What's the point of this camera technique?
What's the point of this camera technique?
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to make you forget about the god awful cgi
So I can see deeper inside her asshole
To make nu-audiences feel like they're recording the action happening right on their phones
Hot diggity dog!
to disorient you to the point that you forget you're watching a kids movie with bad acting, writing, and story simple made to sell cheaply made merchandise to retards
I can't stand Dan Mindel's cinematoraphy. It's like he's trying to constantly take us out of the movie by reminding us that the camera exists by shaking it and doing stupid shit like this. I also hated the flat zooms that he constantly used in dogfight scenes. It's as if he's decided that cinematography also needs to follow Bertold Brecht's distancing effect to force audiences to take in what they see on a conscious level. Whether or not that's true, I can say that it's working because it prevents what little immersion there might be otherwise.
Or maybe I'm completely wrong, looking into it way too much and it could simply be what said.
So you associate Starshit with Battlestar Galactica and convince yourself it's good.
This, but also because they're unoriginal hacks.
There’s a jarring snap-zoom in A Knight’s Tale but it was literally accidental, the camera wasn’t pointed at the right spot.
makes the action seem more urgent without actually doing anything. kind of like shaky cam.
>Zoom in
>Zoom out
>Zoom in more
To keep the camera on the action without moving it around unrealistically or cutting. It looks retarded but that's why they do it. They should have just cut to a shot from inside that tube as they are coming in.
I dont have it saved, but can someone post that scene with the flying bus from marvel that does the same thing? The zoom sends my sides into orbit.
>distancing effect to force audiences to take in what they see on a conscious level
>for big budget hollywood star wars films
I really doubt it
it's just an epic quirk like lens flare and as you referenced it's also a result of smartphones
It's to give movement to the shot, and also is meant to replicate the snap zoom of a hand camera, to invoke the way people film epic shit they see in real life. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to borrow from the way we're used to seeing people zoom their camera in on people jumping out of the twin towers, or garrisoning their Korean grocer during a riot.
What is it actually called? Dolly-to-snap-zoom?
when i see those fast zooms i just think of BSG. every space scene in that goddamn show has at least one fast zoom
I actually like this effect in more grounded shit, but it has no place in SW.
JJ finally embracing kinography
>Dan Mindel
Is he the one who had final say on this shit? I thought it was JJ, since Star Trek had the same flashy ADHD cinematography.
I like out of place stuff
Exactly. George would have never done.. oh wait. It's still stupid.
I absolutely can't stand it, it really does feel like they want to make it feel more gritty or realistic, but it comes off as completely obnoxious, like something is being shoved in my face. It really does look like a cameraphone effect and I wouldn't be surprised if that was one of the intended effects.
I like it
it gives a naturalistic low budget guerrilla twist to the camerawork which contrasts nicely to the high budget high spectacle subject
I haven't ever seen one on film because I haven't watched any capeshit or similar things from this decade but I enjoy any progression in mainstream cinematography
As someone who seems to actually know what hes talking about, what did you think of Steve Yedlin's work on TLJ?
I don't think it has a name, I've only ever heard it called the BSG zoom
>I like it because it looks bad
>naturalistic low budget guerrilla twist
The entire thing is cgi user
God, it just looks like bad camera work. Like they want me to believe WE'RE ACTUALLY HERE LOOK I'M ZOOMING LEMME RUIN YOUR IMMERSION BUT IT'S REAL LOOK I CAN'T FILM FOR SHIT
>what is naive art
It would have felt less out of place in Rogue One, combined with those camera mounted on the X-Wing style shots.
>bsg is ten years old
that's the point
that's why it's a contrast
that's why it's a twist
u mong
it gives it some more grounding in reality
Because you always get gonzo cameramen hanging around in space, BSG was full of them.
It's the same reason they add lens flare to CGI shots, it's illogical and stupid but it looks cool.
you're retarded
no u
Am I the only person who thought TFA was an ugly movie visually?
for u
what sega cd game is this?
No. JJ Abrams really is nothing special as a director, if L O S T wasn't such a cultural phenomenon due to its cocktease writing then he'd probably still be working in TV.
>my heroic spectacle space fantasy should be grounded in reality
this reminds me of the avengers 2 shot
you know which one
How do you think TLJ got made?
I actually agree.
Definitely not. The fucking hack Dan Mindel doesn't even realize what movie he's shooting. In addition to the problems listed here he also uses this really shallow DoF in half the scenes in the film, which would work in basically any movie besides SW. Half the time you can never take in the details of the background because it's completely blurred out.
You're spouting buzzwords out of your ass, it looks like fucking shit. Contrast isn't inherently good. It's jarring and destroys any immersion or suspension of belief
>the hobbit films are just as good as the lotr trilogy
Fucking hell, I first saw this shitty camera technique in Avatar when Based Quaritch's gunship came over to Hometree. It still pisses me off when I see it in a film to this day.
it's suspension of disbelief m8
while I agree immersion is paramount for many films, there are lots of films that succeed while being self aware of their medium
I don't care what it looks like. This is one of the most exciting scenes in any sci-fi tv show, ever.
