What are some films that capture the feel of the late 1990s?

What are some films that capture the feel of the late 1990s?

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today that would be funco pops

also I'm gonna say Mallrats I guess

Mac and Me

Lol, I was just thinking if SO and I had anything that would be divided like that.

He can have all Star Wars related items (including life-size R2D2 replica he's building). We both love reading but different genres. I love cooking, he loves eating. He doesn't fit my sexy pumps.

Nope. Got nothing. Our ideas about life are similar. But we can leave with those.

Good Burger

someone post the Funko pop cuck contract

You sound like a tremendous faggot.

Anyone who refers to their partner as an "SO" is 100% a homosexual.

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Office Space
American Beauty
Fight Club

I'd add Friday too

>get a $1560 yearly "allowance" to spend on plastic crap
>has a bunch of exclusions so you can spend EVEN MORE on this garbage
>literally having an "emergency fund" for toys
end his life

I forgot American Psycho and Scream

This is the couple if you were at all curious

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Strange Days

Attached: strange-days-japanese-movie-poster.jpg (500x705, 88K)

>be teenager in 90s
>mom is addicted to beanie babies
>mcdonald's comes out with a beanie baby promotion
>mom drives to every mcodnalds in 20 mile radius every day, buy five happy meals at each one
>suddenly house is full of mcdonalds hamburgers and fries 24/7
>this goes on for a week or two
>i eat literally nothing but mcdonalds
>gained 30 pounds in a month.
I'm glad beanie babies died.

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Human Traffic (if you're a Brit)

He's 100% a manlet isn't he?

Severely deformed hominids

that's an awesome poster

American Psycho is set in the 80s

Well it feels like the late 90s

you feel like a retard

can't hardly wait is the best representation of the 90s

Matrix. No movie comes close to that.

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I don't feel like it I am one

your mom is shit

you absolute fucking faggot

I can't believe these kind of people can actually get married to anyone.

Is she balding?

Yeah holy fuck your mom was a fucking moron. Damn.

Wouldn't be half as bad if they were decent figures.

LATE, 1990s?
This guy is right. This is the maximum, ultimate late 90s movie.

Unironically this

>the aesthetics
>the fashion (dark colors represent a dark uncertain of the 2000's)
>the technology
>everything is grime, "Y2K"
>internet was still quite new to a lot of people

>addicted popper
>concerned wife
something tells me this isn't legitimate, was this done at some sort of meme court?

Even think he's made his wife wear a funko mask while they fucked?

>spend all day every day in front of the Sup Forums doing nothing but eating
>"fucking McDonald's made me fat!"

What is it with you cucks and never accepting any kind of responsibility? You gained 30lbs because you didn't do any exercise you fat cunt. Remember Christian Bale in the Machinist compared to Batman Begins? Do you notice how much weight he put on, the shit he was eating to put that weight on, but, apparently by complete magic, wasn't a fat shit? That's because he did this thing called "exercise".
Cucks like this will defend you because they're probably some kind of loser themselves and they equally don't take any responsibility for it.
Don't even reply to me, if you have anything you want to say you can catch me at Main and 3rd tomorrow at 10am and I'll put you in the fucking ground. Bring those other cucks with you if you like and I'll knock them out with each other.

oh it's very real

>you need to go to court to write a contract

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lol calm down, fatty

if you want it enforced legally, yes you dumb dumb.

Just because you wrote on a piece of paper that you own the world doesn't mean you do.

i was under the mistaken assumption that we were taking this seriously because it was some sort of legal battle between a husband and wife
but i guess we're just acting like retards pretending to get mad over something that is basically fiction
fuck off im not going to sift through reddit shit give me cliffsnotes or something

American pie

This tbdesu. I don't believe any """notes left by strangers""" or contracts I see on the internet. Everything today is just made to get (you)s.

you're a fucking idiot who obviously doesn't know what a contract is, judging from your completely retarded example and probably knows nothing about law at all.
You only go to court when you sue for breach of contract, and in many cases not even then.
t. an actual adult who has written and signed contracts in real life

what is this beard style called?

>give me cliffsnotes or something
His entire post history is almost entirely funko pop related stuff. Buying/collecting/trading
One of the posts is about the contract.

No one thought this was a real "legal" thing. We're just laughing about the sad life of a guy who spends all his free time collecting plastic garbage and how it got to the point where they made their own contract about it

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>if you want it enforced legally
You're a fucking idiot.

You only go to court if there's been a breech of contract. Two private parties signing a contract out of court is the standard

literally none of the replies to it were "laughing about it"

Me? I prefer the early 90s.

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>wouldn't be as bad if he was filling his house with some other plastic chinese garbage
Yes it would. The manchild epidemic is repulsive.

is it an investment? he keeps them all boxed.
the markup on these things is probably crazy, no way this is a good idea.

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speed is pretty good for 90s aesthetic too

When I wake up on the morning and the alarm gives out a warning.


>is it an investment?
He thinks his collection is worth over $35,000

There's no way in hell he's ever going to get that kind of money for it. Even if he sold them all off he'd probably barely make back what he spent.
Imagine there's a house fire, his entire "investment" would be a puddle of black rubber

>massively overvalues his plastic trash
>house burns down
>entirely an unfortunate coincidence
perhaps he's not so stupid after all

>army veteran father-in-law vehemently disagrees with his hobby, asks his daughter to divorce him
>he dies during mysterious circumstances shortly after their marriage

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>I can really only grow a neckbeard, so ill just shave the bottom so it looks like i have SOMETHING

t. manchild

so are you blind or just stupid

Well im not the guy in the pic so I cant be stupid

unironically con air

that's a strange neckbeard

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>'cuck contract'

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This is a prime example of I fought and watched my brothers die for this shit

>This guy landed an Amazon woman

>she's (not even) tall!
she seems as autistic as him though, also a wwe nut. two peas in a pod.

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>hey dad, can we rent this?
>uhm, i don't know. it looks violent.
>but pleeease, you said it was my turn!
>oh ok then.
that night, i became a man.

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If that guy+wife are retarded enough to make that contract just to post on the internet for Reddit bux it is pretty sad familia

jajaja media vela jajajaj



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Is this 90's felt more like mid to late 80's.

You've Got Mail.

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Super dark times felt pretty accurate to me

>Amazon woman
she looks like she's 5'8"

You're literally pulling that out of your ass


Early to mid 90s
Mid 90s
Mid 90s
Mid 90s
Early 90s
Mid 90s
Mid 90s
Mid 90s


Huh they actually look normal

>tfw you'll never get e-tarded in a back rub pile ever again

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Jackie Brown is most likely set in the late 80s. Definitely not mid-90s, and most likely not early 90s when the original novel was released.

ready player one

Dazed and Confused is a pretty good 90s movie about the 70s

>ctrl-f 'Heat'
>0 Results

Come on Sup Forums


Lola Rennt / Run Lola Run

Attached: Run Lola Run 1998 720p BRRip x264 RmD(HDScene Release).mkv_snapshot_00.12.39_[2017.03.01_19.52.13].j (1280x688, 145K)

not a film but the first season of american crime story

>tfw I'll never find my own weirdo gf
Will the suffering ever end?