John Boyega is reportedly being eyed by Warner Bros Pictures for the role of John Stewart in GREEN LANTERN CORPS

>John Boyega is reportedly being eyed by Warner Bros Pictures for the role of John Stewart in GREEN LANTERN CORPS.

Can he pull it off?

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The power of gorilla face

>oggaaabooga - SW/Pacific Rim killer
>Tom Cruise - Dark Universe killer
2 universe killers together? DC wants to end once for all?

That’s actually a pretty decent casting choice.

They sure are pushing him hard and no one is buying it.

Tom Cruise has nothing to do with GREEN LANTERN CORPS.

And he didn't kill the Dark Universe. It was already stillborn.

He's 15 years too young

>Tom Cruise has nothing to do with GREEN LANTERN CORPS.

I like the idea of an older Green Lantern passing the torch because it fits with an older near-retirement Batman and Hal Jordan is fucking boring, no matter how many daddy issues they give him, but Boyega doesn't have charisma and he's ugly on a franchise with a large female following

>no guy Gardner casting announced

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that fucking upper lip

Fuck both Hal Jordan and Stewart, I'd much rather have a Guy Gardner or Kyle Rayner Green Lantern film.

Seems a bit too young.

Wow, that's embarrassing. No wonder kids these days would rather read manga.

Guy Gardner should be in the Lobo movie (also, Jason Momoa is wasted as Aquaman, he's a perfect Lobo).

Such a bad casting. He would never pull it off. Should have cast will Smith for the part.

He was literally the only good part of Force Awakens


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Gardner's peak was in the 80s

I guess they're going with Stewart because people complained why Green Lantern was white on the past movie

Guy > Jessica > Hal > Simon > Kyle >>>> Stewart
Don’t (you) me DCAUfags

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No it was in the new 52s Red Lantern series

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Stewart is the least developed green lantern in the corp, the fucking living planet has more storylines. So yes, oogabooga is a fit.

>Simon before Kyle

WB films fail at BO by themselves why would they pick him ?

Maybe they can introduce Kyle and Guy through Stewart

>beware my power, green lantern's light biiiihhhh...

This is his one chance to save himself from the Star Wars curse


he can't pull anything off

>be Kyle
>become a god
>suck ass
At least Hal tried to do something with his parallax power up, granted it was dumb, but it was SOMETHING.

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thats why posted more links

can you imagine how ridiculous he will look next to Cavill, Momoa, Affleck and Fisher?
There are other black actors than this goof.

Miscasting. Doesn't look strong or commanding. He's a ham actor who happens to be a racist and I think he's outstaying his welcome. To me you need a guy about 10 years older with more presence. Guy more like pic related, but better actor.

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>gets Ion, the source of all green lantern power
>gets the white light, which is all alntern powers put together
I mean what is the point of this useless fucker, to make Hal look better?

Yeah, I think he could. As long as he has a good director.

John Boyega is alright in my book, but he's not nearly man enough to be John Stewart


Idris Elba is the superior choice. He could channel the JL cartoon GL.

I haven't read capeshit in about 20 years but did they stagnate or what? those lame ass traced stock poses, those thought boxes overlapping with retarded monologes. It's so obsolete and lame.

As long as we get an attack the block boyega instead of the Tlj boyega

I wonder, how many franchises can Boyega ruin?

He has no charisma and the small amount of fame he has went to his head.
This is clearly evidenced by the character he plays in PRU, not a single time he was on-screen did he do a convincing enough job. It was more like he was playing a campy version of himself, like PR feat. John Oogabooyega.
Has no chops to take a leading role and he should just accept his fate as a supporting role actor.

>no Emerald Twilight story
>no Sinestro corps war story

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He skipped too much leg day


this is your black Chris Hemsworth

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>have to introduce the Guardians of the Universe
>all the normies get confused because of Guardians of the Galaxy
make it happen

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American degeneracy will get more and more amusing.

>Christopher McQuarrie MIGHT direct the movie
>"McQuarrie sometimes works with Tom Cruise. TOM CRUISE CONFIRMED FOR GREEN LANTERN!"


Seeing that thought boxes started to come into phase around that time, you maybe just aren’t used to them

If he bulks maybe.

How to spot a white cuck or nigger on Sup Forums watch out for

>John Boyega is underated
>John Boyega was okay in Atack the Block
>John Boyega was sidelined in TLJ
>John Boyega was the best thing in PRU

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>people unironically know who gotg are and not knowing who gotu are
Are we on Earth-3? What fucking timeline is this?

John Cena

>1.75 m

Hes a manlet with female hips

Wasn't suggesting literally him. Just giving a sense of the look (mostly face and presence) that they need. He doesn't have to be rioded up.

>no source

>Boyega doesn't have charisma
Well neither does Stewart so this casting choice is perfect

It's not like you can't shoot the movie with the Tom Cruise angles and boxes.

>Rose is so bad Finn deserves better
>Finn had potential
>Kylo is an nazi

Hell yes

>Let’s try and get one of Disney’s Black actors
>Which one?
>The worst one possible!

>media pushing boyega
>idris is forgotten
how did it all go so wrong?

>near-retirement Batman and Hal Jordan is fucking boring

Someone playing with the horizontal width?

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Idris is in literally every other movie


>Hal Jordan is boring so lets do a movie on John Stewart!

If Hal isn't the star then I don't care about the movie, so knock yourself out.

you ?

Yeah, I can see him or Elba as Lantern. Maybe Boyega as a younger version Idk. I'm not autistic over capeshit so him being eyeballed for the role isn't rustling anything.

Not enough Charisma

>I want a Cletus version of a Lantern
Okay, Sup Forumsnigger.

No he wasn't

Not only are they ruining white heroes, now they want to ruin black ones as well.

>imagine taking the time to crop a black man's upper lip to show anonymous teenagers how racist you are
Life must be a rollercoaster for you.


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You think they wont give Stewart, Hal's storylines?

but srsly it's like the whole bottom of his face got stung by a bee

>having any positive opinion on this actor makes you a cuck

>That shitty Parallax in the Ryan Reynolds movie and now this?
Pls no, the only franchise I like from DC gets no love.

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>the absolute state of Boyega stans

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literally no Green Lantern passes the torch, we have 5 Earth ones running around, 6 maybe if you count the girl one. And if they wanted to actually pass the torch it would go to Kyle

about this one ? Sure does.

Knowing WB, they'll give 5 mintues clip of smartphone of some character

1. Who Cletus
2. I’m a lefty
How can you ruin Stewart? He has no character to ruin

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>he doesn’t count Jessica

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Could be good

>female AND latino
nigga please

they need someone with adult features

Alright grandpa, it's time for your meds and nap time now.

Why would any actor choose to sign up to a DC movie when MCU exists and is still expanding?

>lefty lefty lefty
>only my boogeywoogey uses Cletus
That Lantern is literally a fucking Cletus.

said the man actually on a Sup Forums image board complaining that people are talking about fictional characters

Well they would have to unless they want film after film of John fucking up and blowing up a planet

Then you have a mental illness, I am guessing.

spic here. in the context of a female, it would be spelled as latina

>Can Boyega play an ex-marine
Fuck no