If this becomes true, it'll be the ultimate Reddit: The Series

If this becomes true, it'll be the ultimate Reddit: The Series

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Why? It sounds like it could be a lot of fun.

>t. Reddit Libtard

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>If this becomes true
at least the action scenes will be watchable, unlike say the walking dead?

I myself only watch indie maltese kino

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I'm fine with this, I don't play multiplayer shooter games but the CGI stings made it look like there were some fun characters in there.

so do you have a reason not to like overwatch's characters or do you just enjoy being contrarians?

The second one

hehhe le redit series shit tast am i rite bros

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>they will happen but there will never be a Team Fortress 2 show on Adult Swim

It's not fair.


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It's unironically Diversity: The Videogame

and? are you so afraid of the sjw boogieman you can't enjoy a show because it's characters come from different countries? Do you also think Street Fighter II is "Diversity: The Fighting Game"?

Don't you have some cotton to be picking Tyreese?

It has people from different nationalities because the game is available globally, is that really a problem? Or did you expect all characters to be American?

6 more years libtard

haha upvoted, friend!

The heroes are diverse but it doesn’t shove it in your face. As someone who hates when actors come out and talk about how great a movie is cuz it has 3 black people in it, overwatch isn’t bad at all

oh careful what you wish for
JJ has been working on a portal movie and a half life movie for years now


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Overwatch is reddit and for plebs
wow is garbage and sc2 is dead
Hearthstone is the patrician Blizzard game

I prefer my diversity with funny stereotypes like Punch Out and G Gundam.

I know nothing about Overwatch, but is it really SJW garbage? I mean, THIS character is in it.

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Let's just hope it never actually happens like most things by Valve.

This, they even have a black scientist and don't make a big deal about it.

Just weaboos butthurt no one care about their japanese trash games and the japanese industry being completely irrelevant.

Don't worry, if it does happen we can take solace in the fact they won't be trilogies.

It's just a game, but 4chinners always make things about politics

this. most of the characters are either weird guys, cool guys, or hot women.

okay? you're yet to explain why diversity equals bad. I mean, there's a lot more than this to overwven it has some stereotypes (the american cowboy, the japanese ninja/archer, the strong russian woman, etc.)

Widowmaker was brainwashed by men into being a killer, it's not her fault.

There was a signature campaign that succeeded to change one of Tracer's taunts because the pose was emulating a pin-up model from WW2, which SJWs found offensive and regressive.

And that doesn't even address the hypocrisy of lauding yourself as the most progressive title on the market for your diverse cast of characters when most of your employees are white men applying a "gotta catch 'em all" checking off little boxes mentality about minorities.

>there's a lot more than this to overwven
meant "there's a lot more than this to overwatch, and it even..."

The game itself doesn't really push any message outside of "Anyone can be a hero". Don't know what they did with their marketing campaign because I don't pay attention to that sort of thing. It's all dishonest hyperbole.

Valve has been courted with movie deals for Half-Life ever since the first one came out and they're still saying they're not gonna do any movies set in the HL universe.

Post the best girl.

Literally perfect

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I don't care really. Widowmaker is still a hot woman of the likes you don't see in SJW propaganda, and so are most of the female cast of the game.

Overwatch is literally just GI Joe the videogame

It just caters to more fetishes than Joe

Are you talking about the gorilla

The thing you said about Tracer isn't true. They changed a generic "ass against the camera" pose INTO the pin-up pose from WWII, which is still used in the game.

>Junkrat and Roadhog fucking around
I'd watch it

In other words, something Sup Forums will never stop bitching about?


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For a Overwatch series to work it should be animated and be really careful with it's characters. I don't think any of them are fundamentally broken but some really need some work not to be boring, obnoxious and/or one dimensional.
Yeah, I don't really think it has any real chance of being good, but I wish it had.

Most contrarian image I've seen all week.

portal 2 is a fucking masterpiece. the rest is more or less correct

>it's popular so it's bad.

>Video game with any semblance of lore/plot line

Choose 1

All safe commitee designed cardboard cut outs for all the white people to fawn over.

an overwatch show? sounds hella fucking epic

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It does have lore though

pink floyd being reddit is the most stupid thing I've seen on Sup Forums in weeks


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>it's not reddit because I like it
it doesn't work that way retard

Tell me how it works please

>it is reddit because i don't like it
stunningly embarrassing

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redditcore is just stuff the people on reddit likes, why is this so hard for you mongs to grasp? They love Pink Floyd

But I never implied that?!

