30 days until infinity war

>30 days until infinity war

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what the fuck is that

black people will save the planet

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I'm very conflicted about this movie.

On one hand, I want it to be a massive box office success to make all the DCKeks lose their minds.
On the other hand, I want it to underperform Black Panther to make all the racist marveldrones lose their minds.

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IW will make less than BP domestic, but twice as much overseas.

The chances of this movie doing worse than BP are zero it has every marvel character and it's not just for black people it's actually multicultural unlike BP.

>racist marveldrones


>the final boss of the MCU is a grapefruit

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Captain America: Civil War was almost an Avengers movie and Black Panther is already way ahead of that one worldwide.
could happen if it's not very good, plus it has more competition. it it does 400 domestically and 800 in foreign markets, that's 1200 and already under black panther.

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Why is DC a shitter in these images?

Captain America is still a Cap movie to the general auidence. IW will make 550-600 dom and 1.1-1.2 bil international for a total of 1.7-1.8 bil.

no idea i m just reposting

dcpajeets are the biggest defenders of dceu

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Black Panther had the advantage of being a new addition and black, it would have trouble repeating that success with 3-4 more sequels once the new car smell wears off.



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>Start losing interest in Marvel movies somewhere around Age of Ultron
>Ignore all the new ones from then till now
>Rented Thor Ragnarok on a whim last week
>Really enjoyed it, so I decided to marathon the rest that I've missed post-AoU
>Had a blast

I'm glad I took a break for a while.

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its ok to be hyped

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oh my goodness

european here

why do americans care about box office so much?

because our movies are not funded by government money like yours are. they need to make a profit to be successful

it's important for 2 reasons
1) if movie does poorly, low chance to see anything else related to it
2) if does too good, it can spawn upcoming trend
Black Panther brings danger of blaxploitation returns. As long as it stays in capeshit only, I'm fine. But knowing other studios, they gonna fill every single shitty movie with niggers. Say hello to 1970s

It's the best way to determine the success of a movie and also it's fun predicting.

I enjoyed Ant-Man desu

ours aren't funded by government. They are paid for by producers and studios. But even if they were, your reply misses the question
okay, these are good point however it seems like some sort of cheerleading is going on. MY MOVIE MADE MORE MONEY NO MINE DID

who cares about a movie's success? How does it change your experience watching it? Do you think success is a measure of quality?

make it a countdown to trigger Sup Forums with capeshit

>zero oscars
Will marvel ever be relevant bros?

do hanburgers get food awards?
MCU is hamburger of cinema. popular, tasty but nothing else

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