It's #1 on trending

>it's #1 on trending
oh fuck

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>muh pewdie pie
kys faggot.

>pewdiepie literally has millions of dollars
>his """content""" is just stealing shit from here and reading it
You'd think with the money he has he would hire people, make an actual show, or actually make something creative but instead he does this shit

What boards does pewds use?

Finally maybe enough people will move to the other chans that it's worth it to switch.

fuck this guy

He's rich as fuck
At this point he doesn't give a fuck anymore and just shitposts with his career

i find it ironic, everyone on here was spousing this idiot was redpilling. Literally the biggest trojan horse in this sites history and guess who started it all? One of the younger boards on this site.

Fuck Sup Forums

it takes a lot less effort, why turn down easy money?

haha epic XD pewds is /ourguy/! i'm so glad he introduced me to Sup Forums in 2017

I don't hate poods but everything he touches is bound to be ruined by his retarded fanbase made of mouthbreathers thinking ironic memes is the funniest thing in the universe. He really should stop with these meme reviews thing.

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/gif/ and Sup Forums. Reaction videos and shitty memes

When will a real substitute for Sup Forums rise so we can finally just leave this place for the redditors who basically already own it

oldfags have been spread super thin across 7chan, 420chan or other dead sites

>muh sekret club
HOWLING at you cucks

memes? There are several different ways to greentext. my favorite is the Oxymoron

> state something
> state the contradictory

He browses reddit for Sup Forums memes its pathetic.

He did not even pick good greentexts

Those faggots will follow us to the ends of the earth lad, the internet isn't for us any more

I hate greentexting because sometimes it's the only way I know how to tell certain stories.

Sup Forums is so deluded they think he isn't just in it for the content and memes they legit think he is one of them

Sup Forums has been newfag central for ages. Unless you were here in 04-07 you have no right to complain.

>he doesn't know about 13chan

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[not quoting in brackets]
Get with the times you redditors

Sup Forums is filled with dipshit newfags who don’t even know why Reddit was hated in the first place. It’s because they regularly stole shit from here, like ebaumsworld did. Then youtubers do the same shit and make money off it and now they’re le based

why he is not an artists, jew toube is just his job so he will rape it for money.

/paypig/ is the new name for Sup Forums

i bet you felt really cool typing that

At least he's fun and sane when it comes to people and politics. I'll catch a video of his sometime and it's always him just playing around laughing at weird internet people who take things too seriously. He just acts like an adult nowadays which is nice.

that's partially it, but also a cuckolding of internet culture through inviting it to the masses and deciding what is worthy or not to be discussed via upvotes and downvotes

>When will a real substitute

we need to reunite with somethingawful, ebausmworld and digg

Why does reddit always have to mention Sup Forums when its nothing Sup Forums related?

I felt cool reading it


Also that entire karma whoring thing and the shitty reddit culture that festered over the years

>Why does reddit
I don't know stop browsing reddit? Why don't you ask them

I would rather absorb these cunts and make them like us. It will be extremely painful as they shit up the place for a while but when the influx stops they will be assimilated

Sup Forums has had newfags for too long now and they've become accustomed to their stupid newfag ways. Instead of coming here and acclimating to our culture they just mass imported theirs until it took over. All this place has going for it now is the anonymity.


>I've spent almost 10 years on this site
What the fuck have I done with my life

you can't stop it

>wasting money when you can just use Sup Forums, reddit, twitch, and youtube communities as your own idea farm

This is why you'll always be poor. Don't knock the hustle.

If I could make money off my knowledge of this place I'd do it in a heart beat.

>visiting the trending section for any reason other than to update your video blocker list

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Welcome in r/shitpost

>he doesn't know about the Samson option

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>t. underage retard

>tfw ive spent 12 years here
i dont even remember life without it yet i remember all these stupid memes and culture shifts that happened throughout my time here
where did it all go wrong

The only people who have a problem with newfriends are newfriends.

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