James Rolfe

If someone gave him enough money to make another movie that didnt have to involve the AVGN, what would he make? He seems to have had vision at one point in time, but since Ryan and Mike have taken over he always seems like he wants to hang himself. The Dragon In My Dreams was a good little doc about growing up. I want to see more stuff like that instead of movie locations, AVGN and You Know What's Bullshit.

James Rolfe thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


he'd make an interracial porno

This cuck hasn't made any good content in the last 5 years.

He'd probably try to do horror

Honestly it makes me kinda sad to see someone who has so much passion for film be eaten alive by his sophmoric side project for the internet. He starts to cry in one of the docs he's done about his own movies.

"If I didnt have my movies...(clearly choking up) I wouldnt have anything."

I'm paraphrasing but its still sad to see him age and still jump through the AVGN hoop at the behest of a greasy fat kike and mothercucker mike.

are we supposed to feel sorry for every talentless soyshit out there who has "passion"?
fuck you and fuck this guy

This. He had his time in the sun, why would i feel sorry for him now that he is washed up? If he didn't do more with his 15 minutes that is his problem. Plenty of people have passion, hell i have passion, it doesn't mean a damn thing.



>mfw watching monster madness for the first time
now this is comfy

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The best episodes of avgn were when he spoke about the systems like Double vision or Sega CD.

>best avgn
>worst avgn

Tell me about it Sup Forums.

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I thought the channel was him and wondered who the waffling fag was who was live streaming all the time to earn shekels.
Then I saw him talking over James and was like wtf is this shit.
Mike (think that's his name) is like that annoying as fuck kid in school you tried to avoid but he'd find you wherever you where.

He made the mistake of getting married and having kids. If he just stayed single he'd probably be in a way better spot right now.

how about both?

>Be a fan of cinema all your life
>Never learn to make them properly

It's differnt because he actually made it. He was succesful and put out a good product through passion and hard work. It's different because his passion actually worked for him at least for some time. You on the other hand can say you have passion but your work doesn't show it, if it did you would be somewhere alredy and not shitposting on Sup Forums

>best avgn
Castlevania quadrilogy
The Making of an AVGN episode (honorable mention)
>worst avgn
The Crow
E.T. Atari 2600 (1st if it counts)
Sega Activator Interactor Menacer

He'd probably make a campy C tier sci fi horror

Gee, i wonder (((who))) could be behind this post...

I'm always on duty.

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I like James, but he has an Autistic obsession with practical effects. He'll waste the budget on expensive and unecessary practical effects that only he likes. Like he did with the AVGN movie

How can guys like James, Doug, etc, somehow make films/skits/whatever for 10+ years and STILL be fucking terrible? Doug probably more so. He has little comedic timing, barely knows how to centre a shot, light a shot, process a shot, his acting skills are a mess...literally how do to not improve after doing something for over ten years?

I haven't seen any of his movies in their entirety but he doesn't seem that competent, to be honest. He has the passion for sure, but he's like that guy from American Movie.

>what would he make?
He's making an original horror movie right now as we speak.

>The Crow

Yeah, that one was definitely a "hey we need a Halloween avgn NOW"

Also, the Christmas episode with kieth apicary and all the unnecessary stunts sucked ass. It's all special effects and no actual reviews.

I also hate that he put out a video defending that episode. Frustrates the fuck out of me.

Avgn sucks now. All his "anger" is way too forced and he seems to try too hard to get mad at the games he reviews. It's like anything else that goes on for too long.

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>If someone gave him enough money to make another movie that didnt have to involve the AVGN, what would he make?

The Beavis and Butt-Head one was just embarassing.
>sega version literally the most faithful video game adaptation of the IP possible
>durr hurr this game is so cryptic!

Which is pretty ironic seeing as how he loves that movie and quotes it all the time.

