Mel Gibson is making Passion of the Christ 2. Here's why you should be worried

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>(and why worrying is a good thing)

>nobody posts archives anymore
Oh how Sup Forums has fallen

>you should be worried because the film correctly depicts Jews treating Christ like shit and that's bad because we always need to be the victim

There, summed it up for you.


>the schmooze
>shira feder
oy vey

/ourguy/ is at it again

>it's an "article tells you how you should feel about it" episode

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Let me guess
>because simply depicting the basic events of Christianity empowers a theocratic hate mob which will violentally purge society of degenerates, homosexuals, sinners, minorities, and Jews. We cannot allow any Christian visualization at all. This is the death of reason and immediately leads to death camps. We're better than this! We're better to the point where religious work is forbidden and feared!

>Exposing Jews for the vermin they are

>Passion of the Christ 2
did i miss something during sunday school or what

nobody posted archives before gamergate

>did i miss something during sunday school or what
Yes. He was resurrected. That's what the movie is about.

and thats a good thing!

>in the Iron Age
>prophet speaks out against your religion
>foreign occupying non-Jewish force kills prophet as per their routine
The Jews pretty much did what anyone would've done (and less than most religions have done in similar situations, including what the Catholic Church did against for example Arianism), they denounced the guy who was trying to convert people from their religion. The only reason to take what happened to Jesus as a big tragedy is if you look at it from the perspective that he was the Messiah.

he put the 'hack' in Hacksaw Ridge. He's lost it. He needs to stick to starring roles that suit his modern profile ala Blood Father

Yeah, he's back.

so it will be him saying hi to the twelve apostles and disappear?

>tfw he won't ever make his berserker movie

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I love how they don't even hide that they're telling you what to think anymore

people's internet defense force of judaea has arrived

>people's internet defense force of judaea
We're the Judean People's Internet Defense Force! People's Internet Defense Force of Judea...

Is it really called Passion of the Christ 2?

Good job outing yourself as a newfag


>shira feder
hmm I wonder why this gal minds jesus so much

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>the film perpetuated the anti-Semitic idea that the Jews killed Jesus
what the FUCK did they mean by this

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>Mel is back Mr. Soros!
>He's making Passion 2 sir!

>this thread again
Just turn the robot on already

>(((shira feder)))

The Jews never dindu nuffn, they are good people, never forget that we are the chosen people, ever.

It's called "The Passion of St. Tibulus."

>Here's Why You Should Be Worried

> posting link so they can make more money with their shit article.
You are as bad or worse than the writters for distributing this garbage.

Well, he was executed by Romans, per Roman laws.

They don't - and that's a good thing

>(And Here's What Your Opinion Should Be)

(and here's why you should be angry)

Passion 2: Passioner

Passion 2: Revenjesus.

I thought we were the people's internet front of Judea?

Passion of the Christ Two: Anti Semitic Boogaloo

>killed an innocent man for preaching peace and love
>"Jews dindu nuffin! Dey good boys!"

Jews are vengeful cruel savages just admit it

Passion 2: Resurrection of the Jew

>One charismatic man creates a religion
>Peacefully gains followers by the hundreds
>Jews get buttmad
>Plot and scheme to kill him
>Eventually sick Roman dogs on him
>This is anti-semitism

>"Let his blood be on our hands and the hands of our children"
jews dindu nuffin

That it wasn't all da jooze getting together to kill christ, but the threatened Pharisees.
It would be like blaming some german footsoldier for barbarossa. It wasn't their fault people at the top were making dipshit decisions.
At least that's what I've always understood the point of contention to be.
Either way Jesus was a rabbi, so the jewish complicity is an internal affair and not dependent on outside acceptance to justify the actions.

I believed he planned to use dicaprio as the main character. If so I'm glad he never made it.

it's hilarious how "news" websites don't have comment sections anymore.

>followers of love and peace man murder and expel Jews constantly for the rest of time and blame all problems on Jews
Really makes you wonder if Christians even listened to that swarthy Jew they claim to love so much.

>per Roman laws
except he literally didn't break any Roman laws and Pontius Pilate was going to let him go. It was only by the manipulation of the jewish religious leaders that he was sentenced to be crucified.

Only after the Jews endlessly pilfer and steal even after being asked to stop

>Know only the story of the Christian religion they taught you in your Midwestern Bible school
>never engage with the true historical events regarding the founding of the religion whatsoever
>base your worldview on this

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wow I'm really worried now

- Electric Boogaloo

The jews caused trouble everywhere they went and still do, they just had a low tolerance for bullshit back then.

I believe the full title is Passion of the Christ 2: Return of the Christ

So many Christ flags, aren't you guys supposed to immanentize the Eschaton and pray for Armageddon or something? 4500 year old earth and so on? Americans really are shit, thank God your country keeps going down the drains.

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It's anti-semitic because it doesn't portray them as absolute saints who are incapable of ever committing evil acts, yeesh goy, keep up.

