Literally dispute this

You literally can't. Republican, Democrat, Independent whatever, you literally can't. This is what it's going to look like. Screencap so you can bask in my excellence later.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Posts map that arbitrarily removes a single swing state that leans Trump away from trump to make it seem like he can't win
this episode again

NC will be red, mark my words.

What about NC?

Estonian faggot do you even know what North Carolina is? it'll be red.

Florida will be a coin toss and might easily go to Hillary, mark my words.

Coin flip -> 50% -> No easy for Hillary -> Easy for Trump

>easy for Trump

Losing the coin toss means that instead of a small loss, he will take a blowout.

She's not winning NC

NC is going red.

Also, he's not winning Colorado.

>not even the niggers voted for obama in 2012 for NC

what makes u think they will for hillary? NC is going red then trump will win.

Landslide inc


1) We'll have another person like Edward Snowden.

2) We'll encourage Russians or the Chinese to leak everything they have on Hillary for as long as she's President.

3) The FBI will be shamed from within and we'll have a Watergate fallout.

4) More than half of the American public believes Hillary should have been indicited, what do you think will happen if the FBI doesn't indict her a 2nd time around?

I see see her as illegitimate after the 2nd FBI investigation was announced alongside the Clinton Foundation was also being investigated. Anyone who thinks the FBI doesn't know how much blood money the Clintons shuffle around is kidding themselves, all it took was one Edward Swnoden to do that much damage.

Now imagine at least 2-5 more Snowdens from within the FBI.

Say "literally" a few more times and you might convince me.


>north carolina
>all blue

Peak jej m8

> Estonia
> American politics

You guys are using shitter proxies ever since I left the CTR.

PA will be red.

math is against you. Dems only have a razor thin early ballot lead. Obama had 250K and only won by 1%

All polls show independents will swing for trump 60-40 at the least, and all elections prior tell us Reps have better day of turn out.