Simon Pegg Criticizes ‘Star Trek Beyond’ Marketing

>Now Pegg has offered his candid thoughts on the film’s disappointing box office, admitting he wasn’t crazy with the way the film was marketed while speaking with GeekExchange (via The Playlist):

>“I think it was poorly marketed, to be honest. If you look at a film like Suicide Squad, that was around for such a long time before it finally came out and people were so aware of it. Whereas with Star Trek Beyond, it was left too late before they started their marketing push. It still did great business, but it was disappointing compared to Into Darkness.”

>Pegg was also upset that the film’s trailer spoiled what was supposed to be a surprise: the reprise of “Sabotage”:

>“I was really angry about that, because it used ‘Sabotage,’ which was our surprise moment in the end. It was supposed to be a very fun and heightened twist, and something that was a big surprise and they blew it in the first trailer, which really annoyed me. They also made the film look like a boneheaded action film. And they were scared, I think, of mentioning the 50th Anniversary. It was fumbled as a thing; they didn’t know what to do with it and it’s a real shame. But I came away from it really, really happy and very proud of it.”

Why didnt you see Star Trek Beyond Sup Forums?

You could have saved Star Trek

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movie felt small scaled and idris elba was wasted on a retarded character
felt like a TV movie

It was basically TWOK III

lol i love it when these assholes struggle to come up with excuses to why their movie failed to try and cover up the fact that they ruined it through shitty writing and a dump plot

>muh marketing
I bombed because the first two films were utter trash.

He's completely correct though, the marketing completely turned me off from the movie but ended up seeing it in theaters one weekday afternoon and was very pleasantly siprised. The marketing fucked that movie

Better than Generations.

ST Beyond >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JJ Abrams ST and that horrible sequel with Sherlock Holmes in it

if you visited Sup Forums the weekend it was released, you would understand clearly why it bombed since everyone here was making fun of the ridiculous shit in that movie. The people who actually enjoyed it are in a very small minority.

how much marketing push do you need for the third movie in franchise? they were just starting up suicide squad and dc was known to be shit so they had to push harder

>People who enjoyed it are in the minority
>80 percent audience score on RT
are you confusing Sup Forums with the real world again user?

Trek is a thing of the past. It doesn't attract the mainstream audiences anymore. It's weird that it ever did. It's such a nerd show/series.

Even if he's right, it was a completely forgettable and crappy movie anyway. I actually don't even think he's right, because the marketing kind of lined up with the movie itself. I mean, they kind of wanted to make a early 2000s action movie, so they took music and motorcycles from that era and made shitty action scenes.

I can barely even remember the plot of that movie.

>early 2000s

This may be news to you, but movies feature songs in the years AFTER they come out.

Leave him alone, he's just a kid

>took music from that era
>"that era" = 2000s
>"music" = sabotage


the marketing and trailors where bad, yes
but so was the movie

and the movie was a bonehead action flick

>disgruntled former capt turns into a mutant because of fountain of youth machine(stupid idea)

the only good parts of the movie are scenes with bones in it, the rest is trash

>movie felt small scaled
That's a good thing

I did go and see it. It was pretty fun, but I guess Into Darkness soured the milk for most people.

All 3 of the prequels were basically trying to do Wrath of Khan's plot. Like Revenge is front line and center in all of them.

>09: Villain finds himself in past. Spends 2 decades planning his Shakespearean vengeance to destroy everything his enemy loves before his very eyes
>Into Darkness: Villain is forced to exchange work for the safety of the only people he loves, the proceeds to take revenge on the man who forced him into this situation, before going on to try and take revenge on all of humanity
>Beyond: Ex-Starfleet officer plans to take revenge on Starfleet for abandoning him for decades.

Compare that with the original movies:
>The Motion Picture: Ancient computer which didn't fully understand its purpose, or the way it was meant to go about achieving it returns home, threatening it in the process. The Enterprise has to figure out that this is the case.
>Wrath of Khan: Khan wants to avenge himself like no one ever did
>Search for Spock: Kirk sets out to save his friend, by restoring the life of his other friend. Klingons shenanigans ensue in the process
>Voyage Home: To appease incredibly powerful aliens, the Enterprise must travel back in time, and save a species from extinction
I could go on, but they're basically all completely different stories until like Nemesis.

>That's a good thing
No its not

Not sure why I wrote prequels.
I meant reboots.

> they didn’t know what to do with it
Yeah, the situation of Paramount with Star Trek or LucasArts with Star Wars.
>"We want to make big money but we have no idea how".

>create the Kelvin Timeline
>create "most original antagonist motivation ever"
>Nero wants revenge on Star Fleet
>Khan wants revenge on Star Fleet
>Krall wants revenge on star Fleet
This is every villain's MO in the JJverse timeline.

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>every Star Trek movie has to have the crew save the entire fucking universe every fucking time to be good

I was glad they finally got Bones involved with that movie because he was barely there in the first two. Probably the biggest improvement

Funny considering Simon Pegg wrote the script to Beyond.

it's time to move on, i'm tired of this time period and hearing about kirk

While I acknowledge the point you're making, fuck you for making me remember Voyage Home.

