What should he have said?

What should he have said?

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck you, you dirty french whore

Nothing. He was in an unwinnable situation. He should have just chuckled, said something like "well, ya got me" and move on

>You know, people have poked fun of me my whole life. But when it’s all said in done, nothing we do on this planet even matters. We are a speck in the cosmic machine that is the universe. I’m not going to waste me time with a come back sweetie.

omelette du fromage

Well you're a much larger speck, aren't you?

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This. It's not that hard. Roll with the punches, especially if you fired the first shot.




>oh yeah? watch this

*shits on floor*

*flips the bird*

*pulls up pants*


*adjusts tie*

*begins walking out*

*turn around*


*turn back and keep walking*

*turn back again and walk back to them*

*turn around*

*fart in their direction*

*scratches balls*

*pulls down pants*

*orders pepperoni pizza*

*pulls up pants*


*begin to walk out*

*raises middle finger to flip them off while walking out*

*stops walking*


*walks out of studio*

*comes back in*

*hehe... f'got somethin'*

*picks up bag*

*let's go miles*

*picks up miles' bag*

*power stance*

*starts walking out again*

*gives both bags to miles*

*miles still hasn't walked out*

*checks phone*



*burps through nose*

*scratches belly*

*oh yeah, one more thing*


*fuck yeah*

And that's how you handle it.

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You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you... but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get.


>you're a funny guy



"Wow, I expected a little more professionalism. But I bet you're professional where it counts with your producers."
or something like that
>proceeds to tip fedora


“I expected that kind of opinion to come from such a dirty whore”

just laugh and say "ouch ya got me" and move on

>At least I can get some!
What now user?

Sup Forums would have to rewrite the entire interaction from the beginning. There's not really a joke here that works, since he's already established himself as sensitive and insecure. Anything he could say would just sound butthurt or unnecessarily vindictive, because he had no bantz to begin with.

"Wasn't the amount they paid for you last friday night enough?"

>Unlike you I can actually demand price.

I will strangle you, whore

>hahaha well I guess that's why it's a dream hahaha

>still didn't come close to eclipsing your average subway receipt

>you sure you don't need to take a breather first?

>Men aren't so petty as to demand money for a bj between friends.

>invite comedian
>banter and give him a great opportunity for a zinger
>he can't be funny and goes into autistic meltdown mode
What did American Comedy mean by this?

You'll have to catch me first lard ass!

"Are you an assasin, Ornella ? No you neither, you're an errand girl, sent by grocery clerks to collect the bill."

Attached: 1280_jonah.jpg (1280x720, 231K)

>you must know a lot about grocery bills

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Just stop, you sad motherfuckers. Stop spending time imagining yourselves as someone else giving some juvenile retort to a roast.

i.. love you

He's right guys, let's go back to our capeshit and mousewars threads

Piss off loser

t. hates fun

>Ornella, I appreciate the joke, I really do. But now isn't a fitting time
*glance over shoulder*
> Fits better than your pants, Jonah
>Audience Laughs
>No guys seriously, you should stop
*Glances at watch*
>You should start, Jonah. Start Jogging!
>Audience is now bellowing
>Jonah's head bows.
*Peruses sundial*
>Don't cry, Mr. Hill. Dinner is soon.
>His shoulders start heaving.
>Laughter dies. He's crying
>But still a chuckle can be heard
>Its Jonah!
>"AHAHAHAHAHA! These jokes! So witty. Are you available for he next Apatow movie, Ornella? Real rib ticklers.
>Jonah, please calm down, my God, you Americans
>I'm sorry its just..You're just a non stop joke machine.
*Observes Cuckoo clock*
>But not for much longer. Tellem, Miles>
>Miles rips open shirt, to reveal bomb strapped to chest.
>Not so smart now, Frenchie. Oh come, on, not even a "You're the bomb, Miles"? You see, War Dogs isn't a movie. Its a true story. Miles? He's a bomb. Our car outside?
*Licks finger, holds it in mid air
>Should ram this building in eighteen seconds.
>He takes out a sub
>Even these armor hotdogs, which your unarmed guards let me take in.
>*He takes out match, and lights the end.
>Good old fashioned American Dynamite. Heres a joke for you Ornella? What did the Muslim mother say to her husband the day her son retired?
>They blow up so fast.
>Bomb goes off
>The world is shook
>Malaysian découpage club pours over scenes of Superbad, looking for clues.

And thus, she is dealt with.

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what happened pls explain

"ooo monsier, are you gonna share your subway with me now?"

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HOW dare you. GEt gtfo!

I haven't seen a capeshit movie since Mystery Men, and the only capeshit series I watch is The Tick. There are good movies and series to discuss, even if Sup Forums generally focuses on memes about the garbage bin.

I guess you could say he got roastied?

Yes, we all believe you

he should've just left desu senpai. he's a recognized actor and gets insulted by a nobody. just leaving might have cost her her job. the way he handled it let him appear weak.

There wasn't anything he "should've" said, hes just a person. She was being a bitch, maybe he got a little caught off guard, it happened as it happened. Maybe he could've stayed silent and deflected it, it doesn't really matter. Tis a silly meme.

wtf happened i dont watch TV

the trick is to poke fun at yourself while also attacking her, so if she tries defending herself she looks butthurt in the end
something like
>you're shooting a bit high there, lets be honest here, im the best you're going to get
though really not responding is the best option because she'll just cry harassment

Well, correction, I suppose: I watched a couple of Toby's Spider-man movies because my father rented them when they came out, but it's not like I cared for them or would've watched them if given any other options.

