Netflix has confirmed that there will be black actors in Witcher

They will play Ofieris and Zerrikanians

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who cares. go back to playing your video games, child.

Oh god, are they actually going to make live action out of those horrible juvenile Polish fap fantasies?

>no source
eat dick Sup Forumstard. you cant just keep going to other boards and making up retarded shit.

Wow, nothing

>implying he is not right
>muh Sup Forums
Butt-blasted redditors are a blessing for this board

This is the showrunner

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Videogames are dead

The Witcher 3 is the deepest, most mature video game of our generation. Sit down, be humble.

oh no! not black people!

>deepest, most mature video game
literally the king of manlets

No Roche no watch

Just another day at Sup Forums

Terrible bloated game that is way too long


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It's netflix

Even if that was true, a Netflix show isn't a video game, this isn't based on the games, the source material is literal pulp fantasy schlock

but all those pics of soyboys are white. i wonder why?

>Sup Forums fucks the board up with false shit and twitter caps
>he defends it like a cuck
that doesn't confirm anything.

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I'm pretty sure this is a joke.

Someone post the compilation of how shit the feminist producer is

>At last... I have become The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Game of the Year Edition

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>Ofieris and Zerrikanians

Aren't they based on Middle Easterners and North Africans?

isn't Roche 100% a vidya original character?

>Ofieris and Zerrikanians
Seems fitting, would be better if they were sand niggers though.

i personally a black man who speak for 90% Of black people will not and have not really got into middle earth harry potter or any of those type of movies JUST BECAUSE THERE ISNT ANY BLACK PEOPLE in them call it racist call it small minded all you want but i just cant get into them

i rather fallout over skyrim i rather cyberpunk/ post apocalypse settings over middle earth if you want our money put us in your fantasy world .

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They are black now. He's black now too.

As long as Geralt, Ciri, and Yen are white, I'm pretty A-OK.

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But Skyrim has Redguards.

>how come all the white race-traitors are white
nobody is even trying to reason with niggers, nigger

no where to be found in that the game outside of a few tokens and 1 mission to getback a princess

Attached: Redguard_loading_screen.jpg (300x168, 6K)

No doubt they'll have progressive beliefs like LGBT acceptance and direct democracy, in comparison to the regressive whites.

Is this shopped somehow is he being ironic? This guy's mouth is terrifying.

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They're in their homeland. Why would a desert nigga race want to live in the coldest place in tamriel


This show is going to be horrible. All videogame adaptations to film/ television are. The fact that all people have been talking about are what color skin the actors will be should be setting off alarm bells in peoples heads as it is.

villentretenwhatever (the dragon) has twoo zerrikanian girls who are described as being mahogany or something with black curly hair.

they are not a faction they are just tokens sprinkled al about where is the Redguards quest line they showing us how proud Nord are about their race they even show us how proud elves are and how they look down on humans and yet they cant give us a Redguards faction the Redguards in the games can be replaced by any other NPCs and have the same function

they're books, retard

But thats all people talk about nowadays

It's not a game adaptation. The games were noncanon sequels to the books. The Netflix show is only adapting the books.

Redguards are one of the most based races in TES BECAUSE they don't involve themselves in the dumb politics and conflict in skyrim.

They kicked out the elves from hammerfel, declared independence from the empire, and called it a day.

why not set a game there then everyone AND I MEAN EVERYONE has milked this middle earth settings over the last 50 years why not let us see how the other factions live what are their laws there is so much to pull from outside of Europe and Japanese mythology but the never do WHY


>they are not a faction
Literally no race is a faction in Skyrim.

Every elder scrolls focuses on one people. Morrowind was dark elves, cyrodiil was imperials and skyrim is nords. When they get to hammerfell it'll be redguards.

fake news

Can we have one midevil Europe fantasy franchise that isn't ruined by modern identity politics?

>When they get to hammerfell it'll be redguards.
please like that will ever happen

Google "The Elder Scrolls: Redguard".

Go back to read your genre fiction books, child.

when anyone posts sources then we get the torches

Oh im sorry Todd Howard, didnt realize that was you.

Is it any good? Never played it desu

They already did one:
Probably just a matter of time until the next.

well of course. it's fucking netflix. the fuck did anyone expect?

Still whiter than the people that want a live action version of this trash series 2bh

idk Trailer Park Boys has pretty accurate casting, seems selective what they choose to ruin.

>Bethesda makes elder scrolls set in Hammerfell
>gets praised for its diversity, 10/10 scores everywhere
You are delusional if you dont think theyre working on this already

not shopped

this man is coming to punch all of you evil nazis and there is nothing you stormweenies can do about it

>Medieval Europe

You mean when Iberia was ruled by black moors and Eastern Europe by Turks?


Besides, based Charlemagne kicked out those Umayyad cucks. Abbasids were way cooler.

>ignoring italy and central Europe where the Frank's reigned unopposed for generations

The books describe some characters as having a dark complexion but what they mean by that in the context of midevil Poland is something like pic related, not an African.

The overwhelming majority of Poles have light brown hair and/or blue/grey eyes

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They've already done a Redguard game before, but could do one again. I'd be curious as to how they'd handle the 'Redguards have been degenerating each generation after leaving Yokuda' side of the lore though. It'd potentially earn them some flack.

>dark complexion

That means diversity and diversity means black actors in Hollywood


It's probably Elsweyr, TES has a solid semi-hidden background story and Elsweyr is one of the few places left to visit in it. After that's done they'll probably start jumping around more, chronologically.

Uh, user, what is Tsipras doing in your post? Is he PAYING DENBTS?

It's generic garbage that shits on the previous games' legacy and is a terrible entry in its own right.

I've not see a white person with trouble getting into narcos even though it basically only features spics. That makes you objectively racist.
Moreover, nobody said everyone has to like everything. Thinking that everything should cater to you makes you egocentric and small-minded.
Then again calling you small-minded would be an insult to people with over-80 IQ I guess. Fucking nigger.

>At least Witcher 3 GOTY edition is good


> MFW the white wolf is black

The witcher 3 is unironically the greatest work of art ever made.

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Every pole i ever met looked more like the dude in your pic and i live in germany, there's a lot of fuckin poles here

*tips fedora*

You probably built up a stereotype of what Poles look like in your head and assumed those were Poles. Poles on average have a lighter complexion than Germans

>Ofieris and Zerrikanians

But neither of those are black

No, not really polemutt

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Damn you found an exploit in a video game, guess it's shit now oh well

Yes they do, Poles are lighter than the vast majority of Western Europeans like the British and Germans. In fact out of all those groups Poles overlap the most with Scandinavians. Brits and Germs are swarthy by comparison. Inb4 people pull up old incorrect blue eye and blonde hair maps from the 1800s that don't represent any reality.

>Implying Hollywood cares

Diversity means black to them

The Last of Us

You're a nigger though.

That's incredibly retarded. I enjoyed Black Panther even though there were like two white guys in the entire movie. I enjoy Narcos aswell and most Japanese anime and Akira Kurosawa samurai movies that feature 0 white people. Why do you need characters to look exactly like you for you to be able to empathize with them and feel involved in their story? If you can'th empathize with people because they don't have the same skin colour as you I would say you're pretty fucking small minded and racist.

>muh roche obsession
shut the fuck up
from reddit to Sup Forums to here the same shit

Do you visit the Cloud District often?

redditor garbage

It's not implying, you literal cuckold, these things aren't implied, they are facts. You're going to be the first up against the wall

Istredd will be black.

Which means black according to Americans.

Whatever triggers gameshitters, makes me happy.

>mature video game

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But how was he wrong

this isn't really an exploit

You sound like a massive faggot