Guys wtf I'm spooped

Guys wtf I'm spooped

Been redpilling my girlfriend on the realities of the world for the last year. She even browses Sup Forums every once and a blue moon. Last night I dropped the ultimate redpill on her and told her about our warped timelines and the occult. I explained how not all spirits are used for bad, and how rituals can be taken to the umpteenth level just like anything else in life. I told her about false gods and REAL gods...I ended up convincing her that we need to push our timeline back into the proper state.

In the middle of the night I felt something drop on my face. I figured I knocked something off my window and immediately went back to bed. I wake up and have a cut and blood across my face.

No animals in the room. No fallen objects on the bed.

We are now 2 believers under one roof. I think i may have created a negative shift energy in my house.

What can I do to get rid of this Shitbird that cut me? Does smudging actually work?

Burn white sage and rosemary.

take it to /x/

also wear some garlic.

As far as I'm concerned we have a better understanding of the realities of the occult at this point than they do.

Real talk here user.
Talking about these things that are evil will give them strength.
Again, real talk because I've seen and experienced these things, I encourage you to stay redpilled on the evil of the world, just don't talk too much/dabble in the occult. If you're the religious type, go to church. Fill your house with positive good energy.
You get hung up on that stuff, it gets strong.
Stay safe burger.

you could also place some under your pillow

>women on Sup Forums


/x/ for fuck's sake. Also, you're imagining things, I scratch myself in my sleep a lot.
