Deadman #1 (of 06) Storytime

>Neil Adams mini
>no storytime
Come on Sup Forums, strap in for some madness







bump for reading



















So this is connected to Odyssey then. Hope this mini will be just as crazy.

I read the whole thing and I don't understand anything

Welcome to Adams.
The man is insane and it's amazing.

Then you know you read a Neal Adams book

Is this the two-monthly thing DC promised a year ago? I thought it was supposed to be love story in a horror setting. This reads like a typical capecomic

That came and went a while back

Didnt see any story time on Sup Forums. Was it really that shit?

Reminder that the cover has a glow-in-the-dark element and looks like this.

I remember reading it in storytimes. Don't worry, though, it was pretty shit.

It was pretty average. Basic plot and premise with a predictable ending. People got triggered over a tranny being one of the main focuses of the book.

I had to stop at the fourth page because I couldn't figure out what the hell was going on. Godamn, Neal has done it again

Needed to read twice.
Love that Adams is coloring this.


What the fuck is going on

This is the insanity I was hoping for.

nice try OP you think you can post this backwards and out of order and no one would notice

Anyone know if this is canon to the main DCU?

Does this one have a tranny character in it, too? Because fuck that last mini.

Nice cover. I'd even say this is probably my favorite cover of the week.

What in the fuck is going on?

Sup Forums really should read Neal Adams' original run on Deadman from the 70s. I'd argue it's the best thing he ever did.


Somewhere, some time, Neal Adams lost his mind. You don't read a Neal Adams book anymore, you just experience it.

>that last panel


am I even reading this... is this even real

that's how you know it's working

Did you take this from your taint?


I literally don't even know the plot of this. Like what is anyone's motivation even?

>Deadman wants to find the man who killed him for revenge
>Batman is there to stop an assassination/sabotage/something attempt
>the assassin is there on a job


Am I the only one that laughed out loud at that?

>that second panel

This is one of the funniest comics I've ever read.

>Alfred's reaction

LOL! I literally can't stop fucking laughing at this.


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IN THE FUCK?!?!?!?!

>first Deadman solo in a while
>Neil Adams
Fuckkkkkkkk. I hope by some miracle it's good.

>Batman's expression in that last panel

This is the best release of the week.

Neil Adams comics are always a triumph of the medium

This. And I forgot the last Deadman solo was Dark Mansion of Love or whatever, but that sucked worse. Adams is at least entertaining.

This reads like that time Boston lost his mind and started beating gays in other people's bodies.

Good god, this dialogue is worse than Bendis. Has Adams been a fucking hermit for the past fifty years or something? NO ONE talks like this. At all.

how very dare you

I liked it, but then again I probably have bad taste.

You know what isn't talked about enough (even if we rightly hail Adams' writing skills)? The fact his art style is still extremely pleasant to look at even with all the modern coloring and inking techniques. I wish we had such good bronze-age art around more often.

It's fucking hilarious.

It was one of the worst things DC's ever published.

He really is an INCREDIBLY talented artist. All his books, no matter what you think of their bizarre writing style, look nice as fuck.

Deadman was barely a character in his own book in favor of almost modern Marvel levels of SJW pandering with a strong, independent lesbian and a tranny being the main characters and a straight white male being the main antagonist.

>pleasant to look at
You have a strange concept of what is "pleasant". Everyone here either looks like he's constipated or he has the shits.
I enjoy the madness, but at the same time, I'm a bit sad about seeing Neal like this. The man was a milestone in comics and now he's just laughing stock.

>Wait all October for this
>Bring it home and my puppy pees on it
Someone's going to sleep in their crate tonight

Where the fuck did you leave it for the puppy to pee on it?
Something tells me the puppy is not the one to blame here.

I left it on top of a divider of a love seat, and she climbed on top when I left the room and peed there.

Don't punish your puppy for a mistake. Especially since it's still growing.

I take her out every 2 hours, but all she does is eat leaves and harass my other dog. Then when she comes in she pees. EVERY TIME

Thanks, OP.

bumping for others

gotta nip that in the bud, she learned the wrong place to piss.

It kind of sucks. I love Deadman but it just seems like nobody ever has enough ideas for him to do anything long term so he just gets relegated to short two or three issue minis and gues appearances.

>Especially since it's still growing.
That's when you're supposed to punish them so they learn.

Neal Adams comics are some of the most entertaining shit out there. What character should he write next?

I heard stories about Odyssey

I heard stories about Coming of the Superman

And now having "read" this

I know the stories are all true

Out of curiosity, what's the breed? I've been dealing with an Airedale pup the last couple months. He's absurdly cute but also kind of a little cunt

I'd like to see him tackle Green Lantern. His stories on Earth alone are already batshit insane, I want to see him branch into space. It'd also be nice to see him drawing Hal again.

I interviewed him a few months back, he'd rather to John Stewart since he created him.

I'm still holding out for a continuation of his Superman.

I have no fucking idea what I just read but I still have a dumb grin on my face.

How the hell did he survive that
What happened to the guy he was possessing

It was pretty inoffensive. Just predictable and monotonous

In an interview, he said that he wants to write Captain Marvel as soon as Marvel gives up the copyright to the name and DC can use the name again.


The Question

That would be awesome.

>I have never seen seals this thick
-- Commissioner Gordon, 2017

oh yeah, that's the Neal Adams I wanted

I'm kinda confused, but it made me feel like I was a little drunk even though I was sober when I read it.

Also nice to see thought bubbles in a new comic.

This would be the best comic ever. We already saw how Adams writes kids in The Coming of the Supermen. Remember "GO GO POWER RANGERS"?