
Help me Sup Forums I just smoked marijuana, snorted left over coke from yesterday and took XTC. I also had mushrooms, I don't feel well.

help, bel ambulanc

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Smoke more weed


hope you die, degenerate.

Why would mix all that shit? Should have stopped after coke because it's not a too bad mix with weed...

Have a nice trip just make sure you don't

XTC plus coke is a moderate cardiac risk. The treatment is benzos if you have any.

You'll probably be fine, but benzos are a godsend for stimulant overdoses.

go lurk /po/ or some other weird board like that, this will only bring you down

tl;dr stream your death

Depending how much you have taken, you should call an ambulance, at minimum get a person to watch you, in case you collapse.


are your senses working overtime?


Drink tons of water and lay down with your eyes closed, you won't be able to sleep but atleast give your brain some rest.
Call a good friend to be with you or if you're experiencing headaches or heartpain call an ambulance.

Whatever you do, don't look at the spiders.


Maybe transcendental meditation will help

Why would you do that? You are dumb as fuck.

as your friendly neighborhood herpetologist i have a great solution, this little guy is a waxy monkey tree frog, they secrete a strong hallucinogen when disturbed, honor kek and get super high by licking a frog my dudes.

Is this serious? Mixing psychedelics like lsd or mushrooms is always dangerous, especially with stuff like coke which can raise your heart rate.

I mixed lsd and weed and it gave me a bad trip, i'd trip tons of times before with no problems but mixing weed gave me my first ever anxiety attack. I spent most of my lsd trip feeling like i was gonna have a heart attack and since then i get regular anxiety attacks, something i've never had before that bad trip. I don't feel 100% mentally either so i don't touch drugs anymore. Psychedelics are like cooking food in an oven, stay too long in the oven and you'll get overcooked. Don't abuse them or do them too regularly because they will fuck you up, i speak from experience and as someone who had a love for psychedelics. One bad trip can really stay with you. I also get flashbacks regularly. The bad trip have me hppd.

I'll be the sane one.

You are fine. Do as belgium said, but almost assuredly you will be fine. Get off Sup Forums as it will just stress you out.


Hello user, drink water and eat some food. If you've got some candy that's fine too. Lay down on your couch and watch some TV, you're not gonna die.

also pls take good care of the frog if you do this

the high should be without side effects

Kill waarom een heel topic maken ipv 112 bellen? Waar woon je?

You'll be fine, retarded comination btw.

420 blaze it faggot.

Drink a carton of orange juice, vitamin c kills psylocybin.

you are fine, the coke is out of your system , marijuna does no cause overdoes and xtc is not dangerous expect in extreme doses and mushrooms you cant overdose on them

If you had overdosed on coke you already would be in the hospital

Pleb. Where you at?

ive done ritalin+coke+meth combo and im still around