Did you know i'm udderly insane?

>Did you know i'm udderly insane?

Why was he so obsessed with udders? Did he just really like cows?

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He said utterly you autistic fuckwad


He was obsessed with dubbers

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Don't you mean dubs?

Just cool it with the antisemitic remarks


check these udds

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The udders were sufficient, Luis.




It's just strange. One day, dubs are walking around, going to threads, alive and then...

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Don't bother checking, there are no dubs in this thread.

is that donald trumps dubs?

no dubs here

Let's see Paul Allens dubs

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It's hip to be square.

check this

This ironically

If dubs I get a reservation at Dorsia

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I'm putting together same numbers

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I can't believe dubs prefer Van Patten's post to mine

Don't give me dubs once, I'm mad. Don't give me dubs twice, how could you. Don't give me dubs three times, you're officially that guy, okay? You know him, you know the one.

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hip to get dubs

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Don't have a cow, man.