What Happened?

What the FUCK happened to the emails Comey was supposed to release by friday?
What happened to the NYPD and ICAC coming out with the evidence if the FBI failed to do so in a timely manner?
What the fuck is going on guys?
WikiLeaks keeps dropping Podesta shit but I want to see the Weiner emails that implicate Hillary in all these scandals that we keep hearing about.

What happened guys? Why is nobody talking about it? A few days ago everybody was on the edge of their seat. When are we getting these DickiLeaks?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=DIA 287
google.com/search?q=Clinton McCabe bribe
google.com/search?q=Clinton Comey bribe
google.com/search?q=drug Arkansas Clinton Bush

next week for sure guise! Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.

>When are we getting these DickiLeaks?

If Hillary wins the election, these will never be released and will be disposed of.

Where the fuck is O'Keefe with Hillary Nigger. I hate O'Keefe and Assange

I guess so. This was supposed to be a big deal. It just kind of dissapeared...

We dont deserve to exist as a sovereign nation anymore. We need to be fucking babysat by someone responsible.

>got played by fucking white males:
>Kim dot bomb.

Something huge is happening on Tuesday which means both Trump and Hillary's campaigns are finished!

>I guess so. This was supposed to be a big deal. It just kind of dissapeared...

If anything, they are waiting until the election results are known before they review the emails contents.

If damning evidence does exist, remember who controls the justice department.

Are you a bot? Christ almighty

Lynch would push for a pardon. And if hillary is elected, she'll just appoint someone who wouldn't even indict her. The system is so fucking rigged. There is no real justice

FBI is moving forward with investigation and potential prosecution of HRC and CF. NYPD stood down on dumping the emails they now have since the feds are moving forward. Obama was told by FBI if he interferes he will be arrested fro obstruction.

The reason the whole thing has gone silent running is because the FBI and intelligence communities intend to indict and prosecute Hillary and pretty much everyone connected to the Clinton Foundation and dumping the emails or even talking about it too much would damage the case they are building.

Even if Hillary is elected, she'll be impeached and jailed within a year of of taking office.


NYPD is sitting on the same info as the FBI. If the Feds fail to indict under a Clinton White House, New York DA can move forward since large sums of CF cash f=have move through New York State jurisdiction. Even if HRC is not indicted at a federal level, NYS charges would still be enough to trigger impeachment if she is elected, or to jail her under New York felony statutes if she isn't elected.

Being this delusional can't be healthy bro, just sit back and await Madam Presidents victory speech like a good American.

>theyre building a case, albeit slowly for the purpose of nailing everyone
Is that about right? It seems to me that waiting until Hillary gets elected (because she will) will only make indictment that much more difficult. With a Clinton appointed Attorney General, how in fuck could she go down? The NYPD wouldnt stand a chance

>Hillary impeachment with a Clinton appointed attorney general. Fat chance. They need to come out with the evidence now

Not an argument

>do you know where you are.jpeg

Not now CTR, let the big boys speak.

They are all dead.

If you actually believed any of that was going to happen, you're an retard.

See Kayleigh post from days ago in pic related.

I wanted to start a thread on Sup Forums, spent 2 hours preparing a very quality preparation, but it was censored...
The thread did not appear on front-page and was archived within 10 minutes... Without any explanation.
So I'll try again here...

I thought there was still a warrant issue as the emails were discovered when working under a specific legal framework which didn't let them immediately read them in full

>Julian Assange
>I have information that will lose Hillary the election
>still not delivered

Can we stop supporting these shits?

You know, part of me believes this. But I want to keep fighting

Name worst Clinton crimes and source your claims.
(Best if the informations should have been known by the Media but was concealed from public by the treasonous Media inaction.)

I'll start:

Destroyed Libya and by this caused all mayhem including migration to Europe and ISIS in Libya buildup.


Started Syria war.
Here she boasts, that it was she who sent Robert Ford into Syria.
This is her own words in interview.
Somewhere below Netty picture she writes about Robert Ford.
Article title shows, that she still cannot understand reality, because there are no moderate rebels, it is only in western propaganda minds... Democratic opposition never uses arms. Opposition using arms is neither democratic nor moderate.
Opposite of article title is true.

He (Robert Ford) has been quite busy driving arround the country and waking militant "opposition" groups demonstrations to start the civil war.

