Call on the name of Jesus when you're in trouble. Believe in Him for eternal life. He is Kyrios, LORD...

Call on the name of Jesus when you're in trouble. Believe in Him for eternal life. He is Kyrios, LORD, the I AM or YHWH—the creator of time and matter. He existed sans time and He hates wickedness and is returning to publicly condemn and judge all who reject Him.

I say this because many of you will probably find yourselves attacked spiritually over the coming months for meddling with the plans of the Adversary.

Jesus loves you, He knew you even when you were a child and He wants for you to escape the debt that you and I rightfully owe the Father.

Ask in Jesus' name and He will send to you the Holy Spirit, which will safeguard your soul from the Adversary, whom the occultists call Lucifer, until the day of your death, as well as guide you in all truth.

Other urls found in this thread:

Okay then, I love Jesus now.


>Please Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Yosef, save me from all this Jewish degeneracy


God Bless.

Don't use His Name In Vain.
Don't be seduced by Balaam Love Feast, Grace is for the Humble, who are like unicorns. You proud assholes... He will torture you, ok?

Amen! Yes, He will!

He gonna kill y'all in a never ending lpop! Hates you THAT much! Rightly so, too!

3 Magic Spells => Heaven (Next Life)
* Abracadabra (Childish) => Wizard!
* The Shahada (Islamic) => Muslim!
* Sinners Prayer (Christian)=> Flake!

3 Less-Magic Spells => Heaven (This Life)
* Maturity (Build Strength, Character)
* Knowledge (Good Ideas, Team-Think)
* Hard Data (Evidence/Audit, Real-time)

Protip: Sinners-Prayer, Good-Spell/Gospel
* NOT in the Bible
* Intuitive Bullshit
* Failed Logic Test

Sodom & Gomorrah: (Isaiah 1:15)
1) Lifts Up their Hands in Prayer
2) Offers Countless Prayers

Seen any of those Faggots lately?

According to Two Saints...
=> Interest = Sodomy!
=> Mirror Image of It!
* Money Is Sterile => Cannot Grow Money
* Sodomy turns => Normal Growth Sterile
Interest/Sodomy Both Mirror Each Other!

How about those Faggots?

Please Jesus I need your help.... I have this problem...i..i I need you to check em

I guess I will ask kek for that is his expertise.

Praise kek

I dont own shit to any demonic demiurg

"And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in."

Hey guys remember that you have to have a relationship with God. He doesn't just want you coming to him when you need help. You have to pray daily, get to know him better, and develop a deep relationship with him. That is why he is the Father. He will guide and take care of you, but that relationship must be fostered.

>best way to put it is: you dont want your kids to only call or come over during december or thanksgiving. You want to see them more often then that, and want to hear from them more than that too.

* Let the {Children} Come {Unto Me}
* Unless you Become {Like A Child}...
=> Cannot Enter Kingdom of Heaven!
But What If...
* Am An Adult
* All Grown Up
* More Mature
Just invert the logic? You know, logic
=> Less Childish/Child-like
=> Move *Away From* That Kingdom
=> Real-World focus, more Down-to-Earth
=> Talk Less *Spiritual Bullshit*
* Oh, my friend so-and-so has a need
=> Let us Pray => Good Magic => Fixed!
=> Let us... *Actually* do Something
* Oh, my wife just cooked us all a meal!
=> Let us Thank the Lord
* For He Is Good
* He *Alone* Is Worthy
But Where Did Tea *Really* Come From
=> Dad Goes To Work, For *Money*
=> Mum Worked Hard, Over *Hot Stove*
=> Christians Are Bunch of [expletives]
* Blood of Jesus => {Should Suffice}
* So We Should => {Set Captives Free}
{Good One} * {I Think Not} * {Gas Them}

1. Father Abraham => Fathered Athiesm?
* Crazy = God Told Me => Kill My Son
* Sanity = Love/Truth => Life! Prosper!
1a) Abe & wife are both Old; their seventies?
=> God said they would have kids
=> Keeps trying for 20 years
=> No kid, not sure why. You?

1b) Should Just Admit He Was Wrong?
=> God Lied? Maybe We Heard Wrong?
=> Notes Hot Young Slave Women...

1c) Abe has his faith tested ** spot on **
=> Works Much Better! Ninety? Ha! Cmon!
=> Wife is even more bitchy with Slave-Girl

1d) She Later Stole a Baby
=> More Believable than Hillary
=> Isaac means Laughter
=> Clearly taking the Piss
God Spoke => Her => Abe => God
2. Father Abe does the Math!
2a) Hot Young Slave Girl + Time = ?
=> Old + Ugly + Annoying kid
=> Never Stops Bludging
=> Many Other Better Ones
=> SlaveGirl Goes When? Gtfo!

