What did Sup Forums think of the new Godzilla movies from this decade?
What did Sup Forums think of the new Godzilla movies from this decade?
They were shit.
shin was great.
Godzilla was fucking hellish in his later form, like supposed to be, not a hero, not a bear-like animal, but an unstoppable bane (for u) of existence.
The political satire kinda slipped past me because gaijin, obviously.
godzilla 2014 could've been much better if they actually put some thought in it
2014 - okay
Shin - great
Monster planet - meh/bad, only great part was the gay alien
I thought Shin was the best Godzilla since Gojira 1954
2014 was good, but bland. A very traditional monster movie.
Shin was excellent, Godzilla was an abomination as he should be, and it had some very relevant fitting themes
Planet of Monsters was ok, fun word building but the animation kind of sucked
Anno is one of the best directors of our time.
I think they should have picked a director who wouldn't use the movie to shill his twenty year old pseudo-intellectual anime.
>he doesn't like Evangelion
>he can't handle an easter egg
Everyone immediately taking to social media was a nice realistic touch.
2014-not enough Cranston or mysterious asian man, too much son
Shin-music was a bit off not as erection inducing as EVA rebuilds, needed a better DP or "more budget" shots felt flat like anime
Urobutcher Monster Planet-who asked for this?
>go to space
>come back anyways
>Spaceship filled with 1000 battalions worth of military equipment and vehicles
>1 trillionth of the human population could've beat Godzilla 1 billion (20) years ago with superior japanese intellect folded a millions in space
>religious symbolism
>The real Godzilla is still alive XD
thanks for wasting 90% of the movie with needless "plot" and the last 10% with exposition
Shin was shit.
>Anno is one of the best directors of our time.
He is one of the worst. Imagine if they actually let him direct Wings of Honemaise 2?
They're all shit but thankfully the new one is going to be saved by a beautiful young talented actress.
Shin was pretty good, though I don't really care for googly eyes
Godzilla 2014 is probably the best-looking Godzilla besides Godzilla 2000 but was incredibly boring
Monster Planet is shit
Don’t give (you)s to ANYONE that says shin was the worst
Godzilla 2014 is good and it's rewatchable.
Shin suffered from too much fucking talky talky and the googly eyes. If those had been fixed, it would have been 1954's equal or better.
Haven't watched MP but the premise is interesting.
When is Maguma going to show up?
It better than the fake news report use by Hollywood
Seriously. When have you ever had a phonecall from someone telling you to turn on the news? Everyone would know about that shit instantly.
But it was.
Anime-esque (I don't know if it's unique to anime or just japanese media in general but) exposition and minimal godzilla.
shin gojira was actually really good.
The other ones are all shit
Going frame by frame through the credits of the 2014 version is hilarious.
Still much better than the 2017 anime movie
You can blame that on Miyazaki and every basic bitch that worships him.
>minimal godzilla
And do you really want to watch Godzilla punch a bunch of helicopters and kick some tanks?
I liked that they tried to engage him from a distance.
I kinda liked the googly eyes, on the smaller godzilla. They made it feel like he was a kid derping around, untill he got pissed when the military tried to kill him.
all of them were ass
especially Shin Godzilla
my dude his facial expression literally never changes in the movie
I liked the design and the few scenes of 2014 goji, but there was just not enough monsters in there.
Shin was pretty good, although there was room for improvement. Still a solid 9 compared to all the other Godzilla movies.
Planet of Monsters was alright, I just felt like it was a bit short, but apparently they are releasing it in parts and there's more to come, so I'll wait patiently.
>there are people who are actually scared of Shin Godzilla
>there are people who are afraid of turkey zilla
holy shit grow up lol
shin was great
1) Godzilla 2014 is a waste of time outside of its first thirty minutes (before Cranston's death) and its last ten minutes. The drama falls flat and the script is completely illogical. Only way I see people enjoying this is if they're able to ignore the humans (2/3 of the movie) or somehow love the bland atmosphere.
2) Shin Godzilla is the best movie since the first Godzilla movie.
3) Planet of the Monster was disappointing. It has the potential to be amazing but did nothing with it.
How come Yaguchi got carried by everyone around him?
As in Studio Ghibli? I've never felt I was bombarded with dialogue by their movies like I have with "intelligent" anime movies and Shin Godzilla.
>Anime-esque exposition
Elaborate? And have you seen a Heisei film? Shin Godzilla isn't remotely the worst.
>minimal godzilla
How? There is 18 minutes of Godzilla. That's ranks towards the top of the list of the screen time allotted to the character. Shin Godzilla detractors have no idea what they're talking about.
Both were sub standard.
Apparently Godzilla is supposed to be a sub-plot for more Military jerk off movies.
Shin was great. I liked how the response to the monster was very bureaucratic and slow, in contrast to the American style monster movies where as soon as the monster is seen the army is given control of the country, it's nation-wide martial law and the full arsenal of the US is deployed immediately. There is a 'president', who only exists to approve the last resort.
And you think right. Only plebs and brainlets disagree.
Shin Godzilla is the best in the franchise.
the original is a close second.
2014 american-zilla was mediocre. here's hoping Godzilla II and King Kong v Godzilla are better.
>King Kong v Godzilla
>by the director of Death Note
oh no no no