Is it just me or did The Sopranos become progressively darker the moment Richie was killed?
Is it just me or did The Sopranos become progressively darker the moment Richie was killed?
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Ralph killing the prostitute is really the turning point imo
It's still a little goofy up to that point with the Hasidic Homeboy and Ralph's Gladiator nonsense but after that oh man
Look atcha now
she was a HOOOOOR
>Ralph's Gladiator nonsense
>become progressively darker the moment Richie was killed
>progressively darker the moment
>the moment
S1 in general was a bit lighter than the rest of the show, although it had some goofy shit later on. Christopher trying to sell a script and then making Cleaver come to mind.
OP posts before he thinks. I thought this show attracted a smart audience
Mikey, Richie and Ralphie were all killed waaay too soon.
Check this double gabagol
To me, The Sopranos proved that all married women have affairs. I don't know why anyone would get married.
yea but Sup Forums attracts retarded people
capping richie was an awesome unexpected turn.
and helped make Jan one of the best written characters on the show.
she was a cunt and annoying, but guess what- real people are cunts and annoying.
Ralphie was more fucked up than Richie but Richie was still a darker villain. Probably because Ralph was so funny.
>Carmella, one of the main characters, refuses to be unfaithful even when she's alone in her house with a drunk hot priest
>Only fucks someone else when she and Tony are divorced and even then breaks it off immediately afterwards out of guilt
>Meanwhile Tony fucks literally anything that moves (I was going to say "literally anything with two legs" but pic related lol) until his mistresses are literally calling his house
>"The Sopranos proved that all married women have affairs"
When they ran over Phil Leotardo's head I laughed out loud, although I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to
Also Svetlana best girl
Ralph actually made me kind of sad desu
S3 Ralph deserved to be dumped in a fucking ditch but after his kid got shot he clearly wanted to be a better person and was trying to go to church, make up for his sins and do the right thing
You can justify Tony killing him all you want and the fucker probably had enough bad karma to deserve it overall but at the end of the day Tony strangled a man who was trying to improve his life and be a good human being over a dumb fucking horse. Ralph's clearly not lying in that scene either, he has no reason to lie about something that stupid and Tony does it anyway because he's a psychopath who cares more about animals than people
The scenes with him crying in the hospital and realizing what a shitty person he is are stomach churning
Nah it's definitely supposed to be funny, the music and the way they build it up and the kid throwing up afterwards really set the tone of that scene. It's great
Agent Harris cheering afterwards because the FBI was betting money on who whacked who first kills me too
Carmella was also going to fuck Vic whatshisname until he pissed his pants and ran
Ralph was lying about the horse
OP could mean that after he was killed it got progressively darker
Was he really? Everyone say that but I've never understood it
I don't think he had any reason to lie, it's not like he assumed Tony would kill him or even get that fucking mad over the horse and he seemed like he was too distracted by his son to do something that wild
It didn't seem all that ambiguous to me. His last frustrated yell of "No, I did, NOT" makes it seem like he's being truthful
>Agent Harris cheering afterwards because the FBI was betting money on who whacked who first kills me too
I thought that was because of the real life incident and it's said in an ambiguous way so you can't tell if he's talking about (((terrorism))) or Tony?
Paulie burned the horse you brainlet
He lies the same way about the horse as he did about the Ginny Sack joke. Instead of constantly denying it like any sane person would, he starts coming up with reasons why it's not that bad, mitigating circumstances and shit. That's how Tony knew he was lying.
He specifically mentioned his kid and the speech therapist and shit trying to drum up sympathy. Throughout the show we've seen Ralph play the pity card and crocodile tears and then flip back into psycho mode. IE when Tony's mother died, and Johnny Sack put that guy in a coma. I'm pretty sure they were trying to show he was lying, but also show what a sicko Tony was for clipping him over it.
Yeah same. Based Harris. Watching him unravel toward the end is sad but at least he gets to laugh at that whiny old fuck Leotardo.
joey pants said he asked david chase if ralph started the fire and chase wouldn't tell him, so he decided to play it as if he hadn't
Shit you're right, that's really interesting. I noticed that as soon as he starts trying to justify it Tony gets that look on his face where he fucking knows Ralph did it, but I never made the connection to that and the Ginny Sack thing.
>I'm pretty sure they were trying to show he was lying, but also show what a sicko Tony was for clipping him over it
Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Having him start the fire makes him a shittier person but doesn't let Tony off the hook for murdering a man over an animal
I wish there was a show with this quality on now.
the agent harris line was lifted from real life homie
Holy shit lol I had no idea
That makes it infinitely funnier
The Sopranos was a fucking documentary
The thing is though, Tony kills Ralph on a HUNCH. This is crucial, because earlier in the episode Ralph prank calls Paulie's mom and even though everyone knew it was probably Ralph, Tony didn't do anything about it. Tony does the exact same Ralph does by trying to justify how Ralph is a great earner and how there's no evidence, which makes Paulie super upset. That's why "Whoever Did This" is such an effective title.
The question is why, though? It was said several times that Ralphie was the best earner in the family. Even if the funds weren't immediately available or had to be laundered first, wouldn't he have been able to foot the bill for the medical expenses rather easily?
>Tony does it anyway because he's a psychopath who cares more about animals than people
I don't think you can call a guy who cares a lot for animals and his own family a psycopath. He wasn't a good man, but Tony did have feelings and emotions.