2b) But... We had a Thing! I Love You!
=> All Alone? I would get raped a lot!
=> Doesn't care => She certainly did!
=> Ishmael, Bloodline of Arabs, Islam
=> Other Kids were better; no great loss

3. Abraham: Father of Fath
3a) God Has Spoken to Abe...
=> So He Declares It
=> Abe & Wife will be... Moving Out!
=> From his... Wife's Parents Home!

3b) Not only that... God also said:
=> Move to a whole different Country!
=> Different People, Language, Culture
=> Since this one is Bullshit!

3c) But what actually happened
=> Obeyed God... more or less
=> Dicks about for 20 years

3d) Then...
=> Her family ALL came with them
=> But not far, barely a new suburb
=> More just them that moved

3e) Abe went on to explore...
=> Basically his mum-inlaws basement
=> His Brother Lot moved to Sodom
=> Went sour; fled a family cluster-fuck
=> Lots Wife? Trade-offs made! Salty End!
4. Was Big on Religion; Very Devout
4a) Did NOT Kill His Only Son
=> Religious Custom... Of His Time
=> Good Intentions; pretty much did
=> But Right At Last Second...
=> F**k That! * Abe Out * Sinner * Slay Me

4b) But... Still Pumping, Raging Bloodlust
=> What To Do?
=> Sees Goat Nearby
=> New Satanic Ritual

4c) Son Still Alive * Evidence * Gods Law
=> They Will Know! Feels Guilt! Shame!
=> Better Revise My Story...
=> Suddenly, an Angel appears!
=> They Buy It! Are Terrified of Angels...

5. God Delusion Starts To Kick In
5a) Finally Realises His Calling
=> Start a New Religion! (x3)
=> Circumcised Himself
=> Only Has A Sharp Rock

5b) Has Broken New Ground! It's Big!
=> Good Idea! So Really Took Off
=> Much Better Than Old Ideas
=> Yes, Really! Don't Ask! Worse

5c) Shape Your Destiny!
* Abe was => Sane as Fuck!
* Mankind's Father of Sanity
Learning Much About God?
Let's try a Practise Question!
* Father Abraham => Has Many Sons
* I am One of Them => So are You!
* So Lets...
=> Finish That Sentence
=> Try To Be Prosperous
7) Sons Of Adam...
My Father was a Wandering Aramaic...
Just some Slaves, from Dead Culture...
Somebody once said: Let their be Light!
Knowledge and Wisdom! Truth and Life!
Love In Our Hearts! Concern For Others!
How Many Men Died, To Preserve Truth?
To You Hear, Share; Keep Flame Burning

That pic is like looking at a reflection of me when I'm older

Jesus is a cool guy.

he 404'd on you because you are idolizing repeating digits, you lost soul.

praise and bump

Lads what is all this?

God is Love. God Hates Evil. To Live is to Hate Evil. Rev. 2 - God Hates Nicolatians. God likes people who also hate Nicolatains. They agree with Him, and Hell also makes sense to them. NICOS! Priestcraft! Pastors, priests. Ones who get paid. Idols. Vulnerable to words. Sword of my mouth.

* White Stone, New Name
* Hidden Manna (false tithe)
* Right to Eat from Tree of life

Punishment for religious tithe
* Weeping & gnashing

So bash a priest? Words work great, swear and shit! Fuck their false morality, pleasing people, cowards who can't foot it in the real world. Rebellious fakes, proud as fuck. Actual history is rooted in cuck. No shit!

God wills it!
Deus Vult!
FuckING kill one if you like
He hates them, not me!

Also, Jezebel... still in the church
Where is Jehu? THROW bitch from balcony, plus dogs and horses

"Thou shalt not Suffer a Witch to Live"
Ex 22:18
Witch Hunts Happen When...
* Feminism gets Established...
* Chaos & Death Abound, until...
* Logic of Men => Fiery Conclusion
All Men Are...
* Held Responsible
* Obliged to Help Fix It
* Worthy of Death => {if they Side With It}
Rev. 11:8
The Power Given to Me:
* Cut Off Your Water Supply
* Poison Your Water Supply
* Use Germ Warfare To Kill

This Power Can Be Used:
* Often!
* Anytime I like!
* To Make You Listen!!!!
Gen 6.11
In the Days of Noah...
* Earth Was Filled With Violence
* God Regretted Making Man
* But Noah Found Favor
=> Better Exterminate The Rest

{Love+Truth} Sends Great Flood
* Gas the Kikes!
* Kill Every Last One!
* Except Noah & Family

Look at the Pretty Rainbow...
* God Will Never Do That Again
* Perhaps He Never Did? An Allegory?
* I Understand These Orders Perfectly

=> When I Bear Witness
=> You Should Listen!

