>Hey, Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg and David Wehner, please lie down and die.
what did he mean by this?
>Hey, Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg and David Wehner, please lie down and die.
what did he mean by this?
the king!
Gallo is alright, but I'm pretty sure he's always just elaborating his 'story' of himself.
Guy's trying to build some sort of classical hero type public persona I swear.
>Muh self made
>Muh I was a painter
>Muh I was a motorbike racer
Well, it would work if he wasn't one of those 'Hollywood types'. Like the socialite types.
I think he has some Jewish ancestry, or something, lol, despite his rants.
When is Gallo going to stop dicking around and deliver another kino on the level of Buffalo 66?
shill/mod in full damage control
>Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg and David Wehner,
anyone else think they're dead?
why all the recent controversy with faceberg when both google and microsoft are guilty of everything they do but worse and on a greater scale?
Wtf you talking about retard, I used to spam Gallo on here for years before his latest rant.
Suck a fat cock, you stupid cunt
ummm...maybe you haven't been paying attention?
Rome wasn't burnt in a day
Didn't he film an entire movie a couple of years ago and decide not to show it to anybody?
try reading between the lines
is 'decide' the right word though?
wtf i love soros now
>muh individuality, muh market, muh democracy
nevermind it's just neolib shit
doubt Soros is even alive
Boy, the leftists really are pissed that Trump pulled a fast one on them by using big tech against them. The fallout is hilarious.
hi shill
not hard to figure out the WP was sending a message out to comrades.
Keeps himself alive with the blood of children.
this but /x/
that nigga is DEAD
do you think dick cheney is alive? dude doesn't even have a heart
What's with all the recent Galloposting? Did he do a new interview or something?
??? no idea
Bush neocon faction has been oddly quiet
quick rundown
>I believe in fairness but I do not believe in equality. I believe in fairness but I do not believe in equality. I reject the bastards who try to force equality and force outcome.
>I don’t believe any activist has the right to speak for entire communities.
>Harvey Weinstein is a brutal pig, yes, but I really wish it wasn’t those two particular girls getting glorified for now saying so.
>The feminist tribe chooses odd heroes. Hillary Clinton. Feminism should be a fight for fairness. Instead the fight is only to control outcome. And when feminists don’t like outcome, they assume something’s unfair. Like fools. Most of the left is the same way.
>Thankfully, these days Donald Trump has at least created some doubts about everything related to the press. In 2003 I was the Donald Trump of Cannes and anything I said or did was twisted and filtered through the righteous tabloid barbarians posing as journalists and critics.
>I like Donald Trump a lot and am extremely proud he is the American President. And I’m sorry if that offends you.
What I wouldn't give to get this look from Christina Ricci.
always has been
Besides being a trumptard this is pretty spot on
anyone who isn't ((())) and dealt with Hollywood like Trump, whether they have the balls to say yet it or not.
What a life of fantasy you lead.
your bullshit is running VERY thin
tick tock
I saw you in every thread today calling people shill/mod randomly.
Why? is this your first day here? are you even aware of the meaning of those words?
find honest work
de-brainwash yourself
Get a job
nigga you lie for a living
Yes, but he surely believes in some oogedy boogedy cult shit.
If he sucks a few more dicks he'll get to level 21 or whatever and they'll let him the moon landing was fake.
shill BTFO
How come every time there's a Gallo thread there's always one dude who's always super defensive over Gallo? I'm starting to believe it's actually Vincent. It's not like he has anything better to do these days.
>it's all one person
never mind the threads with HUNDREDS of replies a few days ago (That the mods felt the need to delete)
I still don't know who is this guy and why should i like/hate him.
Shill or newfag?
hi shill
Vincent has been /ourguy/ for years