Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?

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I’m putting together a team

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>ugly, angry mystery meat kids

This does not win over political allies.

Who of them will get blackwashed?

Why are Hogg and that bald spic looking madder and madder in pics and interviews lately?

They'll probably play themselves. They're all actors and famewhores.


Jewish actors.
Not because of a global conspiracy or anything, that's just who gets the roles.

Why are they a thing?

What a pathetic backfire for anti-gun lobbying they turned out to be for CNN. I want to shoot them too.

And I'm a euro pacifist basically.

So they'll play themselves?

You're attacking children now? This is the hill you're willing to die on?

You do know what this looks like to normal people, right? You look like monsters.

Millie Bobby Brown as Emma Gozolomo



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>Some students have said they're not happy with the changes.
>Tyra Hemans, 19, a senior, told CNN she supports parts of the new policy, such as the ID requirement. But she believes other security measures, such as forcing students to carry clear backpacks, don't adequately address the real problem with school safety, which she says is lax gun laws.
>"I'm not happy with it. Why are you punishing me for one person's actions?" she said.

>Why are you punishing me for one person's actions?

Shame more of these dumb kids didn’t die

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>sitting cross legged on the chair
>head shaved
Damn she's unique

Her head is shaved because she was dodging bullets you dicklet little piece of WHITE SHIT

Peter Bark will play the Hoggster
They are really detached from what people actually like or want. They literally selected the most cunty acting children to represent their cause. The bald kid literally defended bullying the guy who eventually shot up the school during one of her speeches. And one of them literally said "If you give us an inch, we´ll take a mile" when it came to "improved" gun laws. So much for "common sense" gun-control.

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Dude, backpacks are like totally an expression of your personality and stuff. Who needs guns?

Beware the wrath of soyboys

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Because they campaigned for the government to take away peoples rights. The government is now infringing on their rights and they don't like it

>They are really detached from what people actually like or want.
Says who? You? Other personalities on the right? Their march got massive numbers. Where is this evidence that they aren't connecting with people? Did you read that in your Limbaugh Letter?

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Why does noodle arms always have that scowl on his face, does he think he's intimating or something lol. Also:
>Millie Bobby Brown as El Goblina

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Is telling you that you can't own a bazooka infringing your rights? Then why is telling you that you can't own an AR-15?

why is the text on the paper so sharp and vibrating?


But I can own a Bazooka? Yes it would be

What part of shall not be infringed don't you understand

You can own bazookas
You just need to pay the tax stamp

>Their march got massive numbers

They're already arguing about it, the March claims that 800,000 people were in DC but the right wing Drumpf shills at CBS say they only got a quarter of that number

Because it's not the real constitution

Nice projecting there buddy. Good for you if you think you should change your constitution because some emotional, disturbed kiddies tell you to.

Bale is going to have to slim back down to his Machinist-era bod.

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reminder these threads are russian troll bots

Well of course not, she inst Nicolas Cage


>Their march got massive numbers.
Meh. There are bigger marches against abortions. They are still legal. The "Women's March" was bigger. Trump is still president.
Marches just aren't that significant. They are mostly there for the participants to feel good about themselves.

>right wing

That's a typical jewish network lmao

The part where firearms are already regularly infringed upon. You can't own a machine gun, for instance.

>you can't criticize them because THEY'RE JUST KIDS
Is this seriously what political discourse is devolving to? A group of angry kids can remove a constitutional amendment and nobody can object because they're "kids."

You can own bazookas
>You can own bazookas
What a stupid fucking country.

Wow, the left sure knows how to win an argument.

I got a more practical argument for you antigunfags

There's 900,000 New Yorkers and 250,000 people in Connecticut RIGHT NOW who refused to turn in their weapons in statewide assault weapon bans. What should be done with them? Less than 5% of gun owners acquiesced to the law, everyone else chose to willfully become a felon

And what do you do when that law passes on a national level and you end up with thirty or forty million felons? Keep in mind the US only has 2.2 million prison cells and they're already filled to capacity

>You can't own a machine gun, for instance.
Yes you can

The Baby Driver guy, a bunch of el goblinos and the ugly blonde will be played by some over the top hot blonde.


Living in your head rent free

You didn't answer my question, most likely because you realize there's truth to what I'm saying. These kids are absolutely connecting with people, and that's why you're scared. You can no longer go, "W-we can't politisize this tragedy! We must think of the victims!" because now the actual victims will call you out on your shit.

>Your rights are already being violated so lets violate them even more

That violation of rights can be remedied in the SC after Ruth Kikey Kikeberg dies.


Marches don't bring about leglislative change, but they do reflect attitudes. The large numbers prove the kids are connecting with people and are not, in fact, "detached from what people actually like or want." The only people attacking them are right wing fringe idiots, who look like assholes picking on children in the eyes of normal people.

You're playing this all wrong.

they are all ugly on the outside and the inside. they should've been shot too.

Which is unconstitutional.

I am libertarian with quite a few left leaning opinions and this shit is fucking cringe. I keep waiting for some semblance of sanity to return to the left.


