It's a kinoplex has unpartitioned urinals so I have to watch my flick with a full bladder episode

>it's a kinoplex has unpartitioned urinals so I have to watch my flick with a full bladder episode

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>his bathroom doesn't have a watchtower to prevent people from looking at your penises

Wew lad

>It's a bathroom Chad brings out the measuring tape episode

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use the stall, moron.

That's why I just piss in my popcorn

>safe from the toilet gators

Pick one

>not dropping your pants and undies to your knees, standing about 4 feet away, and sloppily pissing into the urinal

>his ruler stops at 12

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Are penis inspection days easier at your theater?

>it's a watching a kino at the kinoplex and can feel a pee coming up episode

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Does your cinema require a urinal piss test for admittance? I always get nervous and can't go when I hear the Cinema Stacies giggling at my penis.

>his cinema center hasn't replaced all the seats in the theatertorium with toilets

Mine does, but sometimes my pee isn't yellow enough to be used as popcorn topping so I have to pay extra.

>tfw my ghetto-plex only has a trough

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>yfw Americans clap their asses when the movie is over

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>tfw the trough goblin slides down below you and awaits your piss but you get performance fright

>not secretly pissing in the cinema showers during the mandatory previewing cleansing

I don't care if people look at my dong. I just don't want people to hear my weak piss stream and the inevitable gas release. i even have to say it?

why the fuck are they so close

>not pissing next to your kinobro

You mean the empty box?

I only need to fart at the urinal when there is someone else in the room. Why the fuck is that?

fucking normie

What are you afraid of user? Doesn't your kinoplex have a mandatory penis inspection anyway?

Why does my local AMC kinotorium insist on holding my penis while I'm taking a piss? I'd go to the Cineplex, but that's like 30 minutes away, so I just put up with it.

>Don't go to the bathroom before the movie
>Order a large drink

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Be grateful you still have urinals. Our bathrooms are just a giant, empty room with a drain in the middle. God forbid you need to wash your hands.

Me on the left

>tfw the guy next to you starts peeing at the same time and you have to force your piss stream to be louder and longer than his.

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falling for such an obvious bait, jesus fucking christ

>order large popcorn extra salt
>no drink
>it's a desert movie

What do we do about the pee under the urinal problem?

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Use the stall you fucking faggot.

Isn't that why urinals are supposed to have that plastic thing with the holes in it? To minimize splashback? Why don't they just use them?

>Toilet gators

Oh, you're a fucking retard and 12. In that case just kill yourself and do your parents a favor.

>That'll be $9.99 for use of the stall. Thank you, have a pleasant day.

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>louder AND longer
It's a tradeoff bro

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>not using the buddy system when you go to piss at the kino. It's like you want to get put in the singles holding pens

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>That'll be $9.99 to wash your penis, plus tip.

are you talking about the tip of my penis?

>being this mad for literally no reason

Wew lad, first week on Sup Forums huh?

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>tfw didn't tip last time so I lost my tip

This. People without kinobros usually spend too much time in the manlet pits.

Those are fucking amazing for jerking other dudes off.

Why don't you just piss on the floor?

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has pee shyness always existed or is it a symptom of our degenerate modern world?

>hands visible in picture
>hands pressed up again again hips
>penis not visible
are you certain you passed penis inspection?

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>they boil water with microwaves at the kinoplex

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>leave halfway through the movie to go to the washroom
>come back and a Chad has taken your seat

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really wish the feast dispensers would stop burning my water

>tfw have to pee in stall thanks to nervous bladder
Wtf how do I fix this

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>order a large boiling water
>they heat it in the microwave
>it becomes superheated and erupts in your face as soon as you dip your fork in

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>they don't have a kettle to boil your piss

>not sitting on chads lap
Don't you know user, it's fucking 2018, chads are based now

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>go to bathroom on the way in
>watch movie
>movie over
>go to bathroom on the way out
>went out a different way that came in
>got turned around and accidentally used the ladies' room

I've done it TWICE in the same theater because they have the same old movie posters on both ends of the building

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Stay away from the toilet gators

The urinary sphincter is on the same muscle that controls the anal sphincter. So all you have to do is take a shit and the piss will come out too.

>he doesn't flush

>that massive stream
>that straining and spurting

He's gonna have a stroke

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how the FUCK can it be the same muscle when the two openings are a foot away from each other? that's a big muscle

>not employing the buddy system in ALL scenarios
What are you, gay?

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The urinary sphincter is not the hole at the tip of your penis. It's a hole that's in the floor of your pelvis. See in the diagram where there's a tube coming out of the prostate. It's right near there.

Attached: male_pelvic_floor_-_copyright_only.jpg (709x850, 172K)

for you

>plus tip

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absolutely based

>go into kinoplex bathroom same time as friend
>he immediately heads for stall
>realize he's a pisslet
>start talking to him to make him nervous
>don't hear any water splashing
>eventually he exits stall without pissing
>repeat everytime he goes back to the bathroom

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>watching warcraft movie with childhood friend
>its shit no more drinks and food to distract us
>we feel mad about wasting money on this shit
>mid movie decide we go to the kinoplex toilet
>no one is there
>we shit in the urinals
>friend is big strong chad guy
>break all the stall doors and we put them on top of the stall like a roof
>find broom next to the sink
>put broom into shit
>use broom to spread shit all over the walls
>launch a lil piece of shit on the ceiling
>our revenge is complete
>walk casually out
>its a mall kinoplex so right across is a coffee shop
>we sit there grab some coffee with cake and wait
>people start leaving some enter the WC and immediately get out
>the look on they face
>we cant stop to lulz
>best movie premier ever

Attached: warcraft_main_kino-1240x580.jpg (1240x580, 148K)

>ask a male friend to go to the cinema with me to get past the no-singles policy
>watchtower shines the spotlight on us during the halftime break
>he refuses to kiss me
>get kicked out

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based piss man poster

>he forgot about the kinokams

Enjoy your life sentence filthy pig

Haha what a little bitch. I got my lads to act like there was a line to the bathroom just to have it all to myself

happen years ago
like they will find us with a kinokams living in a city with million humanoids in it

>assholes hogging the only stall and pissing all over the seat because they're afraid someone might see their peepee

Grow up you fucking faggots.

maybe if you faggots stopped trying to peek at my dick I wouldn't have this problem ever thought of that?

>pelvic floor
Why is there a floor in my body?

it's the muscles under your taint that spasms when you're nuttin'

>being ashamed of your baby dick

It's okay user, you're among friends.

you are what you eat, or rather your body has one of what you lick in it, floor licker.

I would never be friends with anybody on this board.

What if I was very rich and generous? I could show you a whole new world

No, I don't trust you fuckers and I don't wanna owe you shit. Go to Hell.

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Why the fuck would you need to dip your fork into a giant mug of boiling water

>it's a faggot takes the urinal right next to you even though the entire row is open episode

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Guys I have my first interview for the position of Penis Inspector tomorrow (passed the background checks finally), what kind of questions should I expect

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buy a diaper

Most of the questions are pretty easy and anybody can answer them correctly. It's the last one that usually causes people to fail.

What is the average male penis size?

Be prepared to give an impromptu inspection during the interview, they like to see how you'll perform

>it's a legit retard so you can't even give him the "fuggin-faggot-look-of-disgust"

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holy fuck

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>ashamed dicklet scared his tiny toddler penis is being laughed at

Holy shit bro I'm dying over here

the inspector at my theatre has a lazy eye so it makes it easier

>tfw 6.4 inches erect, but 2-3 inches flaccid
Should I just give myself a chub every time I need to piss?

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what a faggot

>are you gay?

talking about the movie