

Attached: camic book mewvies.jpg (988x896, 122K)



butthurt dcfags STILL seething over black panthers box office

not this

I don't know what the argument is.

The Dark Knight was a better film than any of the Marvel movies.

Marvel took a gamble on a 10-year movie series that paid off, and is now reaping that reward.

DC tried to copy that, but without the heart and failed.

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transphobia is against the rules, delete this

Show me the marvel equivalent of the plane scene.

It doesn't exist.

the marvel one is correct but DC is literally a pleb and brainlet filter, our guy Armond says so

The marvel one is manlier: he has a moustache and an aggressive stance.

this is your average capeshit poster

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You're lower scum than reddit

Are you an idiot? OP image makes fun of both. DC and Marvel capeshitters. Whole war between these 2 is like poo vs piss.

piss >>>>>>>> poo

Another capeshit thread.

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Clearly DC is better



he acts like a baby.

Which side likes grayons?

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Low hanging fruit.

What gets me more than the face are those jerking, insect-like movements. “Bugman” as a descriptor for these things actually makes sense to me now.


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/r/ing the retarded wojack image on the right


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We keep saying Infinity war is an unprecedented crossover, but it bares a lot of similarities to the progression of the Harry Potter series.
Orcruxes = infinity stones.
The only difference is that the characters had individual movies.


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Attached: FireShot Screen Capture #019 - '(2) _tv_ - CAPTAIN AMERICA_ CIVIL WAR - Television & Film - (603x1343, 166K)

Show me the marvel equivalent of the martha scene.

It doesn't exists.

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Gabekino :D Snyber mobies look so gool!



I want to kick his fucking face.