Based Strong Independent Black Womyn brings up Hillary's Spirit Cooking and child trafficking on Fox News!


It's over Hillary is finished!

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You can't even define what a spirit is.

Excuse me? Is this some new CTR technique to pretend spirit is a social construct like gender or something?

Do it, faggot, explain what a spirit is. Enlighten my tiny, shill brain; shouldn't be too hard of a concept to describe if it's so obvious.

Looks like she overdosed on Sup Forums



lol I love this lady

I Wonder If She Will be (((dropped)))?

>based black lady
she was on Neil Cavuto the other day too and went nuclear. was epic

>non physical part of a person
Okay, if your spirit is non physical, then how can you, or anyone else, interact or influence it in anyway?

You're asking the wrong people you faggot nigger. Why don't you ask podesta and the crazy gypo cunt who are bathing in jizz and period blood what a spirit is.

Kek go big or go home

Based black woman speaks the truth. Praise kek. Trump will win

Spirit ≠ Spirit Cooking & child rape

Nice derail attempt, faggEt.

Ask Hillary and her employees, they're the ones that beliee in that.

Were you ever scared or panicked about an upcoming trial in your life?

Well just pee in a cup and drink it, then all your problems go away. Your spirit gains the courage.

This is how you influence the non-physical, by drinking your urine.

>You're asking the wrong peopleYou're the onw who brought that shit up faggot, explain that to me with your own words coward.

>primitive negroids scared of white devil magic

Blacks are freaking out about #SpiritCooking because they're too stupid to know it's bullshit.


in the last seconds she goes OFF

ty based black woman

>how about the spirit cooking that's all over the.............WikiLeaks

She was going to say Sup Forums

damn latonya woke af

I can't wait to put you on trial for treason.

She mentioned it in best way possible.
Now CNN wont be able to spin it around as FOX exclusive.


may God bless her. true black americans have a healthy fear of the LORD which will serve them well. demons are real.

We don't know. Ask that dumb witch. It involves titty juice and cum. That's who you're voting for you ctr shill

At least get caught up with all the shit before you shit post.

>demons are real.
Kill yourself faggot kike spic nigger.

Timestamp? No way im going to watch 5 minute of burger television

Can't wait for you to be put in FEMA concentration camps because you're a FUCKING. WHITE. MALE.


I love how easily the shills are being exposed. Keep up the good fight anons.

get in here, men. demon detected.

>a fucking leaf
This is why that meme exists, because Canadain posters are morons (not all).

You can't even define what a demon is..

everyone knows its bullshit

we dont want our president practicing bullshit

It is the last 30 seconds

Based as fuck.

This is amazing. I can't stop laughing. The good bit is high energy maga stuff.

>this faggot still posting about defining words
lol wtf? Did CTR hire homeless people now because they got their funding cut? They're just posting gibberish now.

I blame you for this, Sup Forums.

Christ I hate that fucking negress Jahmu disgusting looking bitch with her piss dyed hair.

Based redpilled black lady.

What is with this "Robert Byrd fought for civil rights" meme? He voted against the civil rights act and filibustered it.

they actually said "it's 2016"

That particular image is a known photochop and using it just gives the shills ammo BTW.

>this faggot still doesn't have a basic grasp of the concepts he wantonly throws around
What good is a thought if it can't be explained? It's funny, you have no problem accepting the credibility of contemporary academics if they agree with your narrative, but then vehemently reject their professionalism if they don't reinforce your agenda.
Really makes you think.

Thanks for correcting the record, Mister Trudeau!

It is, you retard. And if you pass fake shit as authentic you hurt our cause.

>asian country

How do I do karate?

>Faux News
She is spouting nonsense on national TV becauseTrump's campaign managers gave her a lifetime supply of cornbread and watermelon plus a lifetime subscription to OprahTV

>It's 2016

Are you guys literally fucking retarded?

It takes 5 seconds on google to find out that your little goto image of byrd is a photoshop.

and the more you pass it around, the more you make the rest of us look like retards.

What's the 14 & the fish mean?


That was fucking savage.

CTR pls

What about Hillary being quotes "Robert Byrd was my mentor."? Guess we photoshopped that into history too.

The original photo is 14 & 88
I don't know why a fish was photoshopped on there

I told you the blacks and shit would care. White people dont since this is normal behavior to them nowadays, so they assume it is for everyone.


Can confirm, my dad works for the Vatican.