Punk theology, possibly wrong...
God would no doubt say it better

Source of Problem
Mums: can I trust this guy with my kids?
* No Time for a Court Case
* Snap Judgment => Hard Barrier
* Better to be Safe, than Sorry
=> Intuitive Judgment seems Normal

Dads: Should we kill this strange man?
* Court Case is Necessary
* Must Justify Every Kill
* Otherwise I Am Kill Next
=> Intuitive Judgement seems Criminal
Swapping Gender Roles
#1. Political Demand (Equal Rights)
* Significant Training Involved
* Fuck That ** Muh Rights ** Chaos
* Prone to Gossip, Rumor/Lies, Poor Judgment
* Hostile to Strangers; Strange Ideas (wisdom)

#2. Within Marriage
* Time, Training, Supervision
* Not asserted as a Right
* Final responsibility rests with natural gender

I call on the True Goddess when times are bad and you should too. Cast off your idolatry and turn to Her, may her Light shine upon you.

The reason we have that Left/Right divide in politics, is because our brains have 2 hemispheres, Intuitive and Logical; which are very different, and not at all equal.

Women tend to prefer Intuitive thinking, which is very much inferior, and totally inappropriate outside of an emergency, where snap decisions are demanded.

Anyone that leans that way (typically a female) needs to be trained to properly consider Logic & Evidence, and it's very hard work, relative to making an instant snap judgement based on feelings.

To simply claim Equality as a Right (women voting & leadership), without first earning it, by acknowledging the scientific fact that they are not equal, but can be, if they learn good judgement... it's a recipe for social/political disaster!

Feelings are too easy to manipulate, so the idea is to disregard them until after a verdict is reached, then at that point, feelings can influence Grace/Mercy. Left wing is when you simply side with whoever sounds the most angry; its just not good enough, it's just lazy and immature.

One other component makes it all happen... Peer Pressure! Insecurity, driving the need to have all your dumb ideas validated by everyone. Pressure on others to just agree, purely out of loyalty, instead of actual consideration of facts, leading to calling bullshit on a dumb idea.

Immaturity is when you just can't cope with the idea of being wrong, ignorant, or guilty; so you over-react to Truth & Love, in a fit of rage. They sabotage your relationships to suppress that evidence; and they also weaken their men, with subtle put-downs, that sound... nice; but make you feel insecure, like them, and easier to manipulate.

We call that Jezebel witchcraft when it's in church; or Feminism (Democracy, Womens Suffrage) when in government; its been weaponised by our enemies, and its behind most of these wars for profit (or foreign interests) that have been going on.

what are you guys smoking down under?

Brain Hemispheres: Magic & Rational
Natural, but Fixable Gender Inequality
Intuitive ** Logical
Organic ** Machine
Creative ** Methodical
Roll Dice ** Calculation

Witch-Brain ** Machine-Brain
Love & Hate ** Right & Wrong
Extravagant ** Price Concious
Spontaneous ** Plans Ahead

Magic/God ** Data/Knowledge
Show Mercy ** Execute Justice
Good/Evil (Spirits) ** Smart/Dumb (Ideas)
Quick/Cheap (Lies) ** Slow/Costly (Truth)

Immediate Danger ** Court Summons
Gut Instinct/Hunch ** Evidence, Facts
Cannot Justify Why ** Proven/Explained
Grace vs Vengance ** Truth; the Verdict
The Lover ** The King ** The Judge
Left Wing ** Undecided ** Right Wing
Antennae ** Tune/Filter ** Logic Circuits

Schizophrenia, he may well be on to something, God knows what.

Gospel: Dumbed Down For...
** Synagogue of Satan **
Under the Law?
=> That Only Brings Death!
=> Don't Put Us Under Law!
=> Old Laws Passed Away!
=> Doesn't Sound Right => Error!

=> We Like To Stay Under Grace!
=> Grace Even To Proud Assholes?
=> Thou Shalt Not... Ever Repent?