Uh, I'm sorry I guess?

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good job making the one about whales seem like it wasn't about whales.

Well they were certainly part of it, but they only served the greater purpose in that whale of a tale.

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>Why didnt you see Star Trek Beyond Sup Forums?
Because of into darkness and hearing it was directed by one of the fast and furious directors.
I've seen every trek movie since V in the theater on opening day and into darkness broke me.
It's a shame because I genuinely liked beyond. It wasn't a flawless 10/10 by any means but it at least tried to be a star trek movie.

Jar Jar Abrams had already ruined the franchise for actual trekkies. Yeah, they marketed Beyond in very wrong way, but damage had already been done by Jar Jar. Yes, like everyone says, it is far better Trek than JarJar films, but still too much of a generic action flick for a Star Trek movie.

it was a dumb shitty movie. that’s why it did poorly. I enjoyed Into Darkness quite a lot more. the only good thing that I remember, or remember about the movie in general, is that bones had a bigger part. they could probably pump out a couple more good star treks if they wrote decent scripts, but considering how fucking shit nearly every single new movie is nowadays I’m not optimistic

I really enjoyed Beyond

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whole film was worth it for the Yorktown

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and for her

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shit movie

>It's a Garak shoots a dressed down Riker episode.

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In a world where Transformers make billions, bad writing doesn't sink films.

The reason people thought it was a boneheaded action film is that it was a sequel to two boneheaded action films. Beyond was killed by Into Darkness, even the best marketing would help it.

Beyond is the best reboot movie, too bad it did not do well

Third reboot movie in a row where the plot is a guy is seeking revenge. So fucking boring. Glad it bombed and there won't be any more.

It was good and I agree with Pegg; the trailer was fucking shit and I didn't even really know about until a month or so before it came out.

Yep, but those shitty films still suck.

>The reason people thought it was a boneheaded action film is that it was a sequel to two boneheaded action films. Beyond was killed by Into Darkness, even the best marketing would help it.
This. The whole idea of making franchises is trying to keep original fanbase and try expand it bit towards mainstream audiences. I quite frankly don't understand how studio executives don't get it. That is how they get good word of mouth free publicity. Jar Jar Abrams is the ultimate yesman in Hollywood and does exactly what suits want. Two Jar Jar Treks later they had alienated the original fanbase and had Trekkies shit post all over the internet how shitty Jar Jar movies were. Add one show made for suits to market CBS All Access and they have effectively killed a franchise that made the studio a fuck ton of money over time span of 50 years.

And that's a good thing!

more like Star Trek Pee-yond in your pants, Pegg.

he was literally the same as Nero and Khan
>muh revenge on federation

I still don't understand wtf was up with the villain shapeshifting shit.

>beastie boys
>dude isn't that classical music?
it failed because it has juvenile dumb shit like that

Just a dumb plot twist.

Pegg's got an ego problem.
Just look at Beyond, he makes Scotty the third character after Kirk and Spock and hangs out with the chick all movie.

I like Into Darkness because whenever an Enterprise crashes it makes me emotional for some reason. Never saw Beyond though.

The alien technology they used to lengthen their lifespan mutates them partly into the race they're sucking the life force from. If he had been living on klingons he would look like a klingon but since it was just a bunch of random aliens who got stranded there there were just mongrelized. Once they got the crew of the enterprise and he started absorbing people he took a more humanoid form.
It was also so they could reveal that it was a statfleet captain who had gone crazy on the frontier.

>It was also so they could reveal that it was a statfleet captain who had gone crazy on the frontier.
Which they spoiled in a tv spot.

st beyond was fucking retarded. jj's weren't perfect, but beyond was as trash as trash gets. pacific rim level trash. transformers level trash.

That Rihanna song was pretty good

HOW did they get away with it?

Yeah, pegg is only saying this because he was one of the people who wrote the script. Some trek fans liked it but I kind of felt having a film version of a original series episode was too small scale.

not the whole universe but a film where you at lest get a sense of the scope of things, even initially. I think they failed at that pretty comprehensively.

>baww I wrote a flop and destroyed a franchise, please don't let my career die
Maybe he should go back to bashing Blumpf instead of running damage control for a 3 year old movie.

Um Voyage Home is the best one? Sorry sweetie.

the first 2 abrams films turned off the base. we were meant to feast on easter eggs while the bulk of the movie was unwatchable gimmicks meant to attract millenials.

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He didn't kill the franchise, he was just trying to resuscitate it after Jar Jar had raped and murdered it. His resuscitation attempt just turned out to be awkwardly looking like necrophilia due to bad marketing campaign.

He is right, the advertising was completely absent. I see shit movies get such huge advertising, yet this had like nothing. I enjoyed the movie well enough, and thought it was fine. It could have done way better if they used advertising.

>actually liked nu-trek
>never even heard of this movie until 2 years later
I think he's right, the marketing must have been shit

>the film’s trailer spoiled x
is a fucking cancer on the film industry. you can pique interest without squishing the entire movie into five minutes

>Why didnt you see Star Trek Beyond?
Because Into Darkness was really bad and soured any expectations I may have had for it.