»Robert Ford was US Ambassador to Syria when the revolt against Syrian president Assad was launched. He not only was a chief architect of regime change in Syria, but actively worked with rebels to aid their overthrow of the Syrian government.
Ford assured us that those taking up arms to overthrow the Syrian government were simply moderates and democrats seeking to change Syria’s autocratic system. Anyone pointing out the obviously Islamist extremist nature of the rebellion and the foreign funding and backing for the jihadists was written off as an Assad apologist or worse.«

>If Hillary wins the election
I have some bad news for you chang.

Clinton-Petraeus plan:
She has been sending arms from Libya to Syria during summer 2012, using Benghazi embassy as a disguise, until the chief arms-dealer Stevens was killed by rebels, whom he stolen their weapons to send them via Turkey to Syria.
Although president Obama vetoed the plan in May 2012, it easily continued... (some worthless puppet as a president is not an argument for CIA...)

(includes many links to DOD documents and other sources)


While well knowing the DIA report about Salafist principality (ISIL) starting there by al Qaida, which was "desired"...
google.com/search?q=DIA 287

Bribed FBI directors to avoid investigations:
google.com/search?q=Clinton McCabe bribe

google.com/search?q=Clinton Comey bribe

>WikiLeaks keeps dropping Podesta shit but I want to see the Weiner emails that implicate Hillary

If the Weiner emails get leaked, you can kiss any sort of indictment goodbye.

Back in Bill Clinton governor days, drug smuggling network in Arkansas:
google.com/search?q=drug Arkansas Clinton Bush
(Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, President George Bush, CIA drugs for guns connection)

(Bill Clinton's criminal background)

The Mena Connection: Bush, Clinton, and CIA drug smuggling part ...
(part of Iran-Contra)
"Arkansas - America's own banana republic"

I agree ese. Clinton would not have even bothered entering this race if she didnt have it bought and paid for from square uno

Thanks for correcting the record. 5 good goy points have been deposited into your account

6. Soros connections

Some more links?
Election fraud by Soros machines...?

now go on:
Clinton death list - where is some good source link for it?
Clinton sponzors?
Haiti funds?
Child trafficking?
Uranium one?
Huma Abedin muslim brotherhood connection?
Speech costs?
Big Bank speeches?
United States of Women - lesbian ultrafeminism...

Would be nice to have a neat and compact list of useful links for Clinton and Media indiction...

(Better avoid unsourced MEMEs with more art than information, and mindless KEKs...)

>Something huge is happening on Tuesday which means both Trump and Hillary's campaigns are finished!

Impeachment isn't done by the AG.Impeachment of a sitting president works like this.

The House of Representatives hears evidence and decides whether or not to impeach the president. This means the House acts as a Grand Jury and is basically recommending whether or not to indict the president. As with Bill Clinton, if the president is impeached, then they are put on trial in the US Senate with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presiding. After the trial, the Senate as a whole votes whether to convict or acquit. The DOJ and Attorney General never enters into it.


>I have some bad news for you chang.
I suspect she will win, but I use if as I don't know for sure.

Gotcha. Thank you

Where is O'keefe?
Where is Assange?
Where is Cernovich with the 33k mails?
Where is Comey?
Where is ANYBODY?

How many losses have occurred because one side thought it had victory in the bag and got lazy?

Keep fighting.

Can we throw all of CNN in jail too along with Her?

This. FBI user for example accidentally killed himself and wife and burned the house and every evidence

But none of that happened... You werent right either.


A shekel for the good goy.

wikileaks don't have the weiner emails. those were stored locally

There won't be any happening anytime soon. The elites know that a large leak will crash them, so they're in a large collusion to keep a slight trickle of false happenings and proxy battles to keep themselves on their throne. A "controlled chaos" so to speak.

I'm not even meming whatsoever, I think this is what's really happening.

It's good to see that somebody understands this process. Furthermore, if the Senate convicts, the President does not automatically go to prison. That's just getting kicked out of office. It is after that that the AG can bring criminal charges or congress can pick a special prosecutor.

Load up on guns and ammo now if you haven't already.
You can either go to war or be enslaved.
It's clear that Hillary won't take the route of appeasement.

Clinton death list...
Is not actually complete, missing this year victims like Seth Rich, Wikileaks director and others...

Hahaha it's all fake Drumpfkins.. Btw if Wikileaks releases anything else it's fake. It's a classic tactic to release the verified emails to try to make what they are about to release seem real, even though it's a lie. So just remember that if they release something in the next 2 days.

As I said, even if she's elected and shuts down the DOJ/FBI, the NYPD will still go nuclear and dump everything they have on her. The House, even if Democrat controlled, will have no choice but to impeach, and the Senate will have no choice but to convict.