So is your argument that you should literally be able to own any sort of weapon you want? Should I be allowed to own a tank? Should I be allowed to sit atop my house with a sniper rifle pointing into the houses of my neighbors as long as I am on my property? Should I be allowed to build a mechanized turret that strafes any intruders?

Na nananana

Its the mother F-ing H - O - DOUBLE - G

You can own tanks
Are you retarded?

0/10 for this response of intellectual cowardness.

>These kids are absolutely connecting with people

With whom? With people who always wanted to ban those big, scary, black guns? Soccer moms? People who always had leftist tendecies? With you? I don´t see them convincing anyone that is pro-gun.
Their march had a fraction of the numbers the Women march had. And what did that accomplish?


Okay. You keep your "attitudes" and we'll keep our civil liberties. Happy?

Oh no, children don't want to get shot during geometry class and are voicing their concern to the government. Must be a JEWISH CONSPIRACY!!!!

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You should be able to own the rifle that gets handed out to every single infantryman and almost every police officer in the country

I mean if anything it's the soldiers and police who shouldn't be trusted with them lmao

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you forgot to greentext your strawman

I'm not arguing that the march accomplished anything, I'm simply arguing against this idea that these children aren't connecting with people. I haven't seen one poll or study that shows that they are viewed unfavorably by people. Like it or not, even most pro-gun people aren't going to go around verbally attacking children. Most people are decent, which is poison to your goals.

Hall and Oates - Out of Touch.mp3

Not being able to own a nuke is also unconstitutional?

Feinstein to Introduce Assault Weapons Ban Bill

Gun Control Plotted By Jews

Jewish Groups and Lawmakers Seeking Gun Control Get Major Boost from Obama

Jewish Groups Urge Senate to Pass Gun Control Legislation

Jewish Gun Control Backers Plan New Push

Jewish Politicians Lead Chorus Calling for Tighter Gun Laws

Jews and Jewish Organizations Lead the Gun Control Campaign

Jews Lead Gun Control Charge

Major Hollywood Producer Vows to Make the NRA 'Wish They Weren't Alive' With Upcoming 'Big Movie'

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg Demands a Plan for Gun Control

Rabbi Michael Lerner: Banning Guns is Necessary But Not Sufficient

Rahm Emanuel Calls for Nationwide Assault-Weapons Ban

Senator Schumer Wants Your Guns!

Who is Behind Gun Control?

I guess I'll draw the line at CBRN.

You cant bear a nuke

dis bitch

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a warhead is not a firearm you simple brainlet

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>Okay. You keep your "attitudes" and we'll keep our civil liberties.
Except you won't.

Some salty, defensive libertarians in this post.

Complain all you want about those libs with their signs, but I stood shoulder to shoulder with dozens of high school seniors on my train into work today. The next generation of voters don't buy the south park "votes don't matter", bullshit, and they're pissed.

If you don't want to see a gun ban, it's time for you to come up with alternative solutions. It's not enough to just say "no gun bans" any more. Either present the rest of the populace with reasonable, palatable solutions, or you're gonna end up with exactly the gun ban you've been bleating about since the Clinton era.

Signed, A CCW permit holder who can see which way the wind is blowing.


Then you should be obligated to carry them everywhere you go like every infantryman.

>These kids are so smart, we should let them vote
>How dare you argue with them, THEY ARE KIDS, JUST LITTLE BABIES

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>Except you won't
What happens if you pass a gun ban and nobody turns in their guns?

David Hogg already said all NRA members are murderers, so what do you do with five million card carrying murderers?

Says who?

The founding fathers couldn't conceive of an assault rifle, let alone a nuke.

Then it’s a civil war you want

Child or not, you should know by now that if you voice a controversial and uninformed opinion, you´ll get attacked for it,

Please show me where the constitution make the difference between a warhead and a firearm.

Puckle gun you retard


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it's fake

And you should know that regardless of your justifications, attacking children makes you look like an unreasonable, uncouth asshole. The right dogpiling on these kids is doing more to damage the second amendment than any arguments we could actually make.

I was a leftist retard when I was their age too. By 25, I was voting conservative. This is why we have age restrictions on voting. And honestly, it should be raised to at least 21.

These kids are reflecting nothing but their teacher’s and school board’s propaganda.

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>The founding fathers couldn't conceive of an assault rifle
What? People have such a weird concept of the people living before them. We're not talking about neanderthals, you know?

Idris Elba.

>Should I be allowed to own a tank?
Yes. Next argument?

I keep a rifle in my car all the time.
there were already proto-machine guns like 80 years before the constitution was written.

>CNN reveals the truth

Except...Trump only won the 50+ age range. Everyone from 18 to 45 went to Clinton. Your voting base is dying out.

>still haven’t taken my guns
>bump stocks aren’t even banned
Yea, we’re the ones who are seething


Every Democrat who talks about gun controls begins with, "Now I respect the Second Amendment..." Absolutely no one is trying to take your guns you paranoid fuck.