Disgusting movie about pedophile faggots fucking each other in the ass. I hope the old...

Disgusting movie about pedophile faggots fucking each other in the ass. I hope the old, fat Jewish producers that rape young child actors during their depraved cocaine-fueled Satanic orgies get their shriveled-up micropenises cut off and burn in Hell for producing this morally-bankrupt, degenerate piece of propaganda to further the gay/pedophile agenda.

It boggles my mind how many people are pretending this move is great and worthy of the fucking Oscar it won.

Attached: gay pedofile flick.jpg (1080x1600, 167K)

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t. an autist who didn't even see the film

watched it with my mum a few days ago. She was just as disgusted by it as me.

>in Italy
Are Amerilards unable to comprehend an existence outside of their own country?

>anywhere but America

>watched it with my mum
Yeah so autist.

oh no, it's the Sup Forums moral police

Little do you know you just increased it's view count by 2,000!

>imagine being this plebbit

Attached: laughingoscarnominees.jpg (3000x2000, 544K)

They were both American

But they weren't in America

Stop being trigged you fat fuck

Are you somehow implying that American laws apply in Italy?

>an American visiting Italy
>an born and raised Italian
>both in Italy in the 80s

Attached: 1519379589604.png (548x800, 620K)

What a plebeian little snowflake you are

yeah it was disgusting, only pedos can watch shit like this


aw you didn't mention the pizza place

>Some of the film's supporters argue that the relationship in the movie was “consensual,” or that the legal age of consent in Italy is 14 (as if that has anything to do with objective moral values and ethics!).
Is this the most retarded sentence in human history?

Yes, brainlet.


>Federal law prohibits an American citizen or resident to travel to a foreign country with intent to engage in any form of sexual conduct with a minor
Which isn't at all what happened

Have fun proving in court that you just happened to fuck a kid while you were abroad and didn't plan to.

Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.


Attached: nice.gif (500x390, 1.92M)

Being attracted to twink faggots is inexcusable and this movie romanticizes and glorifies gay pedophilia

>watching movies about gay sex with your mom


Well America isn't like third world shit holes were kids are forced to take on the role of an adult at the age of 12-13 you sick.

Don't try and push your world's value system on our's.

We come from completely different worlds and your rules don't apply here and visa versa.

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>Don't try and push your world's value system on our's.
>he says while complaining that other countries have different ages of consent

>teenagers shouldnt be allowed to have sex
>age of drinking is 21

>We come from completely different worlds and your rules don't apply here and visa versa.
but that's Italy?

so is this movie ok in new york but not california?
dont you see how your own laws are retarded?
you can have sex with an italian when you're 16 and he's 18 in america, but not italy

forgot pic

Attached: Untitled.png (350x653, 40K)

thanks Mexico...

Attached: nani.png (600x600, 175K)

I never said teenagers shouldn't be having sex.

What I meant was that frown ass men shouldn't be fucking 12-14 year olds. There's a giant difference between say a 17 year old getting with a 14 year old and a 40 year doing it.

Attached: 3Kdk9D9.gif (320x240, 805K)

sorry i didnt know what that actually meant, i thought it meant 16+

yeah then i agree
but the parents should be responsible (and are) in most countries where age of consent is

I can see them in an homosexual social drama about these two young boys discovering themselves and each other.

"who Stole my virginity?"

What the fuck are you? Amish? Get the shit out of here, Pieterzoon, and rake out the fucking barn already.

But the guy in this movie is 17, not 14.