Guys wtf I'm spooped
Been redpilling my girlfriend on the realities of the world for the last year. She even browses Sup Forums every once and a blue moon. Last night I dropped the ultimate redpill on her and told her about our warped timelines and the occult. I explained how not all spirits are used for bad, and how rituals can be taken to the umpteenth level just like anything else in life. I told her about false gods and REAL gods...I ended up convincing her that we need to push our timeline back into the proper state.
In the middle of the night I felt something drop on my face. I figured I knocked something off my window and immediately went back to bed. I wake up and have a cut and blood across my face.
No animals in the room. No fallen objects on the bed.
We are now 2 believers under one roof. I think i may have created a negative shift energy in my house.
What can I do to get rid of this Shitbird that cut me? Does smudging actually work?