A russian, an american, and a canadian walk into a bar

a russian, an american, and a canadian walk into a bar

bartender says: i will give you drinks for free, but only if you answer what's 2+2

russian says: it's clearly 4

canadian says: it's clearly 4

american says: I dont know, I'm retarded brainwashed fucking faggot son of whore white male I wish mom aborted me so there was one less american white male in this world retarded whoreson

bartender pulls out a shotgun and shoots dumb american in face

If both of them say 4 it's clearly 8 dumbass


Now go have fun seeing the German Race die out faggot

K... keep me posted

>If both of them say 4 it's clearly 8 dumbass

Yeah its the sum total value

If 2/3 of the answer is 4, you disregard the other answer due to conductive reasoning

You then add the answer together to get a squared answer

Its common core 101 aussie bro

I legit laughed.

sharters btfo

Lol all this h8 from Muhammed. Did your goat kick you in the balls this morning nigger? Sucks to suck, Germany. All the Alphas left after WW2. Your country is taken over by inbreeds lol.


Nuke entire germany, vienna, graz and linz.

Destroy the shitholes.



Hes right you know, common core

had to do this with my niece the other day, confused the shit out of me

Even if the overall answer is incorrect, you at least had correct reasoning, which is what we're striving for as a whole for the students of America

Good one achmed

we will take back gradec and ship austrians to vienna, then you can nuke just nuke vienna


We already have a joke like this and it's a lot better.



>mudslime humor

>German humour