>For the AVGN Games episode he couldn't figure out screen capturing software and had to resort to filming the screen with a camera

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>best avgn
plumbers don't wear ties
>worst avgn
darkwing duck (all of the episodes from 2011 to now have been weak, but there was a huge period where he was in a rut and every episode was really shit)

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Good god what a brainlet.

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I can't believe this dumbass found a hole in the entertainment market and is still going strong. I enjoyed his content in the mid to late 2000's and it boggles my mind that he's still relevant with a loyal fanbase.

I too identify with that movie, but probably for completely different reasons than James. I see myself and Mark as failures with delusions of grandeur that will always be victims to time and never achieve the greatness we believe to deserve. He probably feels that Mark Borchardt won in the end and was vindicated by releasing Coven, even though it's a terrible movie, even though he got the old man's money to produce Northwestern and he never did. American Movie should make you feel like shit.

>and is still going strong
His growth has stagnated at 2 million subs. Considering that he started in 2006 right at YouTube's conception, that's a small number.

I disagree. There are very few early youtubers who are still relevant today.

Still cant read the fucking word coven without thinking coh-ven first because of this fucking movie.

To get mega popular on YouTube, you basically have to sell your soul and become completely cancerous. You want James to act like Markiplier? Probably not. Frankly, I'd rather have a small but dedicated fanbase than a giant one that isn't going to care about you the instant someone hotter comes along.

>family, white children, own house, probably 500 000 $ in the bank due to a decade of youtube bucks
HAHHA such a beta loser HUHU

>white children
um... sit down, user...

2.5 million subs isn't exactly a small fanbase and every AVGN video clears 1 million views

looks (american) white to me

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Well, it's comparatively small. Even JonTron has 4 million.

The Game Boy accesories was kino, you're just a pleb.

>He didn't watch Board James


"I like my woman how i like my coffee. WITH MY DICK IN IT WOOOHOOO!"

best series

Jon is like 10 years younger at least

Reminder that he still watched the new Ghostbusters because his wife shamed him into doing it. He admitted to it in a podcast.

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>Best avgn
Nintendo power

>Worst avgn
Toxic avenger

> way too forced
You just got bored of the same acting repeated over 100+ episodes, it's ok.

Board Kino

He is sort of a victim of himself like most of these youtube critics. Was there anyone older than 10 who watched AVGN for the character and not the games and commentary? He wasn't very good at critiquing, but he did make it enjoyable, and he should have focused more on that; making light hearted jokey reviews without making it a shitty sketch show with characters.

The only one of these wannabe filmmaker youtubers I can stand watching is RLM, but I think mostly that's because they separate their sketch stuff and review stuff.

Too bad RLM is the embodiment of smug detached Gen X ethos or however that pasta goes.

I think they still hold up, though Half in the Bag is by far the least enjoyable thing they do.


At 4 minutes you can pinpoint when his heart breaks.

Also, "without my movies, I'm nothing, but I've made 100."
Imagine his daughter trying to explain to her friends what her dad does/did for a living. Embarrassing.

He'll be 40 in a couple of years.
The downer mini documentaries he does are kinda nice in a way though.


>No review. I refuse
I think you missed the point, my pal

Try again, apologist

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> my dad is a movie maker and have a very popular channel on youtube
Oh yeah, very ashamed...

Underrated Rolfe kino, imo.

I'm turning 30 in a few months and I'm still stuck on this fucking mongolian basket weaving website. At least he did something with his life.

Hold me Sup Forums

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yeah, he's in a Nostalgia critic situation where he pigeonholed himself into being AVGN or he will go poor

Doesn't sound like the worst job situation to be honest.

Will he 10-15 years down the line when the kid is older though?

I mean I would be pretty ashamed to tell everyone I know that my dad is still on youtube making poop jokes for the tiny amount of viewers that are still around.

Considering he's losing viewers and therefore losing money, it is.

Sounds pretty meh. Like it's one step above being a wageslave since he's doing the same thing over and over again but he has none of the job security.

And he's probably working harder than your average wageslave too.

At least she's not Kevin Smith's daughter.

