Just watched Blade Runner 2049.
U niggas really thought this could touch the original?
Hahaha amateur hour. Like a expensive fan film
Just watched Blade Runner 2049.
U niggas really thought this could touch the original?
Hahaha amateur hour. Like a expensive fan film
Other urls found in this thread:
There is no single shot in BR 2049 that is memorable or will be classic. Villeneuve is bland filmmaker which doesnt take risk, he doesnt make memorable movies, he dont ask question, his movies doesnt stay with u after watching them.
> I saw C-Beams
fast-forward to current year
> I saw AI tiddies
>There is no single shot in BR 2049 that is memorable
Pic related scene was quite striking and memorable.
>he dont ask question
Almost everything he does is ask questions, one of the often critiques is he asks too many questions with not a lot of answers, especially since most of his films are about moral dillemas.
Also call your third world english teacher and let her know that she did a terrible job at teaching you the most basic english
>Pic related scene was quite striking and memorable
The scenes in K's apartment are the worst. Some shots are lit like a sitcom.
This scene alone was the best i have seen in years ,talk shit about the rest of the film if you want ,but this scene was truly on of the best ive seen
It was better than the original you bitter virgin
>he thinks every shot should be as colorful, vibrant and "pretty" no matter what the narrative of the film is trying to portray
mental midget supreme
you just didn't understand it sweetie
i love them both, but 2049 has some unnecessary /badly made action scenes for my taste. i can't get into Wallace and Luv, they're either too cartoonish or are not given enough screentime to make me understand their characters.
Will there ever be a director's cut or something? some extra scenes?
>to make me understand their characters
Here's a good short read on Luv's tragic character rogerebert.com
>Will there ever be a director's cut or something?
Nope, the film you saw is the director's cut.
>There is no single shot in BR 2049 that is memorable
>durr i won the arguments
>Defending generic-looking shots in a Blade Runner sequel
Pic related is so mediocrely shot for such an intense scene.
I wouldnt exactly say it was better but it had
>better protagonist
>better "romanance" (deckard romance wasnt well acted(
>deeper insight into world
>just overall better look through better tech
Original had better villain and other things ,but br2049 did some things better
Quality bait
>no tits in the shot
What did autismo OP mean by this?
>I-I saw a space ship
It's ok OP, the original was also shit.
>A vastly better more detailed protagonist in every conceivable way
>Better more genuinely emotionally investing romance than the absolutely flat "romance" of the first one.
>Better more consistent character development of all the characters throughout the entire narrative, not just in the third act.
>Better sound mixing and sound editing in the soundscape
>Better executed version of the Voight-Kampf sequence
The only thing that is most definitely superior in the original is the soundtrack and Roy Batty.
Both are extremely good films though.
No one on Sup Forums with taste did. Just teens and normalfags that think they're above their own kind
this place is full of pseudo cinebuff redditors. of course they loved their "I'M CINEMATOGRAPHING" visuals and le Goose self-insert.
>Just teens and normalfags
They literally don't give a single fuck about this or the first one, as evident by the box office
This is memorable simply because of the gigantic naked pink hologram. It's not even good from a visual standpoint.
Contrast on K is so low that he's literally just a blur looking from afar, so much for adhering to the rule of thirds. Even the lights in the background are more discernible than the actual character.
just a poor imitation of the original shots of the Chinese lady's face on the side of he building.
it's as if Nolan directed Lawrence of Arabia: 1999 and there was a match cut shot of the match blowing out/desert scene with updated technology. Pure hackery and imitation of much superior artists
>Contrast on K is so low that he's literally just a blur looking from afar
You're talking like this was a mistake and that he somehow should have a spotlight on him in this wideshot, not Joi
what game is this?
Cant get more Brainlet than this.
You can. You can be a tasteless entry level child like
2049 is a chick film? No wonder I didn't like it. 2049 needed something else like Roy and his crew for the rest of us to watch.
The scene had a centrally important contribution to the movie's themes: was K's Joi real? Are the replicants any more real? It also shows the gross commercialisation of these pseudo-humans as sex objects, that's why she's both naked and pink with black eyes. It's uncanny and off-putting, this was telegraphed earlier by the giant ballerina holograms advertising for Soviet Happy, the replicant brothel Mariette works at. It's actually an excellent shot visually connecting the characters and themes of the movie.
>if a film has romance in it it's a "chick film"
Is Heat a chick film then?
How retarded can one be
What's so good about it?
That’s not entirely true. Denny is very similar to Ridley Scott in that he often directs high concepts with trashy scripts. The major difference being that a) Scott is still alive and directing approximately 4 movies at any given time and b) is a hilarious madman who everybody loves to work with and is generally a fun guy.
pic related, a great shot/scene with the perfect amount of tension? The problem? It doesn’t work without the buildup, and most of that buildup isn’t particularly interesting visually or technically. The script carries it to here, and in another comparison to Scott; Villy isn’t a screenwriter.
