The Terror Live Thread

Starts in 30 minutes on AMC. Get in here for kino boys

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_lost_expedition

watched it last night. shit is boring desu. THink Master and Commander without battles

i like the intro

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If you want actual kino then search jewtube for "endurance documentary Liam neeson"

how many blacks?

Has the full series been uploaded yet?

god master and commander was so good

the battles were the most boring part of master and commander

tf?! the intro was literally the catalyst for the whole goddamn movie. the battles were dope and realistic. but even the movie outside of the battles were perfect. pure kino

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0, no women either (well, almost, there were a few in a flashback)

ugh. not interested!

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Zero...which is why i am staying on board until the next episode. Considering the garbage The Walking Dead has turned into and the White Men Suck (Fear)...I am apprehensively on board with this.

Based on's_lost_expedition

Adaptation based on this-

Holding my breath, but so far...pretty legit.

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any sites or torrent links?

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Oh shit, I didn't know it was about that fictionalized version of the Erebus and Terror ships. mite be cool

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it's finally starting? holy shit nice. great book.

>great book
the final third and the monster reveal was absolutely dog shit like DUDE! giant bear lol

cautiously optimistic, might be good with anons

brettygood is playing it

Ep 1 is legit.

Was anyone really expecting the wendigo or anything?

The Tuunbaq
A soul-devouring monster from Inuit mythology, the Tuunbaq is an indestructible killing machine that has taken the form of a massive polar bear with an elongated neck. The product of a war between the Inuit gods, it has been banished to the frozen northern wastes. The Tuunbaq preys on all creatures within its icy domain but particularly likes to eat the souls of humans. Only the sixam ieua' - spirit governors of the sky - a select group of Inuit shaman, specially bred for their psychic abilities, hold any sway over the beast. The sixam ieua allow the Tuunbaq to eat their tongues as a sign of their dedication, but they can summon the creature and pay homage to it with their throat singing and gifts of animal flesh. They communicate with it (and other sixam ieua) using a form of telepathy.

please do not post series long spoilers in the thread for the first episode

go fuck yourself. everyone dies except the captain and the indian whore

No spoiler...just the novel it is based on. I have no idea if it is relevant user...just research.

Quads for dead squaw.

stream at brettygood fyi

rip billy, we will never forget you


Billy learns to breath underwater.

It's probably hard to resist when mongs keep saying it's just a fucking polar bear tbf, when it's totally not
Tho considering it's tv I expect to barely see it but have the loss made up with concentrating on the men killing each other

well some of them do start cannibalizing each other, theres a ringleader who instigates the cannibalism cant remember his name

Reminder to comcast users that you can simply buy the AMC Premiere, watch all episodes and then cancel!

>those eyes as he expires
>the released piss dripping on the floor
this show's gonna be great

So is it about Cthulhu?

Master and Commander without battles is still good though

>See thread about cool new show
>Instantly get spoiled

gg Sup Forums

monkey kino confirmed

>19th century autopsy

yeah...thats the good shit

It's a giant evil penguin, so sorta.

those spoilers are bullshit though

so they're kikes but instead of the foreskin they give the tongue, got it.

Didn't he describe it in the book as a giant polar bear looking fucker with a long ass neck and glowing red eyes? Although I read it when it first came out so I might be remembering falsley

Wasn't the whole first season suppose to be out today?

I'm only watching if this is the opening

No women, no forced minorities, no political horseshit.

Yes, this series is going to be great.

i liked it. has potential. amc will probably ruin it though.

You may have noticed that we're fucking around in an effort to avoid ruining it for all the non-book friends

Did you forget what regular television is like? Or are you just so used to Netflix that you expect to binge a show and be done with it in a weekend?

But I was fucking around, the monster in the book was a massive carnivorous lion seal

I have a weird feeling that the show might devolve into noble savagery worship. I wouldn't be surprised if they throw in some subplot where one of the sailors runs off with an native girl or something.

From some site

>The entire first season of The Terror will be available for AMC Premiere customers simultaneously with the linear premiere at 9 PM March 26.

he died as he lived, cold and alone.


book reader here

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I read the book and the first 75% is kino, but holy shit does he ruin the last 25% of it. It's like he didn't know how to write the ending.

Dan Simmons is good author. Whether or not this series succeeds will mean nothing in the long run.

So it seems like it's AMCs version of Netflix, kinda like what BBC is doing. Gotta pay $5 a month to get it and then you can binge to your hearts delight.

Hicks I believe.

You know it has to go down like that. ((They)) cannot let our history be told in a bold and brave light...because we all know the KANGZ wuz ships yo...

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Is this one of those annoying things where you have to already have a tv subscription to use it

It's Kangneleious Hickory.

mobdro senpai

How glad would you feel to see a woman, if you had just been cooped up an a frosty pile of timber with rum-addled sodomites for a year?

I was in the other thread posting to myself

Obviously you have never been married.

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Fucking fags, can't go one winter without getting their dicks wet

Okay lads, that was the infamous buttfucking scene so you can all relax now

no...NO! i wont stand for these fags in my show

Sup Forums you told me this wasn’t a progressive show

where is the fucking season

Is ep 2 downloadable yet?

not on any torrent sites that im on

Back to plebflix

This is kino already

Pray sir, may I draw your attention to the fact that the two fellows concerned were presented in a furtive fashion and may in fact be considered despicable blackguards rather fine gentlemen of virtue to be praised?


Says the entire series will be released to purchase on Comcast after this episode is over; USA EST time for me.

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>this low bit rate

The shadows are all mashed up

What are the eskimos doing out in that weather

They just shot a black womans grandma out in the frozen tundra, they're gonna all gangbang her now.

Thank god for Liberal Justice so we can have a strong independent Eskimo

The fuck? Since when does a polar bear do that?


>that cut

i dont think that was supposed to be comedic

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lmao

it's a mystical spooky polar bear

Yeah the low budget's gonna fuck the monster.
I know you're supposed to keep that shit out of sight for as long as possible but those cuts were too quick.

kys nigger

You mean a Leopard seal?

Kind of redundant to call them carnivorous.

Liking it so far.

You want spoilers with your retarded comment you're gonna get em

It's a demon created by Native American and Eskimo Gods/Goddesses during their war, after the war was over they ported it to the tundra where no one could get killed by it. GUESS FUCKING WHAT they all dead now boi

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In that low lit area, they could've gotten away with a real bear attacking a puppet

Why isn't Jarred Harris in more things ?


That doesn't bother me at all, I get my surprise and suspense from love sports, faggot

So this is how they got away with having all white men. By having a homosexual coupling. Bravo

Dude this post was worthy of so many dubs, you have a real way with words.

How quick would that Eskimo be turned into a sex slave in real life?

I don't think gay rights people will be championing these characters.

She'd be getting passed around by the lads the minute she stepped aboard. They've been away from women for like a year by this point.

This. He's fucking fantastic

God damn this is good

can't find episode 2 online though

Seriously. When he was killed off of Mad Men I was shattered.