Also, he ruined his chance to make a good movie or try and get into hollywood.. Once AVGN doesn't make the money anymore he has NOTHING

Also, if you lose your job as a carpenter you can always apply to another company, james is royally screwed in the future

He mentioned having a job before. He can just look for that kind of work again

He could go to work for a production company if he needs to. He's got quite the resume.

> 10-15 years down the line
> is still on youtube making poop jokes
That is basically what kids from 10 to 15 likes though. Or adults like Markplier screaming at a camera for no reason.

I watched lots of his movie reviews, his critique is above most if not all youtubers who does such stuff.
Like, there will always be market for games and movies. He survived for more than 18 years running his how thing, of course he have the knowledge to run the business for another decade.

Never heard of it, was it one of those no-skills-needed jobs like a fast food joint? afaik he only went to film school.
He wanted to retire the AVGN character a few years ago, probably still do. If he could work for a production company he probably would by now, but he doesn't qualify most likely.

They like young fresh guys doing it towards new stuff though. Not old dads making old jokes about old movies and video games.

>of course he have the knowledge to run the business for another decade.
Keep it afloat, sure, but still a slow decent towards irrelevance and embarrassment.

>No AVGN copypasta
Letting me down lads

What that shit about him actually being an autist?

Peak Board James = Dream Phone

Peak AVGN = Spielberg games

Honestly I thought his ultimate arc for Board James was kinda stupid and hard to follow.

Even when he explained it, it barely made sense. He's just not smart enough to make something good. Lynch he's not.

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Tell me about Ryan Sup Forums
Who is he? Where did he come from? Why's he so disgustingly fat?

He's the guy that kicked Bootsy off and replaced him with himself.

>"If you know you're not going to like a movie just don't watch it. Wow what a novel concept"

Didnt you love it when he memed Pink Floyd and Wizard of Oz?


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I think it was in editing.

>starts the song Time when he's showing clocks
What a fucking brainlet.
He honestly doesnt understand subtlety does he? It's just on the nose, ham fisted bullshit isnt it?

>Song about getting older and feeling that age has caught up to you
>Played over the cowardly lion shooting shit onto the cieling with enough force to get it stuck there

I'm in hell aren't I?

>what would he make?
>I am trying to write an atmospheric horror film, the next true Cinemassacre project, going back to my roots. Nothing is set in stone. That’s why I’m in the writing process, to figure it all out, putting my thoughts together, and filtering through my various ideas. If you’ve seen The Jersey Odysseys: Legend of the Blue Hole (2004), Cinemaphobia (2001), The Dragon in my Dreams (2010), the final season of Board James (2015) and AVGN Episode 150: Polybius (2017), you already know my style, and which kind of directions I may possibly take it. I may make a feature length film, a short film, or both. Right now, it’s an open road. I am also trying to write a book on my life story, growing up making movies. There’s lots of personal experiences I’d like to share, and hope to inspire others.

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Is he autistic? Can we trust some random user with pictures that any realtor could have? Idk Sup Forums, but imma play some jaaaaaaag

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Personally I'm more interested in the book than anything.

He planned on not seeing it. Plans don't always turn out the way they were intended.

He never wipes when he poops on things. Wtf.

no i didn't enjoy any of the trash you shat out last year James

Think of it this way, imagine that someone in your circle or family doesnt like you for whatever reason and only with acouple of photos he can write a story to defame you. It can be done by anyone to anyone. If that's your proof... well, I feel bad for you.

And he didn't do a day one review. I feel like that was the important thing

James mentioned going to a special school but I don't really care

¿ʇi ʇǝפ

He'd do whatever Mike told him.

Or else.



At 18 minutes he talks about going to a special ed school for 7 1/2 years. He's most definitely on the spectrum.

Did he make a video about it? Did he make an 'i'm sorry' video to cucks like you wanted so hard despite all the drama?
No matter how hard you try to project... you always will be the real cucklord.

woah damn I missed this the first time
I thought you guys were just memeing