2049 is a fine film with a shit for brains script, same as the original. Venezuela is not a perfect replacement for Scott, or a necessary one, but shit there are worse people out there.
It's a film for gays and soys
Watch this
It's also a boring piece of trash
>shot, reverse shot
>character gets up, walks toward a window
I don't even know if these threads are memes or just autistic nitpicking.
Heat has more going on than those painful to watch relationship scenes. You can skip them all and it's still great. 2049 needed more than the chick stuff like the original had.
The parts with the families and Neal banging that brunette were objectively the worst parts of the movie though. Yeah, I understand the purpose they all serve in the film, but still, it's not very compelling to watch.
>thinking the original was good
Half and half.
2049 had plenty going on beyond K and Joi.
The first film already covered these themes. What was the point of 2049?
I'm not saying he should take the focus over Joi, I'm saying K is the secondary focal point that should be at least visually discernible.
They framed him with the rule of thirds, they even went as far as to have, Joi, the focal point in this shot, pointing right at him, but the awkward lighting is almost trying to sabotage the decent framing.
>inb4 K is supposed to look insignificant
Still doesn't justify this shot look bad. Find a way to make the shot look good while matching the movie's theme.
The first one barely "covered" anything
It's a physical manifestation of K's character development.
And what many people fail to notice in this scene is that through the sync act this is most probably the first time Mariette was genuinely kissed in her life, first time felt what love feels like. It's a very character involving scene for all three characters, not just literally but in narrative terms also.
All told purely by visuals
>first film
>spoonfeeds you what the character is feeling "dude i'm dying i'm just like a human dude isnt it like, totally sad when you die all your memories and experiences are just gone like dude fucking sad man"
>2nd film
>silent reflection on achievements, coming to terms with his own destiny and mortality
This, plus Batty's character development and Hauer's acting demonstrated the themes much better than anything 2049 tried so desperately to do. Not to mention the superior visuals and soundtrack of the original.
Why are Sup Forumsideogame playing capeshit loving redditors so triggered about Blade Runner 2049 being kino and Sup Forums's MOTY of 2017? It got worse after it won an oscar competing with a Star Wars and a capeshit movie, pure coincidence I'm sure!
The first one is about what it means to be human, while the sequel deals with how memories form identities, what it means to be "special" or individual, and does it matter if you're programmed or not. The first one was about the human-replicant relationship, the second one extending it about the replicant-AI relationship and the nature of programming itself, which is not so prominant in the first one
>fans of 2049 don't even understand the original
that's why you need spoonfed Nolan-tier cringey dialogue. You can't interpret characters' actions and compare characters to find meaning
>Contrast on K is so low that he's literally just a blur looking from afar
try going to the theater spic
He's entry level
>being so tasteless he prefers generic minimalism over detailed designs and intricate lighting
I don't see that post mentioning BR2049 anywhere, are you mentally ill perhaps?
>it's him
Now you know why you didn't need to. Can I get a (You) that includes your 'boring isn't valid' pasta?
>being so tasteless that you expect every sequel to ripoff as much as they can from their predecessor
It takes the themes of the first one and takes them a step further. If replicants are as good as humans despite being artificial, they should be able to have "real" love even if it's artificial as well. If they are as good as humans, they can be special and unique just like every human, despite being generic products. Can a memory be yours even if someone placed it there? Can an artificial human persue his own chosen purpose just like a real human does or does he have to adhere to the ends he was built to achieve? The first movie is better but Blade Runner 2049 is easily one of the best sequels ever made, and certainly one of the best movies in the later years. All dishonest memes aside, we should be grateful a movie like that was made. That kind of movies are a dying kind, I'm afraid
Where did I say or imply that I "prefer" one or the other? Both are perfect for the narrative they are portraying
The monochromatic visuals are the entire point of BR2049, to show the bleak empty future after the blackout where nature is practically non existent that is in contrast with the dense, dirty, alive and cluttered setting of the original. The original was mostly filmed at night, this was mostly filmed in a day.
It would make no sense for this film to look extremely colorful and dense, it would make no sense to fill the streets with thousands of extras, it would make no sense to shoot it on grainy film, it would make no sense to make it seem "alive" and developed when everything in it is basically dead.
It's sad that you think that every film should be as vibrant and "pretty" as possible no matter what the narrative is about. If you think the point of the first one was just to make it as "le pretty" as possible just because then you're not worth of that film also
Boring is absolutely not a valid argument, I'm sure even a triggered redditor like you won't sink as low as to say otherwise r-right?
mentally ill it is, got it
I want the full pasta, entry level pleb. The one where you tried to push that you weren't some tasteless 2049 plebeian
The original film didn't touch on AI and had far less focus on the sexual exploitation aspect.