>Passion of the Christ: Resurrection

Wait a second Mr. Atheist, are you saying there's a discrepancy between the actual teaching of Christ as documented in the Gospel, and the practices of the contemporary church?
Big if true.


t. jewish history books

They were only persecuted for doing usury and draining the blood of children

(And that's a good thing, goyim)

There's nothing wrong with usury unless you take your business advice from the Bible.

>love and peace

Did you fucks all read the Scofield bible? Jesus said "sell your cloak to buy a sword"
He drove the money exchangers out of the synagogue with a whip

the mainstream liberal media, its all just one big appeal to emotion
[spoilers]did you expect me to say the jews[/spoiler]

is it 2016 still?
I bet you was one of those mongoloids who cried about Kony


That scene in Jesus Christ Superstar where he fucking shouts them out of the building is kino.

He wasn't chopping off the heads of non-believers, that's muhammed

jesus believed he was the son of god and messiah. thats the fundamental belief of all christian sects. to call jesus a jew is quite dishonest and ignores the split between the two religions.

The historical Jesus was a religious zealot and revolutionary who wanted to expel the Romans from Judea and rule a jewish kingdom of heaven. After his death and the destruction of Jerusalem in the 60s he was made into a prophet of peace and his kingdom of heaven changed from a real place to an idea (peace on earth). The Roman's killed Jesus. You seriously believe that Pontiacs pilate would take orders from the dirty peasants he was sent to keep in check? The story was written for a Roman audience, who did not want to feel guilty about killing their savior.
Seriously you fucking children, read a book every once in a while that is not the Bible. Amerimutts are on par with africans when it comes to intelligence.

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Passion of the Christ 2: The World Ends With Jew

He was jewish racially but turned his back on the rest of his race


>why jesus is actually hitler (and it's beautiful)


>And that's a bad thing!

not to mention they let go Barabbas a murderer so that Jesus could be crucified

Sure, certainly not as violent as the muzzies but still very violent.

Based pede

An actual israeli jew here, i fucking love Mel

>He drove the money exchangers out of the synagogue
>with a whip
Based Jesus

>least violent in history
>Well they weren't 100% peaceful, so might as well let the mussies take over

You atheists don't realize what savages non-christian used to be, and most of them still are
Christians banned slavery on a moral ground hundreds of years ago, non-christians still practice it today. But christians should apologise for the slavery (((they))) did and let the current slaveowners keep on doing their thing

What a fucking joke

All of you scumbags will be kissing the floor of a minaret just to keep your cozy lives

It's like children quoting what they learned in Sunday school to each other, embarrassing. Americans believe the Bible to be literally true.

The most violent thing he ever did was flip some tables and whip some merchants

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I'd rather have faith in the bible than beliving a jew.

So by your logic, Soros stopped being an super subversive kike because it's no longer 2016?

>it's a "LARPer thinks his pretend Christianity is keeping the muslim hordes from destroying the world" episode

I'm sorry but if you seriously don't think Jesus' words have been abandoned and Christianity is a separate corrupted religion by the early churches, and especially the Catholic Church and it's branch offs, you're ignorant as all hell.

Anyone that takes the time to read the New Testament and Jesus' words should be able to see immediately how corrupted and distant most contemporary teaching is.

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Jesus was a Jew you absolute fucking child.

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>Pontiacs pilate

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i suppose that is how the jews would see it. if you take scripture at face value jesus was both lord and the son. he was god and only loyal to god. the jews then turned their back on god by rejecting christ and so he made the gentiles his chosen people after witnessing their devotion. i dont even believe this stuff but your understanding of it seems limited.

and that's a good thing!

The bible is the word of god, it doesn't get more true than that.

did Kony stop being a cheeky bastard in Africa?
you probably dont remember, you child

>jesus sits in front of temple, several strips of leather in hand and a strange look in his eye
>hey jesus what's up
>oh, not much
>starts to braid the leather strips together
>occasionally looks up into the temple to watch the business going on in there
>picks up braid of leather and snaps it through the air
>ties off the end
>satisfied with his work
>stands up
>j-jesus don't do anything rash
>no response
>walks into the temple
>walks up to the biggest table in the center where moneychangers are scalping offerings at exorbitant prices
>can i help yo-
>flips table in one swift motion
>coins fly everywhere
>birdcages break open
>crash of the table, people yelling, absolute chaos
>cracks the whip
>pharisees collectively shit pants
>entire temple evacuates due to crazy guy with a whip running around beating the hell out of everybody
>streets are soon lined with trembling lenders and bankers, most with bleeding cuts from the whip
>he absolutely fucking wrecks the place
this is always one of the most kino moments in any gospel adaptation, right up there with the last supper

I never said that. I'm just saying that Christians did kill lots of Europeans and destroy their native religions and cultures.

> Christians banned slavery on a moral ground hundreds of years ago, non-christians still practice it today. But christians should apologise for the slavery (((they))) did and let the current slaveowners keep on doing their thing
Yes their mindset made us weak.

Talking about Christians not just Jesus.