Are there any Sup Forumstards who don't belong to neither left or right?
>ITT: Share your 'fuck both parties' memes
Are there any Sup Forumstards who don't belong to neither left or right?
>ITT: Share your 'fuck both parties' memes
>I'm supper smart, everyone else is dumb.
I'm a left-winger economically and a right-winger on immigration.
Germany had such a party between 1933-1945, didn't end well though.
>I don't have any argument against your view so I'm going to mock you with a kindergarten level humor
>I can't filter the argument from this image since it's presented in a rather comic manner therefore I'll completely disregard its message
>I think that realizing there are different opinions equates to my level of high intelligence and furthermore--equates to the most developed opinion of all
>In reality has no opinion
>hah you support a candidate?
>you think i would take the risk of having people disagree with me?
>i'm just going to say everyone is dumb and we're all fucked haha
>now everyone knows i'm smart and above all
>Oh you don't like the corrupt professional liar in the buckets of big corporations and Saudi's, AND you don't like the faggot on the right? LMAO!!!!11 YOU THINK YOU'RE SO SMART BUT YOU'RE NOT BECAUSE WE SAY SO