Why can't this shithole make good movies?

Why can't this shithole make good movies?

>hurr durr those three lardasses won oscars

They don't count since they are spics.

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Mexico? watch Macario, Simon del Desierto
El Angel Exterminador

im mexican, idk lol giv gf
not like you'd watch em anyways


tj born and raised u stupid gabacho

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Honestly, most mexican movies suck dicks, nut they're made by Televisa.
Macario is a classic, and El Infierno and La Ley de Herodes are awesome.

Matando Cabos is great you dumb chicano. Also la ley de herodes to understand our shitty politics.

There are some decent mexican movies but they are usually low-budget and not much comes stateside.

This movie is an overrated tearjerker of nacos doing nacos things, lasts like 3 hours and says fucking nothing about anything. Easily the worst IƱarritu movie.

If anyone that isn't mexican wants to watch a mexican movie, they should watch "El Infierno"

This is fucking awesome and the best by Luis Estrada. It's the mexican Gladiator. It's like every other Luis Estrada movie, a hilariously dark satire about Mexico as a whole, with actually touching characters and plot twists.

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I'm sure the market creates films that are considered kino by the viewers there.Of course, the same films won't have much appeal here because of the cultural barriers.

>says nothing about nothing
el pleb

>They don't count since they are spics.
What did El user mean by this?

if you want mexikino you need some Verduleros in your watch que

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There's some old movies from the 60's that are fun watches, if Macario is the one about the dude who eats the turkey in the woods then I'll second everybody else in this thread.
Luis Estrada has directed some good satirical films that do a very good job of capturing the tone of Mexican humor and cynicism.I think they're all on Netflix.
Ley de Herodes is a period piece set in the 1930's about a politician who gets sent to be the mayor of some backwater municipality.
El Infierno is a god tier crime movie about a guy in a small town who gets involved in the drug trade. It came out in 2010, which was just when the drug war was at its peak and it captures that whole period pretty well if you ask me.
La Dictadura Perfecta is a satire on the relationship between the news media and the lead political party in Mexico. It's too in your face with it's message for my tastes but it has its moments, and desu the in your face stuff is kinda excused because Mexican media actually have done the things described in the movie. Definitely not on the level of Ley de Herodes and El Infierno though, watch this last.

There's this other artsy indie film that I've heard of, Heli. I've never seen it but it seems to be well recieved.

he's not a frenchman, he's a dumb yanqui

>They don't count since they are spics.

all of them were literally born in the capital of mexico

but alas

Y tu mama tambien

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>They don't count since they are spics.
What did OP mean by this retarded statement?

Nah, I don't think anybody watches most of the shit theaters try to push on us as "cine mexicano". There's so many god-awful romcoms that get shilled hard in theater ads but I've never heard of anybody actually going to see them, partially because they all seem to be about preppy assholes nobody can identify with and partially because they just don't compete with actually good looking movies.

Matando Cabos is yet another clone film in a sea of unoriginality made by two cocksucking friends that watched Snatch

I loved this movie, found out about it because I became a fan of Gustavo Santaolalla's music

They spend all their time and money on variety shows and telenovelas full of busty goddesses, their films might suck but their TV is Mexkino

>tfw youve become the old man

>Y tu mama tambien
Hate that movie. Damn slut should have kept her legs closed or at least have the decency to have sex with me first.