one day.
>last week: had a succesaful date, she wants to meet again
>few days later went out for drinks with the girl I've been infatuated with for a year, she's always rejected me but that night I think I finally unlocked the door out of the "friend zone"

You just have to believe in urself

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Women only want you when other women show interest. Inexplicable, I know, but not a new phenomenon.

t. man who can't even get a job at mcdonalds never mind start a company that puts cars into space

she smelled the sex pheromones off of you indicating youre not a virgin anymore, making you a potential mate. Congrats

Such a fraud

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Oh I didnt get laid on the date last week but she's keen to meet again. Manages a laboratory in central London too, so she's not just some basic hoe.

Did she at least let him sniff it?

Elon doesn't know shit about technology. He's like Steve Jobs - a good showman but tech illiterate. He wanted to replace linux servers with windows at paypal ffs. That's the reason why the hack was fired.

Sniff what?

if you ever have the chance to participate on a major building site, you would be surprised who are the most knowledgeable there. thinking of something and putting things into place is more important than the task itself. how many munsks are there? very very few. how many tech savvies? millions. technical expertise is something you can teach. the rest depends of the sponge.

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Propably braps

her pusy and butthole

>inhaling a woman's flatulence
literally disgusting

>our universe's version of Lex Luthor is the Jesse Eisenberg version

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was he ok?

Where would he meet them though? He's a 46 year old man, the only place he'll see young women will be at award places and events for rich people, and the only single young women there will be celebrities

Fucking hell imagine how easy and fun your life is if you're a lesbian amber heard

How did Costanza get so many attractive women? He's short, bald, fat, has a bad personality, had a bad job/no job for some of the time. But he always was dating a woman well out of his league.

>has a bad personality
not really. he was really confident in himself

his FUT scar is visible here haha

Lots of old de niro films feature a sexual failure-taxi driver, deer hunter

Once upon a time in america

The Tesla will miss mars, because of an failed release of the car. If he would be shooting people to mars right now, they would have died.


>deer hunter

You mean when he hooked up with prime Meryl Streep?

no way haha

Does that look like a man who's "ok"?

>Elon dies on his way to Mars in his Big Fucking Dildo
>Bezos becomes Emperor of Earth with his army of robot dogs

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I'm not sure

I'm 100% certain that Bezos would cure cancer if he put all his money in it.