Attached: Screenshot 2018-03-26 at 12.24.48.png (718x171, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>feminists hate it
>fa/tv/irgins hate it
>unironically the best sci fi in the last 5 years


what is she talking about lol how could holograph women have been in the PAST when we don't even have them NOW! ?


They're just jealous a woman you can't even touch makes a better waifu than them.

>reddit loves it
>/tv hate it



that hologram was treated better than muslim women in the arab world but nevermind those lol. Fuck western feminists

tv loves it you newfaggot.
go back to your main board

Haha this delusion. You're just one of the newfags who stayed.

Listening to feminist critique of anything will melt your brain.

I hate BR2049 as much as the next patrician, but come on, this is baseless criticism. It addresses no aspects of the film, but instead produces some strawman referencing contemporary social activism and politics.

hello plebbitt nail, didnt take so long did it

She has absolutely no knowledge of film. Buzzfeed tier journalist.

Attached: fempleb.png (210x237, 21K)

Holy shit. A normie-femist-roastie hybrid. The worst evil.

>hate BR2049 as much as the next patrician

but it is a good movie, you'd have a contradictarian to say otherwise

if BR 2049 isnt good then the original is "shit" too

lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes...

Sup Forums loves it though, it was voted best movie of 2017. Don't let a few triggered confirmed redditors fool you


Guardian actually

But SJW, gamers, leftist, reddit, soyboys loves Blade Runner 2049.

Check reddit

Check - soyboy,sjw, leftist video game forum.. They were voting for the best movie from 2017.. Soy Runner 2049 won, Get Out second.

Jesus Christ lmao

it's based numale and gay kino
1. Blade Runner 2049
2. Get out
3. Shape of Water
4.Phantom Thread
5. Florida Project
8.Call me by your name
9. Logan
10. Three bilboards

Attached: 1515782744681.png (1068x1248, 197K)

>ctrl + f "and t"
>not found
step it up

These comments on 2049 confuse me to no end. The movie has multiple strong female characters. You have to have no understanding of fiction or not watched the movie to think 2049 was misogynistic.

she completely misunderstood it, of course because she's a stupid woman, soyneuve did a feminist movie just like he confirmed it in the making of : "I luuuuve muh strong wymen". Strong police officer, muh revolution bitches, stupid bitch making dreams.

You're a fucking retard. Villeneuve makes both female and male characters strong. He also makes them both have flaw. His movies are never biased between either sex

Wait, the Lieutenant character is female and she dies an honorable death not giving up K.

Sure, the death is brutal and her corpse is further abused, but all i take away from that is that she is a loyal and principled person who you would be lucky to work under.

Did this women seriously just stop at 'ew these women die icky deaths, problematic!' and not think deeper? It's not even a very deep movie.

>this woman literally got paid for an opinion piece with the substance of an empty bag of Walkers Crisps.

why does it trigger Blade Runner 2 fags so much that most people didn't like their movie?

>plebbitor trying to fit in can't even Sup Forums

They're gays

stop pushing your irrelevant literally who website you redditard

>sage poster is a homo
Makes sense
The same child that says "better love story!"