>women and non-whites
Does this even surprise anyone? It's disgusting that results will be contaminated with hispanic, negro and feminazi votes.
>women and non-whites
Does this even surprise anyone? It's disgusting that results will be contaminated with hispanic, negro and feminazi votes.
This is democracy. The white man is superior in every way, but his power has been equalized by lesser beings.
only native americans should be allowed to vote doe
>whites are a bunch of racist GIBS ME DATS
wow what a shocker
Nope, they didn't build the civilization, so fuck them. They just ate shit for decades, until we gave them gasoline to sniff.
i bet white people are more likely to vote though.
But white women vote most for Trump?
White people men or women are based the problem are the shitskin
>Hillary btfo
What the fuck Oregon ,Washington ? Especially the latter.
Are these states so disconnected from reality ?
Democracy has failed