The only real question here is wheter they can get her to stand down knowing she's basically done or whether she and her cronies will go all "scorched earth" as they are cast from power.

Clinton death list - older items...

> Why is nobody even interested? Does anyone see, what I write here?

>Doesn't know what else wikileaks has to release
>"Knows" that whatever it may be, it's fake

That's some real clairvoyance you have there, chump.

It'd be pretty clever of them if so.


If the info they have proves collusion, yes. At least those in charge.

>scortched earth

Thats been the clinton policy from the start m8. Why do you think they drop so many bodies?


After being blueballed by Okeefe and Assange, and with Hillary supposedly up in FL polls, are we still looking at a Trump landslide? I've already voted absentee in NV. I heard something abbout record spic turnout?

Never underestimate the sheer power of rich bastards with no conscious. They understand the human animal, they know how to control the masses. They realize that if they keep a slow trickle of small happenings people will eventually stop giving a fuck. They're causing chaos but keeping it at a controlled level.

Jesus Christ I hate all of you, release it you dumb fucks release it all now

fuck killary and fuck brown people

>FBI is moving forward with investigation and potential prosecution of HRC and CF. NYPD stood down on dumping the emails they now have since the feds are moving forward. Obama was told by FBI if he interferes he will be arrested fro obstruction

this is what Trumpsters actually believe (among other things, like Clinton is a satanic whitch)

It was all a big game of Distract-A-Burger, and it worked brilliantly.


Obviously everything was a plant. We realize how powerful Sup Forums is (after all we invented autism) and we weaponized it. In order to circumvent any REAL dirt from seeing the light of day, we worked with our white males (DOTCOM, Snowden, Comey, Trump) to spread disinformation and stir up a schizoid frenzy of a wild goose chase. It worked marvelously, it was all a bunch of > wow literally fucking nothings

Speculation: The kids in this pedo case are foreign, some people demanded young russain and/or chinese girls.
Releasing information of a former US president and his gang with these kids will cause a war. This was bigger than they ever thought.
It's not happening

Doesn't matter. NYPD has all the Weiner/Abedin Emails.

NYC is a semi independent City/State in all but name and the NYPD is insanely powerful and is generally corrupt. And what they saw in the Wiener emails made them threaten the FBI with full disclosure if the Feds didn't act.

I agree OP. I want to vote already, but I need to see facts and arrests otherwise no average joe will believe these claims Sup Forums and wikileaks are making.

How should I say this? We all know her insanely corrupt doings already, we know that she literally kills people like in a 50's mafia movie. But you see how this all has no effect whatsoever. She is untouchable and has connections like you wouldn't believe. The FBI is probably currently clogged and cockblocked by the Clinton machinery and can't do shit. The promised leaks have not (yet?) come. This all means nothing. Only if Trump wins through his own strength, against all odds, only then do these facts matter, because then her empire will crumble and she will be thrown straight into jail. We have done everything we can. We, the strongest propaganda machine in history, were not enough to stop her. The current of the herd mentality is simply too strong and only one man is left to oppose this..

k y s

It will be very demoralizing and eventually we will just burn ourselves out

if you want the truth I will tell you the truth. I know people in the spanish secret service that knows what is happening in the FBI. The FBI and and specially James Comey want Trump to win, so they have been leaking all that false info to Trump campaing in order to make damage to Hillary image. The most clear example of it, it's the fact that the FBI reopened the emails case when it's known that FBI cant do things like to a candidate the last 60 days before the elecction because it could change the final results of the election. And he did it. Mark my words, if Hillary wins James Comey will resing and there will be a lot of changes inside the FBI since Hillary knows FBI is going to keep going against her even if she wins.

Whole Benghazi investigation was just a disguise, to hide the actual problem, about which the Establishment - the congresmen who made the investigation, also had to know... The arms deals with Syrian opposition, paid by Qatar, shipped by Stevens ambassador, organized by Turkey...

You then remember, that almost-saint US ambassador was killed by an almost-animal mob, just for nothing or for a movie...

Actully, arms-dealer was killed for man-pad rockets from Qaddafi arsenal, last shipped to Turkey on Sep 5 2012 and Sep 12 2012 ...

Thanks. Civics classes were eliminated in schools for a reason. Can't have the drones understanding how the actual government functions. I'm old enough that I remember studying the Constitution, government and Supreme Court rulings in our basic high school Civics course.