>Hahaha amateur hour. Like a expensive fan film
TFA and TLJ.
Blade Runner 2049 was an impressive student film.
Sorry I don't have it, ask your CoD buddies
What's up with all the hatred of 2049 recently? Either brainlets or trolls I assume.
You, the tasteless entry level pleb who tried to pretend he wasn't some tasteless 2049 fan that posts his boring pasta, doesn't have it all of the sudden? Come on you said you love entertainment so entertain me
This is like one of your hollywood fun films!
>impressive student film
actually that's the original BR
>Come on you said you love entertainment
What? Only capeshit kiddos think that film is merely "entertainment".
Go take some meds for your illness please
It's this guy who is a tripfag going by the name of Review Screw. He doesn't use the trip anymore after we found out this . Of course after being exposed by Blade Runner 2049 fans, he hates the movie with a passion and we let him embarrass himself because mentally ill people come up with the dankest shit if you let them talk
>What? Only capeshit kiddos think that film is merely "entertainment".
Like you in this thread
>tripfag is mentally ill
It checks out.
user no really, take your meds, you're talking gibberish
Why does this retarded fucking thread has 79 posts? Fucking stop being this stupid, jesus, I swear you're all 17 year olds.
Wow, it's just pathetic.
I never said the movie has to be vibrant and pretty. If you actually read what I said in , I criticized the lighting, not production design. What I wanted to get across is the cinematography of 2049 is not as well executed as 2049 fanboys think.
A lot of us get what 2049 is going for, and for the most part the movies achieves its goals pretty well, but there are just some shots, the interiors in particular, that stick out as the low points of the movie. There are plenty of ways they could've made the movie look sterile and lifeless while having great cinematography, even Deakins has done it himself in other movies. The original managed to have excellent cinematography for almost all scenes while matching its setting and themes, 2049 doesn't quite hit that excellence.
Look at how adorable you are. You accidentally showed yourself and now anything to hide the fact that it was you
Are we going to get that 2010 lists or maybe even a 2000s one? You're safe to post it in in this thread as theres only 1 "evil hipster" to hurt your entry level feelings
>it's another "movies women and nu-males don't understand" episode
is that guy yelling at his dick??
Gays are essentially women and they love it. It also answers archive.fo
1. Blade Runner 2049
2. Get out
3. Shape of Water
4.Phantom Thread
5. Florida Project
8.Call me by your name
9. Logan
10. Three bilboards
Please explain why do you think I'm the autist from that thread my dear fellow other autist, what made you think that ITT?
I for one think filmmaking has only gone downwards after the 70s, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying good films like BR or BR2049
>It's also a boring piece of trash
Opinion discarded
Go watch Transformers you ADHD mongoloid
Yeah soyboys can't deal with a low paced movie with little to no comedy, as evidenced in this thread. They did a comparison between the top 1000 of men and women on IMDb and Blade Runner 2049 was one of the movies with a bigger gap
You've exposed yourself, entry level pleb. Same tasteless text patterns, same sophomore ideals of film, same entry level ideals.
Where is the 2010s list?
the vocal minority of NU Sup Forums make out like this film is kino
>Same tasteless text patterns, same sophomore ideals of film, same entry level ideals.
So literally all your own autistic baseless headcanon? Good.
>Where is the 2010s list
What, you want to know some good films from 2010s?
Hard to be a God, The Embrace of the Serpent, Oslo, August 31st, Inside Llewyn Davis, The Hunt, The Great Beauty, Leviathan, Holy Motors come to mind for example.
>has only gone downwards after the 70s
It is a trick of the mind, as time goes on you forget the bad movies and only remember the good ones
2001: a space odyssey was a flop and critically panned
so was bladerunner
but time passed, and they were remembered while the blockbusters that came out at the same time were forgotten
pick any year and watch the most popular movies, a lot of them are trash but that doesn't stop good movies from being made
most movies, most works of art, are bad, quality is rare in any artform
no one preserved the shitty paintings, no one remembered the bad music, etc.
>the vocal minority of NU Sup Forums make out like this film is kino
>the vocal minority of NU Sup Forums
Which are the two or three video game autists who passionately spam against it every single day
Name a better movie
kind of agree. nice to hear an honest opinion
I agree with everything you said, but the point is that "the best" films from that era are better than the best films from this era.
well if the biggest tranys and soys over there liked it then deffo Sup Forums opinion sucks
Hard to say which are best from this era, more time is needed to filter them out
2017: Phantom Thread
Decade: Tree of Life
>bleak empty future
>monochromatic visuals
>why does no one like my movie?
If you go out of your way to make a film unpleasant to watch, don't complain when no one likes watching it
never forget
Sup Forums has shit taste
Do you have an attention span of a child?
How could you make those statements with a straight face, Jesus Christ
Bitter virgins are the primary audience who identidy with K.