Founder of massive international sex slave cult, Keith Raniere, charged with sex trafficking...

>Founder of massive international sex slave cult, Keith Raniere, charged with sex trafficking. Hollywood actress Alison Mack of Smallvile was #2 in command at NXIVM.

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the shocking story that nobody saw coming

(and that's a good thing)

So now Allison Mack can take her rightful place as leader of NXIVM.

Bad night for the story to break though, I still can't get over the fall of Dan "Put Her in the Van" Schneider.

today is a bad day for hollywood rapists

> Emmy Award-winning actress Allison Mack.

What? She hasn't won a fucking Emmy.


i can become her new pusymaster

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Pic related is also part of that cult.

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Yeah she looks like the sex cult type.

david lunch is next lol

Fucking Bullshit! I saw Alison Mack at a con. She's not Fucking involved in this!

based Dan, trying to put others on the chopping block to cover his slimmy tracks

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Fucking based I’ve only seen two of these pictures before.


Its all tumbling down

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Fucking japs and their censorship

Why can't I stumble upon a sex cult with members like this

What's his base? Lard?

Why are her feet being censored!?

newflash user: sex cultists can attended conventions

That unironically made me consider going to a convention for a quarter of a second.

same tbqh

he's done so much good for the world. so unfair.

Why didn't Clark save her?

give me

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Perfectly innocent sex cult, that happens to have a few celebs and producers involved, sex them sluts up, none even touch the young stuff. Still get persecuted because coercing dumb sluts into fucked up kinky sex is frowned upon suddenly. Ali helped bring in sacrifices and really enjoyed her role. Which made her both cute and hot. A hard combination to pull off.


This news broke months ago.

It was the branding women like cattle that really rustled jimmys

It was like a tiny little brand, and they consented to it, don't kink shame.

What happens in the cult is to be kept within said cult. Every single scilon will deny everything when it comes to SeaOrg and will call it merely a rumor.

NXIVM is basically scientology lite with TV-stars instead of movie stars and 90's corporate motivational bullshit jargon instead of ayy lmaos and psychiatry.

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about the cult

the arrest and charges are new

proof she was in it? i don't doubt it but damn


her speaking at a NXIVM event in 2016

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JFC, shes all sorts of cute

>sex slave cult
Why are these never where I live?

Start one?

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Reminds me of the Adam Sandler sketch where he tries to talk his buddy into joining a cult with him to meet a girl.

You're fucked

Where are the vids?

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The only difference between a cult and a religion is numbers. Same as a murderer and a war chief.

I haven't been to church for a while but I don't remember having to get branded and serving as a sex slave

by definition its literally impossible to murder during a war unless you intentionally kill someone on your own side

No you just ate flesh and blood, and said you could come back from the dead?
Zombies are so much better than sex with hot young celebs.

Say that to Nuremberg
Say that to the choir boys

I'd rather get branded than circumcised

Your church sucks bro, I had a leggy milf keep me on a leash and make me eat her ass for hours on Sunday.

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Is it just me or does she look a lot like young Proxy Paige?


based sex cult poster


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ok. thats funny.



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How does one start a cult like this? Asking for a friend

Be super charismatic and convincing. Same way you have sex with girls, but at a much bigger level.

Wanna join my cult, user?

What's illegal with a sex cult among consenting adults?

sex should be illegal. If I cant have it, no one will

That it wasn't consenting and he was blackmailing them.

*brands your pubic region*

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Charisma and Sociopathy

The cult has an indoctrination period, where they'll tell you that you're special and awesome and blah blah. They'll smother you with love. You'll start drifting from your friends and family. The cult is your new family, and your community. You don't need the old life. The new life is much better. During this time, the usage of psychedelics will be administered. LSD, and MDMA being the most common, due to their traumatic rewriting of the brain and serotonergic properties.
One day, you do something against regulation. Then they take the good times away, with the promise that if you're a good boy, They'll beat you and make an example of you for the other initiates. You can't run away, because the cult made you burn the bridges (or more realistically, made you think you burned the bridges, but you didn't. and your friends and family dearly miss you). Eventually, the cult behavior is something that becomes second nature. And when that happens, the cult leader and his inner circle can do whatever they want.

You maintain the cult by taking the cultist's money.

Nigga they could just walk away at any time. Submissive masochists love thus kinky shit thats why they go for it.

Kind of weird he hid all this behind layers of self-help obfuscation so none of the women knew this is what they'd be getting and now he's been arrested then isn't it, retard?

Non-mutt christians don't do this though. No idea about amerimongrels and their obsession with mutilating their children. I guess it's just a deep rooted hatred for white babies that all americans have.

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Could just be played off as an elite fetishist/bdsm group... might actually be what it was and one bitch cried and got her feelings hurt after going to deep. We're in the age of #metoo, so anything could happen now.


She can traffic muh dick through hear throat if you know what I mean