Wtf I want to see Ready Player One now...?

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What? Why are people still shitposting about that on le current year trademark?

AnD tHaT's A gOoD tHiNg


Yes, I was looking for more absurdity in my day. Thank you, based vox reader!

they hate us cuz they anus

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All these years later and they still dont understand anything at all about the difference between gamergate and the people who liked ready player one

>this movie only gets bad reviews from females

Wtf why is that article so long? I was two thirds of the way through and still didn't take anything from it. Whoever wrote that needs some coaching.

>actually reading articles
>on Sup Forums
Get out

This is some high nerd fantasy right here. Since when do Chads and Staceys even attempt to enter your circle? Remember when MtG became popular with the schools lacrosse team? Yeah me neither lol.

You are step 5 of Sup Forums's version of that comic

Dumb Redditor, it happened to video games and comics already

you are part of the problem and you don't even know it.



Journos try to hype up Gamergate as their very own Version of the Holocaust. Even though gamergate itself was a fucking joke and accomplished absolutely fuck all except getting e-celebs more attention and patreon cash.

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you're really digging for this one eh


Gamergate is useful.
Every time someone takes it seriously you know he's a retard.

Kek, you've really triggered the virgins.

You don't own Sup Forums though. In fact the owner sold it to someone else and I'm abiding by the owners rules.
>video games and comics have rules that newcomers should abide by
Imagine being this much of a dork kek

at least we know who will be praising this reddit flick
Sup Forumsedditors again

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Someone archive this horseshit. OP is a faggot.

>videogames and comics used to center about male fantasies about power vengeance, retribution and so on
>roasties start to get involved or pandered to (this goes by hand of the thirsty male primary audience)
>now we have the current dumpster fire that are the current video game and comics mainstream industries
Stop pretending rabbi

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>video games
>social media
every last one originated from our circles.

i would literally be called a nerd for being on forums n shit when i was younger, now if you don't have a facefuck or instacunt account you're the fucked up one.

ah yes, the "disregard every opinion with anime avatar"

It's drivel that keeps hinting that there is some substance but never actually delivers any. The agenda is to hear the buzzwords and get so angry about what is supposedly being said/done that you don't bother reading the rest of the article before being outraged or you read it and come to conclusions that have no ascertainable facts to back them up.

This is the new feminist writing style. The blocks are designed to be wordy because they get paid to have articles a certain length so they have to pad the article with needless information or self referencing links. Usually they'll use some non-term that's hyperlinked and the hyperlink takes you to another article all about the non-word. Great for clicks, great for views, great for driving numbers.

Don't take my word on it, take this article about mansplaning for instance.

Feminist who buy into this shit show how weak minded women are.

>accomplished absolutely fuck all

I was in the middle of it, it started as a hilarious witch hunt raid but it all changed when that list of videogame journos who were part of a liberal cabal that were getting outside cash for pushing liberal values into their medium, that was the start of what got trump elected in the end.
It was the point gamergate started becoming very anti-liberal and anti-media, also why media shills found easy to just spin it as "anti-women", there are idiots to this day that still believe the biased hitpieces against gamergates as fact.
Journalists are the scum of the earth but videogame "journalists" are the botton of the barrel they are the mold of the trashcan.

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look I just hate niggers and I hate faggots and I hate effeminate men and validation seeking women who pretend to care about about either, ok? thats where im at atm desu. so i ree when these people start affecting forced change because somewhere up the chain a faggot, nigger, effeminate man or validation/attention seeking whore was hired and shat up the creative flow and objectively brought down the quality of something I love. Or I did before I got my life in order and got married. Now I just feel bad for those autists still in the trenches.

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Reminds me of that time a guy pretended to be a woman and wrote fake SJW parody articles and that got published by a website.

>"insert obscure made up phrase in order to not have to refute the point"
why are you even on here, reddit is back that way


I feel like this chain of words is something I would hear in a Tim & Eric skit about feminism.

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It feels like they didn’t give a shit about a movie and just used it to write a political fluff piece.

>using AV Club's review as an example of people disliking the movie when it's actually a positive review, as are almost all reviews

Nobody lost their job.
Nothing changed.
Same corrupt journos are still there.

>that was the start of what got trump elected in the end.

Trump would have won anyway because Hillary couldn't into electoral college.

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Gamergate unironically led to the rise of Sup Forums, and subsequently the alt-right, and ultimately Trump.

John Twelve Hawks predicted this. All we need is out space jesus.

>John Twelve Hawks
Who? Is this some Injun mystic or something>

The distrust on the media wasn't invented there but it became huge after it.
Nobody with a brain believes these internet articles anymore, not about videogames, not about any other theme.
But i understand that some people will come here pretending to be average Sup Forums users to attempt to shame media disbelievers because they are article writers themselves.
Your job is safe if thats your case, your boss can use clickbots, advertisers will never know.

It should be a bannable offense to shill your clickbait articles here if they aren't ed


where is that japanese fucko when we need him

>beast wars is untouched by reddit player one

>accomplished absolutely fuck all
It arguably memed a president into office.

Argued by idiots maybe.


Do you want total war? Don't they realise what they might be unleashing?

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So what you saying is that it ended up a reverse strawman?

delete this

SJWs trying to manipulate the narrative? I’m shocked!


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>You don't own Sup Forums though.
Yes I do. Go away.