Definitely, oftentimes ruling by apathy and demoralization is better than ruling by force.

Indeed. NOBODY has delivered his promises and I can't believe that they all chickened out or never had info to begin with. Certainly their material is too damaging, too dangerous to be released. I fear that the main event will happen long after November 8th. Either a Trump victory or Hillary in jail are needed to release this info without danger of war.

I want to know what happened with pic related


Simple it was all bullshit to start with to play with the simple minded people that support Trump there never was any damning evidence in any of it. Hell the guy even said none of the email where from or to Hillary.

All that means is Cain, an establishment FUCK, becomes president.
We need TRUMP to become president.


Exactly. People need MSM to plainly display what's happening for them to understand. I swear to god, normies incapable of critical thinking will be the downfall of this country

The problem is, they've gotten sloppy about it. I don't know if it's because Bill and Hillary have gotten old, or if it's because she's technologically illiterate to the point that she really didn't understand how having an unsecured server was mind mindbogglingly stupid, but they've gotten so brazen that it's impossible to ignore.

And what I mean by scorched earth is that Clinton refuses to go quietly and basically exposes EVERYTHING that causes the federal government to implode and has us at war with pretty much every other nation on Earth.

>Comey will resign
I believe this

>Comey wants Trump to win
I do not believe this.

Holy shit, when they leak the entire file to Wikileaks, all hell's going to break loose.

your country is being sold off making these fat cats even fatter while joe fucking blow foots the bill if your short on your income tax or late on your child support your in big deep trouble this system is rotten from the inside out

No you fucking idiot. That will immediately close off possible LEGAL or NON-VIOLENT ways of fixing this issue. That would only lead to large civil unrest and complete collapse of America.

Look bud, I have satanic pedos as much as you, but if they dropped that now, all hell would break lose and our various foreign and domestic "enemies" would use the ensuing chaos to their advantage.

In a civil war scenario today, there are no American winners, only losers.

Thank you (for showing me I'm not invisible...)

Actually, it is necessary to collect the evidence, that should have been known by MSM and shown to public, but have not been.

This is INDICTMENT (affidavit) of MSM lies.

Then, there are possibilities:
- Trump will win, and there will be "Day of the rope" for MSM. We need affidavit already. They must not get out from this gigantic lie for cheap...

- Trump will win and will be able to do nothing. President is JUST A PUPPET. (So there will need to be a revolution either...)

- Hillary will win. People will start a revolution and take their rights. Government, that fails to protect people and Law, does not deserve right to rule. That is, for what there is 2nd amendment.

- Hillary will win and people will do nothing.
The worst Age of Darkness will come, because MSM will have to continue their lying and will need to silence every opposition voice. Their LIEs are tremenduous, so it will need a tremenduous coverup. History will see a happy people celebrating saint-Hillary woman president, and will slowly forget some slained alt-media fools, who throwned all kinds of lies to smear the saint Hillary with some nonsenses...
The decade (or century?) of 1984 Oceania darkness will be really horrible...

This is, why it would be nice to have a comfy list of Hillary crimes, that MSM concealed.

And also to wake some people at last, before it's too late...

in addition to this, some secret services have proofs of kremlin's agents have been infiltrated in wikileaks in order to leak damagin info about hillary. Russia wants so bad Trump to win. And when your biggest enemy ever wants something for you, you should think twice what the hell is going on arond you and what you should do.

>what he fuck happened?
quashed by the corrupt Justice department.

and excuses for my poor english. but all this info is legit.

The fuck happened to November 5th?

There is no way to release without causing riots.
>>>The System >>> found worse much worse goings on than simple files classified above top secret.
What the dem insider cabal has been up to for nearly 20 years would be too much for the civilians to handle.
Crimes against humanity have been comitted on american soil.
The world is too close to chaos right now as it is. Sorry, non disclosure is for the greater good.

Christ! Even Leaf shitposting is better than this.

>that last possibility
You know that is whats going to happen right?

who is the hottie?

Fuck that.


Really? Stacy Keibler. Some wwe diva. also...
>what is google image search

>when the highest legal guaradians are in on he corruption there is no legal means to deal with this shit.

We need a coup/revolution/civil war and carve out this cancer. They will not leave quietly so just let the American people know.

Too many people have been promised too much that they're not going to get. Conflict is baked into the cake here. It's a matter of when and what the issue at hand is. Excessive corruption is as good of an issue to chimp out over as anything. Dump the evidence.

I hate the fuck faces that think this