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Wow, they're only like 15 years late

Family Guy is still making new episodes?

Not really. They've waited long enough that the joke is no longer obnoxious and overused. If anything this will be nostalgia-kino.

hmm pity Fox or Blizzard?

lol fuck off shill

hey lois i'm playing a dead game


>no longer obnoxious and overused

leeroy wasnt even that funny to begin with

this would be like them using some stale old meme like nyan cat

Warcraft IIII announcement habbening

>tfw 2006 was 15 years ago

its not as dead as destiny 2 lol


>he doesn't know


I don't get how they can fuck up like this. This season had a couple of funny bits mocking SJWs or the TV industry, with jokes that are current and somewhat socially relevant, and now they go and be like "hey let's parody this game that hasn't been relevant in years and make fun of memes people have forgotten about"

Leeeroy was so overused in its heyday for so long that it will never not be stale.

>being this stupid
i'm lmaoing @ you're life

you fucking retard

That's the one thing I'll always praise South Park for over Family Guy is that South Park always gets their jokes in first before anyone else can bandwagon it. At this point, War Craft is autism level garbage and no one liked the movie so why even bother?

Whoa is it 2004?


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thoughts on this one

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IIII is a valid alternate form, semitards. It's only a matter of time until someone uses that denomination for some uniqueness flavor.

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It drives me absolutely nuts that a shitty, unfunny, fake blizzard marketing video is looked back on fondly

>Every item that drops in every dungeon is epic
>5 million hp


Hey Lois I are in sans undertale

>>Every item that drops in every dungeon is epic

but that is a raid and that has been the case since vanilla release brainlet

Raven lord and obsidian nightwing is all i need


Don't do that.

Because family guy is meant for autistic manchildren who stopped developing in 2005.

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South Park already did it.

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This. I thought that shit was finally just reruns. FUCK. When will this shit die already.

The last cartoon ever...

Aktually, the original 10 mans had rares up until the last boss.

Uh oh...

sans undertale

This is the last boss that can be engaged in a 10 player format

jesus christ, i thought i could get away from him when i left /wowg/


It never ceases to amaze me how WoW keeps on going.

everquest just got a new expansion, and is still developing more. once an autist gets hooked on something it wont leave it. wow will be fine for another 10 years at least

>sub numbers so low blizz stopped reporting them
dead game

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hello peter from family guy

holy crap


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can't wait for the barrage of "no-life" jokes even though the game keeps getting casualized by the patch lads

I am convince that there is massive fraud occurring within the Nielsen ratings. How else do you explain shows like Family Guy and The Simpsons still somehow getting enough ratings to keep getting renewed. Hell, i have to go on a massive hunt just to find a single person irl who admits they still watch The Simpsons.

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You're not searching in the right places. Try anywhere in Latin America.

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2018 WoW jokes should be people playing the game on a ipad and not realizing that it's an online game (because the game is an anti social lifeless experience)

>massive fraud
more like sample bias. and it's not really a matter of ratings at this point, they're an established brand and as long as they don't offend anyone, people won't turn the TV off. that how they get ad money.

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what the fuck is this? I wish I could walk by graffitikino every day.

hhahaha le ebin goblino comedy

legit why do SA people love simpsons and dragonball so much

Why is Homie sticking a knife in Flanderns neck?

it's the only cartoon they show

he's high

>blocks your path

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How did American Dad end up being so good?

Seth is /ourguy/

best girl


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A combination of better setting, better VA's and better writers.

And yes, I'm aware that you just read that in my voice, Stan.

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this is a terrible Promo campaign trying to fall back on the success of make love not Warcraft :( there is literaly 0 good jokes you can make about wow legion the last expansion you could really make jokes of was vanilla because it was so weird and qwerky.

This is the most blatant shilling I've ever seen on this board.

>9 is still IX instead of VIIII

Fucking disgusting, at least be consistent

I still watch new episodes of Family Guy AMA

that's what call of duty is doing...

Sunday is the first of Aprils you absolute nonces. It's a prank.

South park did it like 10 years ago.

fr*ck off pissado

*blocks your path*

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Simpsons did it

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