=> Worthy of Death? Be Tolerant!
=> Why You So Abusive! Be Nice!
Law+Death: Given To...
=> The Proud (Crazy & Evil)
=> Takers Of Great Offense
=> Enraged By My Sermon
=> Sensitive Topic; For Them

* Cannot Play Their Card!
* They Just... Prefer Not To!
* No Reason! But... It's your..
=> Get-out-of-Jail-Free Card!
** Any Crime ** Any Time ** Free
** Just Admit It => Plead Guilty **
** Remorse ** Try Fix ** Learn **
Want Grace? Drop All Charges?
=> Quick, Easy, & Painless
=> Only For Humble People
=> They Can Learn New Things

As in...
=> My Mistake. Not God. Only Human!
=> But We Learned Something Today!
=> Um, What Did you Expect? Good Talk!
Humble? Grace Is For You!
=> Send Invoice To: Jesus
=> He Can Pay For My One
=> For He is Good Like That

Evangalism => Be Convincing => Athiest Viewpoint
* No such thing as magic, spells, curses etc
* Also applies to *good* magic, prayer, miracles etc
* Bible is even more insightful, when read this way
* Intuition vs Logic not equal when Judging People
* Females are more intuitive, more prone to Lies etc

Extreme: African Trade in Black Albino body parts
=> limbs hacked off kids like chunks of cactus!
=> Torso found in London
=> India: Witchhunts (men tend towards logic/facts)

More Common
* Weaken Others, with a view to...
* Control Other People (or desiring to)
* Sabotage/Control Relationships
* Deciet; trick you into tacit agreement
* Never admits it; never repents, no remorse
* Speech must be sound nice => but Evil with context

In Jesus name, Amen

Thou shalt not suffer [allow] a Witch to live!
Exodus 22:18

Mediums, anyone Calling up the Dead:
=> Definitely Stone Them!
=> Entirely Their Fault!
Leviticus 20.27

Witchcraft = Rebellion
(Stubborn, Crooked, Idols)
1 Samuel 15:23

Jezebel Killed our Prophets => Set up Hers
Jezebel told: Stoned Naboth to Death. Tick!
Sent Scary Message to Elijah => Depression
1 Kings 18:4, 19:2, 21:14

Jehu: How can there be Peace,
with all that Idolatry & Witchcraft
of your mother Jezebel?
2 Kings 9:22

Throw her down!” Jehu said. They threw her down; her blood spattered the wall & horses that trampled her.

Jehu ate & drank. Take care of that cursed woman; bury her, she was a king’s daughter.

But when they went out to bury her, they found nothing except her skull, feet and hands.
2 Kings 9:33-35

Saul died because God was so angry that he went to a Medium for advice. Um, was he more right than Me? You dumb shit! David can have your kingdom!
1 Ch 10:113-14

Jezebel is still here? Every church? Wtf!
Ditch that bossy dumb slut (& Halal food)
Rev 2:20

I Gave Her Time, but
She would Not Repent!
So I Will:
* Cast her on a Bed of Suffering
* Sex Parters will Suffer Intensely
* Kill Her Children! Strike them Dead!
Rev 2:21-23

To the One who Is Victorious:
I Will Give => Authority over the Nations;
To Rule them => with an Iron Scepter, &
Dash them to Pieces => Like Pottery!
Rev 2.26

Those stupid men's groups & women's groups, that churches are all so into... obviously a dumb idea!

Guess which gender always think its a smart idea? Since that's more what they do anyway, if they didn't have a Faith; a Calling; or a Purpose in Him.

Logically, the Bible is obviously wrong, since it's God-inspired, and God is a man; and we all know that men just don't get women...

The Bible says the Opposite:
- Don't seperate Man & Wife; they are One.
- Woman are unfit to Teach; they are Zero.

- No Genders in Heaven (mostly here/now)
- Heaven is when we are all on same page.
- Men must learn that woman's stuff too

Women have fixed that bug; modernised it a wee bit, so it works better for them; at least in their goldfish-like short-term view of things...

Mars & Venus are different, you see!
=> Men like Solutions
=> Women more just like someone to listen to their whiney shit for hours; to express their special girl-bonds of friendship, by agreeing with, and validating, each other's mindless bullshit.

If you think those two approaches are in any way equal, then:
1. You're out of you're fucking mind
2. You must be a woman; or perhaps a group of woman; because if there's more of you, then you must be more correct?
3. You've just demonstrated why God told you to be quiet in church: Unfit to Teach!
4. Probably didn't know that hugging people (to Pastor) is a higher rank than Teacher; but did know that taking money for hugs and stuff makes you a whore. Shame the logic steps ended there. Heard of Logic? Good Tithing, btw: cash goes in slot; pray for Accountability.

