Kinos where the hero teams up with the previous villain.
Kinos where the hero teams up with the previous villain
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why was this a success among redditors and dirty spics?
Dragon Ball (1986)
Dragon Ball Z (1989)
Dragon Ball GT (1996)
Dragon Ball Super (2015)
I feel like this happened in Ocean's Thirteen, but I also feel like that movie sucked dick.
Rocky III
>why was this a success among redditors
Well Sup Forums loves it, that makes reddit likes it too because reddit feels the need to like EVERYTHING Sup Forums likes for some reason
Apollo was never really a villain. Antagonist maybe.
It's almost like people can like the same thing despite what website they visit :O
"You were supposed to destroy frieza. Not join him"
he does this like 5 times in the series,
piccolo, vegeta, buu, freiza
Avatar the last airbender
Well bills told Frieza to destroy planet vegetable according to current canon.
Kinos where one character tosses another at the enemy.
False. He said it was ok, he didn't order it.
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
Sup Forums is full of spics
what's going on here
This. He even respected Rocky at the end of the first movie, so there was never a whole lot of antagonism. Rivalry, sure, but they were fight brothers more than anything.
X-Men 2
Gee I totally forgot
The shoplifter in the back helped knock down the armed robber
>Androids 17 & 18
What a bunch of asshole heroes.
so fucking fake
>B-Beerus didn't mind you guys
>h-he's still one of the good guys!!!
>Dragon Ball
>it's another one of those chinks fake gif
This never made any sense, he's clearly a bad guy. This show was absolute trash but this made the least sense.
it looks like he's raping him
wtf is even happening here?
I have not watched this fan fiction
\why is freeza teaming up with goku
didn't he kill millions?
>why is freeza teaming up with goku
because they're in love
He killed billions.
To save trillions.
Universal battle royale where 80 fighters from 8 universes fight in one big arena. If your universes loses all ten fighters, it's erased from existence. Universe 7, Goku's team, originally had Majin Buu on it but, but the fat fuck fell asleep before the tournament and wouldn't wake up. Goku goes to Baba and asks her to revive Freeza for one day.
Here is the team and the order in which they are eliminated. The last fighter listed was the overall winner of the tournament and last man standing.
>Master Roshi
>Android 18
>Goku (technically he and Freeza were eliminated at the same time)
>Android 17
Even Krillin was kind of an asshole to him when they first met, and Bulma explicitly planned to just use him and rip him off to her wish when she first met him
He killed millions but saved billions of billions by teaming up with GOku.
chadroid 17 always wins baby
>friendship ended with Vegeta
>Frieza is my best friend now
To be fair, Vegeta also killed millions.
wait how did android 17 become GOAT?
>tfw you will never have angel and interdimensional bitches
They're the same people, user.
Never say never.
Alright, I'll start.
Thor Ragnarok
>hey can i blow up this planet and kill millions
>sure idk
Yeah, and now he's been resurrected and everyone's cool with it for some reason.
While working under Frieza.
Beerus is firmly chaotic neutral
This shit gets me hype every single time.
How did he get so strong? He was weaker than Cell.
Infinite energy and training.
He trained really hard for a couple of months in the woods.
It's because it was actually good.
I haven't watched super and frmo all I saw in that tournament they fought three against one. Why was that allowed?
>Well Sup Forums loves it
>Sup Forums loves Dragon Ball Super
No it most certainly does not.
Shitty writing.
It was a battle royale.
Who trained him to get that good? Beerus and Whis? And a couple of months seems like a really short amount of time.
why do you concern yourself with the interests of reddit and spics? You sound pathetic
more like Sup Forums is full of redditors
That's like ok. Reasonable when people were strangers.
But from piccolo on it's more
>Best girl Caulifla had more line than Gohan in the last episode
But reddit loves dragonball while Sup Forums hates it.
>didn't he kill millions?
so did Vegeta, what's your point?
As she should
>Best girl
>Posts a shit
Hello there little miss never appearing again
Broly will be canon in ultra
Vegeta did it while working for Vegeta. I mean Saiyan's were inherently pieces of shit but it doesn't change the facts.
They ditched power levels and did a huge strength squish where the power gap became more vague across the board. Even Roshi took out 3 people in the tournament including the strongest fighter from ratmans universe
Ass she should*
this thread is definitely filled with americans
Vegeta jobbed to Jiren because jobbing is what Vegeta does
Goku, 17, and Frieza try to triple team Jiren but it doesn't work out, Frieza jobs and 17 does what appears to be a suicide attack and is the first one to actually hurt Jiren in the process
Goku masters ultra instinct and becomes Goku Blanco and beats Jirens ass and is about to knock him out of the tournament but starts monologing and the ultra instinct pushes back and damages him because of the strain on his body, like the kaioken
Frieza intervenes and stops Goku from getting knocked out of the tournament and 17 reveals he was only resting and not dead
They double team the weakened Jiren, Frieza goes gold and is about to knock him but starts monologing and Jiren gets a second wind and almost knocks Frieza and 17 out with a big energy blast but Goku has rested up enough to rejoin the fight and they triple team Jiren again with Goku and Frieza rushing Jiren and pushing him out of the ring while 17 provides ki blast fire support and staying in the ring to win the tournament
The only people that have ever mattered or ever will.