Those shots are pure sex. RO is my favorite SW film cinematography wise. It looks amazing and is more faithful to the OT than any of the other movies.
Just look at this shit. Also the last shot is the worst ending shot in star wars history.
Good strawman, very good
i don't care when they zoom to the action to get a clear/closer look
this looks like it was done at random, the Falcon is almost going off screen and the TIE is not even the focus because the zoom doesn't centers on it
Rogue One has no reason to exist.
None of these movies do. What's your point?
Dude that's the answer and that's why they do it, whether you like the effect or not.
Maintain the energy of the scene and give the viewer a feeling of fast motion similar to what the characters are feeling in the Falco-
Oh wait this is a shit posting thread...
It zooms in because JJ is a le hack xP. I HAAAATE star wars!! Just like my friends on Sup Forums!
Jarring zooms are shitty camera work. They're obnoxious and shoved in your face, they don't allow the viewer to focus on a scene, it's a complete diversion tactic from the subpar visuals.
You gotta be more subtle than that shill
Great to cover plot holes
Same, felt like I was watching a tv movie
It was either a boring shot or a shot so boring that it was ugly
>This is one of the most exciting scenes in any sci-fi tv show, ever.
Man, what a high bar to reach
Actually there's a couple of zoom in-s at the Battle of Geonosis in AoTC
>it's bad bad bad!
It's a way to show scope and immediately zoom in on the point of action. The point is that the thing they're zooming in on is the focus. A lot of people myself included simply don't find it obtrusive.
>no external forces or thrusters
>bobbing and spinning all over the place
There are other ways of focusing on a point of action that isn't a shitty cameraphone snap zoom. Cut to another shot. It's a fully CGI scene, just follow them. Be dynamic and creative.
I just don't get how it's not creative. It's one tool of many, it's just a type of zoom. I understand what you're saying but I don't think any of that means the shot should never be used.
theres only 1 tv series that manged to pull the zoom effect properly, and that is Battlestar Galactica
no one else should bother
Then it's simply down to a matter of taste. I personally think it looks obnoxious, a cheap way to make something look more 'involved', or realistic, like I'm watching news footage or someone's phone, and if often feels shoved in my face. I've never seen a film in which I like it. Pan in to the action, cut to it, anything but make it seem like you made a mistake.
To give the illusion that something is actually happening.
Doesn't Zach Snyder do this all the time? I specifically remember it in 300 (during fight scenes coupled with slow-mo) and Man of Steel (in the beginning).
Is that supposed to be a positive comparison?
Definitely happens once or twice in Man of Steel, at least when flies the first time. As for 300, I don't remember, but if it did, it's nowhere near half as in your face as other movies.
It does though, because in episode IX they're bringing back cloning technology so all of your old favorites are going to be returning. To shore up their numbers, The Resistance and First Order use the cloning technology to clone Anakin, Palpatine, Yoda, Luke, Obi-Wan, Qui Gon, Darth Maul, Count Dooku, EVERYONE. This also includes characters from Rogue One like Jyn Urso. They're all coming back in an enormous galactic Ragnarok. It throws the balance of the Force completely out of whack with Palpatine taking over the First Order and basically trying to siphon life out of the universe itself and become a Sith God with control over reality itself. Anakin deserts early on and joins with Kylo, Rey, Luke, Obi-Wan, and the rest of the Jedi. Time travel comes into play at some point with Anakin being the only one who can do it. The universe is basically ending, but Anakin "erases history" in order to save the universe and THAT ends up being Anakin bringing balance to the Force and fulfilling the prophecy. In the process all of the OT and prequels are erased, but Kylo, Rey, and the setting for the future movies remains unchanged and the universe is "saved" with Kylo and Rey now picking up the pieces and rebuilding. Kylo begins to chronicle the "erased history" which end up being the anthology side stories like Rogue One, Solo, etc. as lessons for the new Jedi Order that he and Rey form. I'm dead serious that this is the broad strokes stuff for the next film.
to show that ep7 was made by amateurs
imagine if ESB had this crap during the asteroid chase, its like using crayon to copy the mona lisa
Yes. Despite neither movie having other qualities, one thing they do have in spades is visual class.
it was a bad idea
george wanted to make it look like 'war photography', I think he failed and should have made geonosis more visually distinguishable from tatooine
he also let his creative staff come up with novel camera angles for the ep3 opening battle
I think it would have been better if he stuck to his kurosawa mimicking style
you can see the RCS thrusters firing from the nose at the end of the webm
>he also let
If only he let other people do more instead of the staff treating him like Jesus
Pirating war reports
Crash zoom
no, they would have ruined it
AOTC was ruined because he listened to fans
What's the point of your face?
George put that in because he wanted it in the movie
>BSG invented shaky zooms to cover their substandard 2005 TV CGI
>$300 million 2015 movie have to use the same technique
Actually looks pretty nice.
I'm currently watching BSG for the first time and all these CGI moments are so fucking jarring
> In space
How can those guys be crouching on the ground in space? Ridley has clearly gone senile.
>what is entering the atmosphere
Really what should bother you is the fact that space borne humans use feet KEK