Feelings are bullshit, ok! They're usually wrong. Maturity is when you can move past those childish feelings, and start to face facts.

It's not natural to do that - you pretty much need a Father, to kick your ass proper, because he loves you enough to call it: honey, your feelings are 100% wrong, you're a childish bitch! I demand better from you than that, because I love you enough to believe in that future potential - which right now is pure fiction!

That's why some some woman can become Doctors & Judges; but most woman are just degenerate gossips, who spread stupid lies. Those women were missing that vital fact, the only a Father loves you enough to explain. The world lies to them; it insists on reinforcing that Lie: that her feelings matter; are worth listening to.

Her friends all betray her too! They know damn well it's a Lie; that she is just being utterly childish - but so are they! Selfish Motives! They see an opportunity: to take advantage of her weakness; to position themselves as that lying, worthless, yes-women friend, who agrees with, and validate, her destructive insanity!

That's how desperate these dumb witches are, for somebody to even pretend to like them. They are not likable people! In fact, a childish women, and her endless, stupid lies, are such a force of destruction, that the Bible says to kill that bitch immediately!

It's more given as one of many, many reasons to grow up; to become somebody useful and important; one of those women who doesn't fuck up everyone's life, then refuse to say sorry, because she still thinks, even at that point, that Her feelings matter; yet SHE has no remorse for her victims?

She is in the dock, before the Judge; its a matter of Life & Death - for her! Tell me: do her feelings matter at this point? Should she express remorse towards her victim; say sorry; try to make amends?

You can't resist, can you? You want to her validate her bullshit, become her bff; then she will start accusing the Judge of things..

Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. [NIV]
"Peace? Um, no I did not come to bring Peace ok! Wtf? For you lot, definitely Sword! No silly, its not a real sword. True Statements. Facts. Useful to some, but instantly harms others, in their head, not sure why."
Matt 10:34
NIV: Do you think I came to bring Peace on Earth? No, I tell you, but Division.
"Why would you think that! Peace on Earth? Its sounds more like your dumb hippy shit. No-o-o-! Division! As in... Wall! Except much bigger than what you were thinking. Yes, your expense."
Luke 12:51
** My Interpretation **
Genuine Christians are actively preparing for war. They might act like drill sergant towards new recruits, yelling and swearing at them, and confusing them with logic problems; in order to prepare them for what they know lies ahead.

They also train themselves in combat, by deliberately picking fights with Enemies of the Faith; starting with weaklings, and working their way up towards the Giants.
This will sharply contrast with the outlook of a lying fraud of a Christian, the ones the Bible describes as Wolves, among the flock. Those guys are very slick, like a crooked politician.

Diplomatic, they always try to avoid conflicts, to keep everyone on side - basically by lying their asses off constantly, because it's profitable (for them). We call that the Craft; its a set of clever tricks to manipulate and control other people, at scale.

The set of tricks they have, is much smaller than most people realise. It only works on people that are already in a weak, vulnerable state; and the whole thing relies on keeping those people weak. It's not clever; its Degenerate, & Evil!

We can all return to that Garden of Eden; but the Law of Love requires that Every Lie must be unravelled, confronted, and destroyed; in a spirit of Truth & Love.

Adam looks at Eve: you look beautiful, my darling, and I love you with all my heart; I will never leave you; and yes, I would die for you. Without you, my love; and without those beautiful children that you gifted me, I would have no life.

You tell me: is Eve ok? Does she need a lying complement, from a snake; or will that keep her mine for one more day?

* As far as we know, the Garden of Eden is still here; its just not accessible to us, because of that damn angel, who is guarding it. You know, that one? Someone must've felt it's fiery sword at some point, should mark that as a no-go on the ole GPS! Perhaps that angel is called Immaturity, the part of our mind that still believes in that stuff? Defeated by Maturity?

That's why the allogorical one, about love, making marriage work, Garden as a state of mind, also makes more sense, in context of all the relevant Bible verses; and common sense. Bible is less concerned with the physical sciences, put it that way.
#SilentMen #AdamWasSilent #AdamWasResponsible #BarFight #Seduction

For those of you who are "worried about me", why not take a good hard look at yourself in the mirror...

If there were any truth in that statement, whatsoever, then evidence would be found in the actions that you took to edify me, to strengthen me, to build me up.

