Remember when Europe was getting a major terrorist attack every month?

Remember when Europe was getting a major terrorist attack every month?

Now it's suddenly quiet. Whats up with that?

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Can you even find Europe on the world map, yank?

haha shitskin

They're waiting to see the results of the election, if Hillary wins they'll continue attacking because the governments will be on their side. If Trump wins, they'll tone it down because America is back.

Also what time do the polls close on the East Coast? I'll be doing an exam from 7:30PM to 9:00PM and was wondering when the results would be announced?

Too wet and cold. Sand niggers are hibernating

Remember when America was filled with fat retards and had school shootings every other day?

Oh wait

ISIS is losing control in the middle east, reducing its ability to project west

Of course, we've had to save it plenty of times.

the money flow is on hold at the moment

they want hillary elected