You're a sexist if you hate Hillary

>linking slate
>reading slate
>contributing to their click count

What did he mean by this?

so be it

Oy vey

Excuse the fuck outta me??
Im also racist

Every time

If Hellary represents all women, then sexism is nothing to be ashamed of.

Sup Forums is right again


really make u think


Okay this is getting a little ridiculous, what the fuck is up with jewish writers and this cultural marxism craze?


I've known Hillary was a witch for 15 years. Before I could even vote I despised her. 200 years ago we would have burned her at the stake, because that is our natural inclination as right-minded Western people. We can't, which is why our collective hatred and contempt of her burns so hot and so long.

archive link or fuck off
>archive link or fuck off
archive link or fuck off
>archive link or fuck off

We hate her because she is obviously phony, but she keeps getting away with it. We hate her because she represents the entire failure of our political system: she represents the fact that you can be a deception and a fraud and yet rise to the highest levels of politics in our land.

You tell me.

>You are racist if you don't vote for obama
>Americans vote for obama
>You are sexist if you don't vote for Hillary
>Americans vote for Hillary

So who is going to be the first gay president in 8 years after Hillary?

My bet is they run a white man next time just to not make it too obvious and not alienate the white males too much, then they go back to the successful "run a minority" strategy after that.

Country not ready for gay president yet, maybe in 20 years or so.

Well white men can be gay.


Yeah, slip of the keyboard on my part. But like I said, the country's not ready for a gay president yet, and the DNC-types know it, so they wouldn't run one.


You have absolutely fucking got to be kidding me. It's getting absurd at this point.

>vote for Obama to stop racism!
>race relations are the worst in 30 years

>vote for Hillary to stop sexism!

How can anyone hate such a sweet old lady?


Female politicians will send men out to die for women. In times of peace, they will continue to disenfranchise men and get away with it because all women and a significant number of eternal cucks will vote Democrat. This will continue until the burning anger is unleashed or men stop caring and waves of third-worlders pass the unprotected borders and claim the cunts.

>But like I said, the country's not ready for a gay president yet
I trust your assessment then since I can't really judge America without having visited it.

But who knows where you stand in 8 years.

>linking to jew shill media


Yeah, no kidding. It's like a very unfunny very predictable parody.

we're not clicking on that.


Why is Sup Forums always right?

Can confirm, am an actual sexist. I hate women. I hate everything to do with women. I've decided to go gay because of how intolerable women are. Disgusting creatures.


More precisely, it's not so much that the country isn't ready for a gay president, it's that to run a gay candidate would lose more votes than it would gain. The kind of people who would love to vote for a gay president are already almost all going to vote Democrat, so running a gay guy would just lose some votes among more socially conservative types without winning any new votes.

If it didn't work for shilling for the new Ghostbusters film, why do people think it'll work if they shill for Hil?

Also: Running a black guy mobilized black voters. Running a woman mobilized female voters. There are not many gays, so running a gay guy wouldn't mobilize many extra gay voters.

>Michelle Goldberg


You're a idiot if you post articles from Slate

I heard from a lot of americans that Trump is probably the last time the Republicans are even going to have a chance though.

Not sure if that is just doomsday saying but I think there is a decent argument to be made for the country changing in a certain way ensuring a democrat victory.


Must be the vagina. Couldn't be corruption definitely a vaginal issue.

I hope - in the remote possibility of Clinton winning - that those serpents will be happy when the entire West is sacrificed on the altair of equality. I hope they will be happy when the single fulcrum of our existance will be the election of a woman. A woman.

Let them have it I say. Our people are intelligent and strong enough to copy the Jews if things get too hostile. We will always survive. But can the same be said for those people?

>Trump is probably the last time the Republicans are even going to have a chance though.
next election cycle there will be too many fucking spics and niggers

ideas will no longer matter, it will be all about identity politics and da evul wite mane

Because they're importing millions of spics that always vote Democrat to outnumber us. You're witnessing the balkanization of the Americas, policies no longer matter, only the identity of the candidate. This is a disaster in our two party first-past-the-post system, it ensures only Democrats will win elections because of population replacement and give whites no influence in society. There is going to be a civil war.

Tim Cock

>But why?
Maybe because she's the most corrupt piece of shit politician to ever get this far? I couldn't give a fuck whether she is a woman or not.

fuck the media

>romney is an evil rich person
>its ok that hillary is just as rich

fuck them

race relations are bad because we are only 50% white

image race relations in coming decades.....

It's definitely a possibility. But a lot of things can change. Maybe a corrupt Clinton presidency destroys the Democrat brand, maybe a bad economy comes home to roost, maybe the Democrats splinter as the artificial unity of trying to beat the Republicans is no longer in effect, etc.

Also, more and more white males seem to be waking up, so if the Republicans don't act like retards, stop trying to tell women and drug users how to live, stop advocating for dumb wars, and avoid going into Sup Forums-style Nazi fuckery - if they just focus on earnest entrepreneurial capitalism, small government, business-friendly laws, civil liberties, etc. - they could grab white male votes away from the Dems.

The Cross Old Aunt theory is a much more likely reason for not voting Hillary.

Every family has a cross old aunt that everyone tries to avoid at family gatherings. The Cross Old Aunt crosses all races and social classes of society.

Hillary is a cross old woman who resembles this Cross Old Aunt. This means there is little enthusiasm to vote for her from the left wing base.

I must say a Republican party without the religious moralizing sounds amazingly attractive.


would you Sup Forums?

Also, please stop linking directly to these trash articles. Use an archive site or something.