Red pill me on the pit bull ban. is it really the owners fault its what everyone is telling me

Red pill me on the pit bull ban. is it really the owners fault its what everyone is telling me

someone please


pitbulls are more naturally aggressive but a responsible owner wont have much or any trouble controlling it

"He looked fine, until he wasn't"

"He did well, until he didn't"

"The sky was blue, until it wasnt"

"The owner controlled his pitbull, until he didnt"

"Your mom resisted the BBC, until she licked that choco pop"

dachshunds, chihuahuas, and jack russell terriers are just as prone to serious aggression

i read electric meters for almost two years. hoping in and out of back yards. and every pit bull i came across was actually genuinely dangerous. every one of them. no other breed was like that.

It's really both. Pit bulls are naturally ultra aggressive, but can be somewhat reigned in with good owners. However, its still a wild animal that can snap at any second, regardless of how good the owners are. Dumb people (niggers, spics, and white trash) are the most likely to own these dogs, which makes the situation worse. I think the only sensible solution is to ban the breeding of the dogs/forced sterilization, as they are too hard for the vast majority of potential owners to handle.

Also, pit bulls just hate certain people for like no reason. For example, every other type of dog loves me be it a poodle, a husky, or a German Shepard, but every pit bull I've ever encountered tries to attack me due to me being 5'6".

They also weigh under 20 pounds, so they can't cause any real harm. Pit bulls genetic freaks bred to kill. That comparison is bullshit and you know it. Yet again, you're probably a dumb wigger like most pitbull owners, so what else should I have expected.