>They blow up so fast.
>*Observes Cuckoo clock*
Mein seides

Don't even try to rationalize it. You've been utterly exposed. Btw what did you think of DaFoe?

>You've been utterly exposed
Curses! I would've gotten away with it, too!

>You know, I get it, I'm a big dude. Emotional eating and all that... The friends I made like Leo and Brad helped me through some dark times and I am forever thankful for their love and support because now I am a happy guy. I'm doing what I love and winning awards for my ability to act. It has been a growing experience and now I just want to give back to the world. Love everybody because everybody deserves love.

>But isn't everyday with you a growing experience, Jonah?

It doesn't work, because she is attractive. Jonah isn't the best she can get. She slides of Muslim cock all day everyday, the subway quasimodo stands no chance.

>a quiet awkwardness befalls the audience

If Marlon Brando had ever said anything like this to explain his obesity, he would not have been an icon.


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>You sang a different tune when you were deep throating my fat cock last night while I was eating.

Should have smiled and walked off then played SJW victim card, forcing an apology.
Honestly his initial response was pretty decent

I only know about this interaction because of these threads. Someone give me a quick run down


jonah was on some french talk show and the interviewer btfo of him. these threads are about trying to think up a comeback for feldstein but it always ends in the same result

>Yes, you're right. I need to sort my life out, diet, exercise, get my arse into gear. I really like your approach and appreciate your help. You know, you're probably the one person who really watches out for me and tells me what I need to be told to get my life straight before I'm headed for an early. I appreciate your help a lot and will gladly receive more insults and help them to further encourage me to change. I couldn't have done it without you.

>oh for goodness sake jonah it's only a joke

Of course you are an easy target, it's impossible to miss you.

>Wooow! That's a little bit too much, don't you think, you disgusting piece of trash?

>can't handle the banter like you can footlongs, eh jonah?

Oh ok, so I should leave now too?

This is really good user

>I love banter, what you're saying is vitriolic and disrespectful to society.

>Can I lick your rancid feet

She would pronounce it "sűbwé".

The entire thing is bizarre to me. It's hilarious and I want stuff like that to happen more often, but it's incredibly rude.
What did he reply when he was drowned out by laughter?

>uh...that's a good one ornella...really...But let's try to stay on topic here. Let's keep it about the movie, okay?

Hill, 32, who was on the show to promote his new movie, War Dogs, quipped: “And you? I hear you get sodomized pretty often.”

>Is your snark and derogation all you have to offer to the plebs? You are a gnat biting at my ankle as I till my field. Your handlers are paying me for my presence and you make the choice to waste precious time and effort to shift the attention to yourself and showcase your wit. Being the merciful man I am I will let the dogs howl and the plebs laugh but when I'm done with my work and my presence is no longer paid for I would have you smote for looking at me even the tiniest bit indecent you turd suckling wench. I literally posses enough power and wealth to have you raped by gypsies fresh off the boat not even a week before they have their way with you and throwing your lifeless dog body to the side of the dirtiest street in france. But then it would be a most difficult task seeing as your country is filled with nothing but dirt. Dirty people in a dirty land getting dirtier with time. I'm done with this fucking interview.

>Apologies Jonah... Yes... It was a good one, let's stop it at one then shall we? Just like the pizza you're having after the show for a snack.

>go back to re.ddit, roastie normie

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>to a roast
your post works with either definition of a roast

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This is how Mila Jovovic dealt with the same show when they roasted her


Jonah could have done the same and throw his subway on them or something.

is this a meme, why do people think he has the willpower to keep an uneaten subway on hand?

Didn't Sup Forums already settle this?

"Is that how you got your job as a weather girl?"

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>i have a forecast for you jonah - i predict a lonely night with a meal for one

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I think something like "well I can make half of that fantasy true" would be the best. It's just banter, you gotta roll with the punches sometimes. But I do wonder if it actually is an american/european thing. I could see Americans not having the mentality of "win some/lose some" and instead being focused on just wining all the time.

>A meal for one? Did you become blind in the past few seconds?

you can't really banter freely with a language barrier
bitch had the home field advantage and jonah clearly had the comedic attribute disadvantage so it would never play out better than him taking it on the chin but she was being too aggressive for that to not be seen as pathetic

no u

I thought we all agreed that

>Is that how you got your job as a weather girl?

Was the perfect response. It's succinct, implies she's a slut, pokes fun at her for only being a weather girl, and doesn't make Jonah seem angry.

>What should he have said?
lol gg

>Shall I tell them to leave your fee on the bedside cabinet?

And we're out.

I can’t understand what was said in that video, the translator talks over her. What was said?

I read that they asked her about her father being in prison or something.

>crowd goes "oooh" instead of laughing
>next day twenty five articles come out on buzzfeed alone deriding jonah
>"jonah the slut shaming pos", "tiny dick virgin can't handle strong weather WOMAN", "what's wrong with being a weather girl?" etc
>poor sap has to make a public announcement where he castrates himself on live television