So I assume the moment reddit likes something that you like, you immediately stop liking it?

Why would I do that? Not everyone is an insecure piece of trash, who let's online forums dictate their opinion

>redditcore is just stuff the people on reddit likes
here's your FOR YOU

if this is your metric newfag, then it is completely moronic because in that case every fucking thing ever is going to be reddit at one point or another
But you seem too fucking stupid to even realize this. Or rather you are yourself too fucking reddit I should say really

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i remember when she first came out they had to shrink her ass to appease the sjws

>when newfags call you newfag

>every fucking thing ever is going to be reddit at one point or another
yeah, no shit?

What else would be the metric? Jesus Christ, it's even in the name

Sup Forums seems to distance themselves from anything even remotely popular so they can claim some sort of made up superiority. Sup Forums itself is unpopular site that doesn't have a lot of visitors, so maybe that's where it comes from.





Holy shit kill yourself.

I don't think I've met anyone on this site more retarded than you.

Can you please kill yourself?

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boyega to play Winston?

I disagree that the wire is redditcore.

Overwatch is fucking sick. A tv series would be righteous and fun. It's impossible to not like at least a couple characters in this game, they are all given so much love and care.

Hopefully they'd just keep the voice actors they already have... and for you racists on this board, Winston is played by a white dude.

The funny thing is that Overwatch promotes the good kind of multiculturalism by featuring characters from all sorts of countries and different ethnicities who are openly proud of their heritage and culture, e.g. Japanese brothers who model themselves after ninja and samurai, an American man who models himself after a gunslinger, a Swiss woman who models herself after Norse myths, an Australian man who models himself after a shitposter, a German man who models himself after crusaders (don't know how the fuck they got that one past the censors).

A utopia compared to the globalist future where everyone will be one racemixed brown mess under one global flag with no culture or history that will be reality.

Hearthstone is for fat fucks. Wow is sill king.

The animated shorts for each character are literally better than anything Disney’s produced in years.

reddit likes family guy?

This. There are still different races and cultures to be proud of in Overwatch's future. Instead of the goobacks globalists want to turn us into.

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Jesus, idk if its reddit, but overwatch is host to some of the most dangerous autism to date. just go on pornhub and and search overwatch and see how much shit pops up
That being said that game probably has the most cute girls playing but thats still not enough to sway me over to even touching that game let alone watching some shit rate tv show on it. Also any user who wants this show to happen is either a femanon(5% chance) or a nu-male who jerks off to OW porn on a daily basis(95% chance)

prove me wrong

There's a gap in the market for this tripe now that Rick and Morty is cancelled

>succeeded to change one of Tracer's taunts because the pose was emulating a pin-up model from WW2, which SJWs found offensive and regressive.

Nope, they just changed a show ass pose that was more like widowmaker INTO a WW2 pin up. They kept it sexual but to her style, which was was what the original post was really complaining about.


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What would it air on? CN, Adult Swim, try for a major network on an animation block timeslot?

>Sup Forums calling

blizzard isn't retarded so it wouldn't air on cable that no one under 90 watches

Ya if anything they would shop it to Netflix or amazon

Blizzard made the Tracer pose even sexier in response to that petition.

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>implying it will ever be more kino than the tf2 shorts

Boyega would be 76 and we all know it

le based blizzard lmao xD!
it was manufactured controversy you dumb corporate cocksucking shill

can you actually make any kind of argument without devolving into mushmouth memes?

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This. Blizzdrones really are fucking brainlets. Who do you think kept seeding the whole "OMGGG ONE OF THE CAST IS LBGBTQRTT+++!!!" faux controversy.

Anything with more Mercy is good.

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The delusion is real.... god you do know how bad republicans are going to get creamed in the next election?

Me having to wait 2 years is gonna be rough but the payout will be epic.

Weeaboo has two E's in it, user.

Any excuse to not update their game I guess

It's being updated constantly.

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this thread reminds me that i haven't even BEEN to reddit today! think of how many cat pictures i've missed out on! =O

Rick and Morty is not cancelled. Wishing for something doesn't make it reality.

The animated shorts are the only good thing to come from this. Reinhardt's and Bastion's are both fucking great.

>tfw no tf2 tv series

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If they make it like JL/JLU then it'll be good.

It should be more like Teen Titans Go.

And they still can't balance it. I finally dropped this shit the second time they "fixed" Mercy.