He's stupidly powerful in Super and has been fighting poachers from space for the past decade. He's not the absolute GOAT but he's far and away the strongest Earthling. He was the MVP who provided the team with a lot of defensive options.
>The final fight was against one character named Jiren who had been styling on everyone the moment he had to take things seriously.
>Freeza is passed the fuck out but still in the ring, Vegeta and Goku can't move.
>17 seemingly sacrifices his life to protect them
>Vegeta gets up and holds off Jiren for a few seconds before being ringed out, then passes energy to Goku so he can get up
>After some back and forth Goku masters a new form and memes all over Jiren
>Before Goku can win he runs out of energy
>Jiren is about to knock Goku out of the ring but is saved by a now conscious Freeza
>17 emerges from the rubble alive
>Freeza and 17 fight Jiren while Goku recovers
>Goku joins in
>Goku and Freeza team up on Jiren while 17 snipes from afar
>Goku and Freeza tackle Jiren out of the ring, eliminating themselves
>17 wins the tournament of power
>He wins the Super Dragon Balls and wishes for all the universes that were erased to come back
>He also gets a cruise liner from Bulma since he originally wanted to wish for a boat to go sailing on with his wife and kids
>As part of the deal for helping them win, Freeza gets revived again, but has to leave Earth alone
It's supposed to be Cell but they couldn't animate all the little dots so instead it's 17.
Vegeta burned himself out beating a god of destruction in training that 17 and frieza couldn't take together. To say he jobbed to Jiren is a bit off since he had almost nothing left
t. Vegeta
You're the new Yamcha, get over it
Back to your degenerate playground, child.
t. Grandad
>Here is the team and the order in which they are eliminated. The last fighter listed was the overall winner of the tournament and last man standing.
Some things never change.
t. insatiable soychild redditor
>It's a Jobgeta vows to become stronger than Chadarotto episode
But that's just bullshit. How can it be a battle royale if there are three of the same universe. Since they need to win to not be erased they logically just team up.
Vikram Vedha, detective teams up with a crime boss and the real villain is a group of corrupt cops
There were nine universes at the start all with 10+ people.
Each universe got a team of their best 10 fighters. Jiren (the buff ayyy lmao) is the last of his team.
>How can it be a battle royale if there are three of the same universe.
There are 12 universes, each universe has a team of 10, if all the combatants of a universes team are eliminated that universe gets erased, last universe standing gets a wish from god
How would things have gone if Buu participated in the tournament after all?
Buu turns everyone into candy and wins
Here's how everyone contributed, in case you're wondering
>Krillin saves 18 from elimination, takes out some losers then gets caught off guard and eliminated by Frost, Freeza's U6 counterpart
>Tien saves Gohan and Piccolo and takes out a sniper who's pissing everyone off, however said sniper also takes out Tien. Getting rid of the sniper helps Goku and Vegeta eliminate the sniper's partner.
>Roshi takes out some losers and has a fucking heart attack while Goku is off being an idiot. He tries to seal Frost in a bottle with Mafuba, but Frost redirects it a Vegeta. Roshi frees Vegeta then jumps out of the ring because nigga he's too old for this shit
>Piccolo helps Gohan eliminate some parallel universe Namekians then gets shitcanned by A FUCKING BUG
>Android 18 takes on an annoying magical girl and schools her on the meaning of love. Saves 17 from elimination at the cost of herself
>Gohan eliminates the last fighters from U10 and U6. Helps Freeza in a convoluted plan to eliminate Frost. Helps Freeza against a very fast rabbit moving at incredibly hihg speed. Holds the rabbit in place while Freeza eliminates them both
>Vegeta takes out losers then takes out the second banana antagonist by going even further beyond his current form. Stalls for time then jobs to Jiren
>Freeza ohohohos for 30 episodes then helps against a giant kaiju. Gets wrecked by second banana, gets wrecked by Jiren. Description of events above ensues.
>Goku is a fucking idiot who is conserving energy then out of energy then has energy again. Unlocks a new form but doesn't unleash its full power until the end.
>17 provides shields for the team and eliminates a lot of annoying dipshits. Saves Goku and Vegeta. Saves the whole shebang.
That lazy fuck has healing powers. He could have been better than Tien.