If that's absent, then you are a liar; and you're also very fearful, because Truth scares the crap out of you. Can you think of any reason why that might be? Guilt? Shame?

But, but... you're perfect, flawless, some kind of God or Godess; its very confusing, isn't it? Sparks are flying, you're short-circuiting, aren't you; you stupid deranged fuck!

Your lies, get good men killed, every single day. Every single one of your dumb ideas are wrong, dangerous, and downright criminal.

You have two options, to minimise the harm that your sorry excuse of a life causes:
1) agree with God, on every single thing that He has ever said; or
2) kill yourself.

Cmon you nut bugs, this has to stop, you have to stop hurting everyone, enough already! Just admit it; make the call; and do one of those two "right things", because at this point, it's the only way to restore your honor and dignity.

I'm troubled by the 60 sandniggers the church is housing down the street, when will Rabbi Jeshua fix this?

A mental shortcut, if indulged, can and will cause a mental short-circuit. Our brains are so fragile, that a dumb idea, can quite literally kill you on your feet; you're still walking, but you're a zombie, you're dead!

It's like dementia, but it can strike at nearly any age, and I'm afraid it may be more common, than we are able to acknowledge.

Without an outward, tangible, visible, and deep demonstration of your love for others, your life is nothing but a tragic illusion. You died quite some time ago, but here you body lies, still warm.

I had a couple come to see me, a real life Romeo and Juliet, with a story so tragic, that I couldn't bear to share it...

He. Fucked. Up. The. End.


It was an Indian couple, the guy was smart, so he figured it out eventually; but by then she was gone, just a warm body, a sweet spirit, and a smile, but her dementia had taken her, leaving such a cruel illusion.

We tried, and he gave her the most beautiful, most sincere, the deepest, most heartfelt apology I had ever seen or heard of in my life... but it was too late asshole!

She's gone now, and you fucked that one up; your whole life is a fuck up; because she was so beautiful and sweet, and you utterly shat on her, and yeah buddy you killed her!

>Not pouring a daily libation to Apollo Helios in exchange for his wisdom and natty gains

c'mon Sup Forums

The reason why the senior pastor gets to live in the big house, and you don't? The thing that seperates him from the junior pastor, the try hard, and all the dumb fucking clones? It boils down to this:

When I ask him a question, they're always smart enough to keep their mouth shut, come what may. They silently plead the fifth, and that's that mofos! They don't give a fuck about how weird that might seem, or how you might feel, they zip that shit! They have other tricks and redirections of course, but those tricks only work on insecure people, and they know it; so I see less of that than others do.

Fortunately for me, their better half, not that smart; in fact, more often than not, she's the mouth of the god damn south. Also, a nervous wreck - any idea why that might be, senior pastor Nobody?


That's not a Jesus Pepe.

** Knock Knock!
## Who's there?
** Jehovahs Witness! Here to tell you a long boring story about the Trinity that isn't true; same as muslim.
## Say, you might know Arius?
** Arius Who?
[Arius King Hit! Hits him hard enough to kill about 5% of adult males. KtfO! Closes front door, but locks it this time]

=> JW buggers off; googles Arius; Arius; who the fuck is Arius?

Exegesis, eh? Arian Heresy? Shat himself to death! Fucking Santa! So we're muslims? More just crazy assholes? I see...

JW realises that you did the right thing; he had it coming; he really did! God signed that; and it hits a little deeper this time; just punches right in the soul!

Kek is with me

The most powerfull yet simplest of prayers. No matter the situation, it always worKS for me.
In the name of Jesus Christ, watch over your children, protect then from evil.

Terminal Velocity, even in a thick, soupy atmosphere, is still quite fast. Without a parachute, you hit the ground fairly hard, popping all those stupid balloons, and crushing your bones into powder!

In a hard vacuum, even if the gravity is 1/5th that of the Earth, you bite the dust so hard, they can see the dust cloud with just a regular telescope. Utterly Pulverized! Man on the Moon... my ass!

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

#ReverseThrusters #Cmon #DoTheMath

Protip: Reverse Thrusters don't work too good in a hard vacuum, because the lack of back-pressure, from a thick, soupy, atmosphere, leaves only the momentum equation of the escaping gasses, and the math behind that is not particularly favourable towards a soft landing, unfortunately. Great movie!
#Engineer #FluidMechanics

* Also, nuclear weapons don't work, never have. Total bullshit! Jewish Technology...

Chinese still can't land on the Moon? Technology has progressed in what, 60/70 years... so why not?

Lying fat fucks! Moon my ass!