Aesthetic movies

What are some visually compelling or significant movies?

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Bonus points for ones most people don't know about

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Funny I came in to say "heat" or anything by Michael Mann, then I noticed your pic was from Theif....

Try "15 minutes", I love that movie. Got a real unique feel to it and I love the way it looks.

Yeah, Collateral and the Keep are the same- everything he makes uses the location as a character I find. One of my fav directors

Will check it out, cheers!

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Came here to say this. Christopher Nolan has the best eye in Hollywood.


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Black Narcissus

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Earnest Goes to Camp is auteur cinematography at its finest. By deconstructing the late Cold War hyperrealistic eye it subverts it and in doing so lays the grounding for authentic liberation to come into being.

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The Fall

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I've never understood this. The only parts of Dark Knight I thought were visually unique or interesting was the bank job at the start- and that was just a near direct copy of Michael Mann's Heat

unironically and objectively literally EWS

Unironically Mortal Kombat

Few nice scenes here and there, also really good use of CG.

I guess. I'd still put even most other batman movies ahead of it. Tim Burtons were far more visually unique and compelling

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The Cell has some nice eye candy

Song to song

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at least recommend one of Malick's good movies

underrated film