Why are half white, half asians always so fucking ugly?

why are half white, half asians always so fucking ugly?

is it nature's way of saying: don't ruin your gene pool?

>implying elliot wasn't supermodel tier gentleman

Elliot wasn't "ugly", he was just really feminine looking. I remember seeing an edit of him without his feminine cheekbones and he looked way better

pic related

Look at his smile. You know that this kid is fucked in the head.

it's not just elliot, all half asians are fucking ugly.

here's a half indonasian, literal jew.

The Rodge is a supreme gentleman, you filthy swine.

>male tomoko
>with a gun

So that's why his face looks off. I never knew he was mixed.

>iranian flag
>is a weeb
why is that japanese cancer infecting everything?