‘Solo’ Actor Says Phil Lord and Chris Miller ‘Weren’t Prepared’



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>New acting coach hired last-minute because you're so fucking awful
>Blame the directors preemptively

Oh man I can't wait

im excited, I think its gonna kill star wars. im getting sick of getting dragged to the new star wars movie every damn year.

>As for AldenEhrenreich, the breakout star of the Coen Brothers’ “Hail, Caesar!” who is getting his biggest break thus far in the title role, the rumor of an acting coach being needed on the “Solo” set to help him improve is allegedly true.
We're in for a special treat, lads.

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Imagine how bad it must have been if they thought Rian Johnson was doing such a great job that they gave him his own trilogy, but they fired these guys.

How could this happen!?

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>>As for AldenEhrenreich, the breakout star of the Coen Brothers’ “Hail, Caesar!”
He literally played a guy who can't act for shit in that movie. It would be pretty incredible if it was typecasting.

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Maybe it was brilliant, but made fun of Kennedy and JJ's incompetence.

It won't, but I do hope it gets deservedly bad word of mouth and dissapoints. Can't wait to see this chart updated.

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>Mtw rogue one was easily the best film of the three (even if it could have been a lot better).

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>Lord and Miller wanted to actually make a movie and not just get paid to be names in the credits and do the usual promotional death march

I legit love Rogue One. It's the only SW movie since the OT that has the same tone as the OT.

He's so fucking ugly

This. RO tried to be something other then "Lol, mystery box!"
Also, the lead was a cutie.

More importantly, he looks nothing like Ford.

Exactly. What were they thinking?

Is the only of this new garbage movies that I don't regret watching

So they’re saying doing a bunch of takes is worse than just doing it in one or two and putting it together as quick as possible? Either way I’m sure they’ll be glad they got out of that project when they see how shit it turns out

>we will never see the complete storyboard with the incest plot
why live bros?

Stop being a cuck and getting dragged to movies you don't want to watch.

Perfection has no place in Disney Live action anymore

I wouldn't say it has the same tone as the originals, but it definitely has the most consistent internal logic, the most tightly wound story, the most realistic characters, one of the best space battles in the series, and somehow the most originality despite its setting. For me, the last SW movie to carry on the tone of the originals was TPM.

I wonder if you understand what the word "tone" means. I think what you mean is that it had many of the same visual elements. The tone is nothing like the OT though.

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