>character mashes buttons like an autist to indicate that they are playing a videogame
Character mashes buttons like an autist to indicate that they are playing a videogame
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Maybe they're playing Tekken, you don't know
good point
that's a lot of offscreen Tekken though.
Reminds me of that part in Summer Wars where there's an elaborate chase scene in a video game and the character is basically playing Typing of The Dead
> character wiggles the steering wheel like a spazzoid on a straight road.
>X is playing video game
>Their mom steps in
>"X, come set the dinner table."
>"I can't, mom! I have to stop the Garlaxians from conquering Aldastia and claiming the Omega Emerald!"
>X's friends are loudly talking from weirdly clear speakers
>"Well, the Garlaxians will have to start their warfare combat tomorrow."
>X's mom unplugs a random wire
>Monitor goes *Beoooo*
>"Dinner. Now."
Fuck the Garlaxians. I spend weeks retrieving that emerald
This is so accurate it hurts
> character's controller and console do not match
>I'm hacking in
>mashes random keys
>character is playing single-player video game, the game is clearly visible in the frame of the shot
>another character casually saunters over, picks up a controller, and instantly joins the game as "player 2"
>the first character doesnt have to quit whatever he's doing in-game then go to the main menu and select the multiplayer option
Maybe they were playing an arcade port.
>controller is not on
>console is not compatible with the controller
>kid smashing buttons
>the sounds and button presses do not match the controller
>game on screen is a bottleg version of an actual game
Some games let you do this, I remember in Project Zomboid a second guy could drop into a SP playthrough at any time.
>Character is playing a video game
>Dies because of distraction
>Robotic voice: "GAME OVER"
>characters play with two controllers in a single-player game
>character is actually playing the video game shown on the screen with the proper controller and winning
>character plays videogames
>says "up down square circle triangle cross L3 R3" out loud
>the latest Sony PlayStation® system shows up on screen connected to the latest Sony BRAVIA TV and the character's Sony Xperia™ lights up
>character is playing video games
>he's older than 16
immersion ruined desu
>character plays a video game
>it's ALWAYS either a bleep bloop atari game from thirty years ago, guitar hero or a generic brown and grey fps
>Two guys were sitting side by side
>one guy pressed buttons while leaning right
>"here here here you are going to miss him...OHHHH NICE!" (Pointed to screen)
>two guys gave high five and BIIG smile
You just don't smile like that
one guy is white and the other black
>characters discuss real video games
>they're actually correct in their statements
listening to those methheads on breaking bad chew the fat and talk about zombie games was funny as fuck
>Im playing nintendo!
>Holding a playstation pad
>can't you guys play a less sexist game
>cut to show screen and they are playing soul calibur 5
>custom character only has the beginning clothes
>rapper says "playstation controlla" in song
>person is holding an xbox controller in the music video
>character is playing Halo
>he doesn't plasma grenade an entire warthog full of opponents then get 10 head shots in a row with the sniper rifle
casual af
>Character is playing Dark Souls
they were wrong though
badger says that the zombies in left4dead arent actual zombies but instead rage virus infected which is completely ignorant and incorrect
they are undead in that game, there is no zombie game with rage infected in the "28 days later" sense
>X is playing Hearts of Iron 4
>Their mom steps in
>"X,come set the dinner table."
>"I can't, mom! I have to build up the third Reich by conquering the subhumans called bolshewiks and claiming the Eastern Lebensraum!"
>X's friends are loudly talking from weirdly clear speakers
>"Well, der Führer will have to give the order to hold the spot and wait out the winter."
>X's mom unplugs a random wire
>Monitor goes *Horn of Jericho*
>"Abendspeisung! Now."
The infected in left 4 dead are all alive
it was a conscious design choice when making them that they had to appear human and not just corpses or too mutated
educate yourself frogposter
>look it up
>youre actually right
god damn what a retarded game
>it was a conscious design choice when making them that they had to appear human and not just corpses or too mutated
well they did a god damn terrible job at it
they all look mutated as fuck and dead as abe lincoln
+18 please
>playing a racing game
>swerves the controller and entire body back and forth
I do this. Actually i move my body around corners, am I autistic?
people do this though
ive seen regular people do this, albeit they werent real gaymers they were just "n00bz" having fun
>resident evil 4 takes it by a long shot
Based as fuck.
>mfw vince gilligan probably just told them to talk about a game they play
>Characters are hyping up the latest game that actually makes it store shelves
>Looks like a Steam Early access game, at best, with atari sounds.
>mario jumping noises from nes
>they're holding xbox controllers
go ahead and give us some examples of this """trope"""
I love playing 2 player ff8!
Adam Sandler movies seem to almost exclusively have Sony stuff in them
>Nerdy characters play table top
>It's always an older edition of D&D
>Dungeon master doesn't even get the rules right.
>kid playing obvious GTA clone
>shows kid mashing buttons and making exaggerated faces with the game off screen
>laser noises
>women screaming
>stock gunshots and tire screeches
>bing bing
>generic explosion sound
>royalty free 8 bit death sound effect
>a voice with a pitch effect says "GAME OVER"
>holding obvious Nintendo controllers
>hardcore bullets and screaming coming from the tv
That's because Paramount or whoever distributes his movies is owned by Sony, who want their products to get free ad space. RLM's Jack and Jill review is actually great for breaking down all the corporate influence on that movie, and thus other Sandler vehicles.
>Kid is playing 3d horror FPS game
>Is using an atari controller
If you can guess the specific movie I am thinking of, congrats.
yes because they produced the movie champ
>character sits down at his desk and boots up his PC
>it immediately displays a WoW clone thats already playing
>he puts on headset
>"Alright guys i'm logging in. Is everyone ready for the raid?"
>a bunch of enthusiastic voices reply
>"Alright i'm ready to go!"
>raid starts
>voices start exclaiming that they died to something invisible
>character makes an unhappy face
>screen switches back to desktop and now there are infinite porn pop ups while making error noises repeatedly
>a batch file opens displaying a skull with the text: HA HA HA ! repeated over and over
>PC shuts off
Funnily enough you can play 2 player in the battle mode, or at least in FF9.
BolsheVIKS, dummkopf