That was real you faggot.

The KKK pictures are fakes. He really did disavow the klan.

she's right. everyone in the usa should have the right to vote and support a candidate. the president should not be compelled to denounce them. even if it was Citizens For ISIS or whatever you can think of.


When is it your turn?

Ainsley is smokin ass fuckin hot

My SUPER EXCELLENT fellow AMERICANs, if Hillary Clinton is elected
president of the USA here’s the timeline of events that will follow:

1. Inauguration.

2. Media ejaculates in its own mouth.

3. Massive purge of coco butter residue from white house, aka “Operation

4. FBI Indicts her & her crew.

5. TIM KAINE becomes president of the USA.

6. Media ejaculates in its own mouth again.

7. George Soros wraps his own son tightly with 3M Super 33 electrical tape.
George then slathers olive oil all over his son who is now tightly wrapped
into the shape of a cock. George then inserts his own tightly wrapped,
heavily lubricated son into his own ass. George then ejaculates into his own

8. Beyonce' wraps Jay-Z very tightly in 3M SUPER 33 electrical tape. She
wraps him so tight he takes the shape of a giant black penis with a monkey
face. She then slathers him with copious quantities of XtraVirginOliveOil.
Now Jay-Z's entire body is a slippery black-tape-wrapped penis shape.
Beyonce' then inserts Jay-Z, in his entirety, into her fat, half black ass
hole. Beyonce' then ejaculates into her own mouth.

Just a heads up: CTR is in full sperg out because of the attempted assassination on Donald Trump. They are desperate and they know they'll be arrested under the RICO Act. Expect them to instigate a series of false flags and then try to blame us for it. Don't engage them, just report them and hide their posts.

wtf, i love black women now. I'm going to choose one to be my spouse and raise a happy family of mixed breed children that will go on to make me a proud father!

Jehmu Greene blinks as much as she lies.

I have the weirdest boner right now.

Holy shit! Hillary Clinton IS the white devil! They wuz right and shiiiiit.

This. Even if YOU think its silly or not real, Christians and the majority of black people want nothing to do with magic or the dark arts, this is a good thing and will cost Hitlery votes no matter how few. God bless you black lady.

Hey, Trumpfags, niggers do not care if Hillary and her cohorts worship satan. Just like niggers do not care that abortion is a form of child sacrifice for the sin of sex out of wedlock and lust. Niggers only want enough government money to stay alive long enough to vote Democrat. Hillary could sacrifice a baby live on CNN and Trump will still lose.

Hillary Clinton on Robert Byrd former KKK chapter leader of West Virginia in the early 1940s

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: “It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not just its longest serving member, he was its heart and soul. From my first day in the Senate, I sought out his guidance, and he was always generous with his time and his wisdom.


These niggers do. Yes I agree there is an overwhelming amount of blacks that don't fit this, but don't lump them all into one likeminded group.

Double confirmed, my uncle is a vatican.

Those niggers might dress up on sunday and worship a dead jew the white man told them to but they will still vote Democrat for the same reason. Church niggers are not ever going to vote for Trump.

Bullshit or not

It's fucking weird.

Have you been too a black church?
They take religion very seriously, so do Hispanics.

Worshipping Satan isn't a good thing.





That black woman absolutely btfo that nigger


Actually I have been to several black churches and much of what I saw was blacks imitating whites except when they ran up and down the isles. Black are stupid and so are hispanics. Blacks what the welfare and hispanics want the open borders. They both want to kill whitey and even if Hillary was a pedo satan worshiper those niggers and spics will still vote for her.... if their lazy asses actually get out and vote.


I'm an occult practitioner who does spirit cooking AMA

I know what a demon is when I see it.

Y-you do know spirit cooking is a thing from the emails right? That user didn't make up the term

What signs can we look for to further prove Hillary involvement in spirit cooking?

Is she, dare I say, our guy?

This is seriously the dumbest ctr technique yet

Wtf, I love black women now

>wtf I love nigresses now

when you shill too much on pol and then become pol

are you getting slightly angered or annoyed by the person/persons your responding to? or even ammused? is the emotion of anger or any emotion physical? but people sure can interact with and influence all manner of non physical things
you cant stop what is happening, get crushed in its wake or atone and help it along

And whites have disavowed slavery, so black people should really just get over it.

You can't even define what a technique is.

if electricity is non physical than how can anyone interact or influence it