Well, I’ve replaced the chairs and rearranged the tables, put a fresh coat of paint on the wall...

Well, I’ve replaced the chairs and rearranged the tables, put a fresh coat of paint on the wall, turned your Italian bistro into a soulless, overpriced, square-plate gastropub, bullied a few line cooks to leave, and brought in a personal friend as head chef who will leave in two weeks. Hopefully all this will stem the hemorrhaging and keep this place on life support for another six months or so. My work here is done.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Would you beat the shit out of him if he got in your face?

I noticed he always gets loud/in the face of any owner he's taller than, which is most since he's 6'2"

But in any episode where the owner is bigger than him, he doesn't get up in their face and scream, such a pussy


Zero results.

I'm disappointed

you forgot that he also put some neat exciting touch screen software in there somewhere

Two bars in my city got an episode. One crashed & burned immediately after the show aired, the other actually turned around & is doing pretty good.

>drives the locals out
>fires the slutty waitresses
>creates some stupid expensive drink
>cleans beer lines
>bar closes three weeks later

3 places he came to in the Detroit area are closed. One bar guy sold all the new equipment within a week after the show.

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t. butthurt pirate bar owner

*blocks your path*

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Fuck you user Taffer is based. He only makes good decisions. 90% of the time the owners are fucking retards

Why would he take the risk of getting BTFO? It only makes sense. This is what Manlets deserve

The show claims to have an 80% success rate.

Keep in mind when the rescue happens, the bars are literally only a few weeks from closing down.

>sold the new equipment
holy fuck that's sad, but also not a bad idea. bars are ultimately doomed to always fail


>bar owner has a wife
>gets a fucking amazing bar makeover, owner loves it
>wife isn't satisfied and starts bitching and pisses jake off

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Good to know.

Friendly reminder his success rate fucking beats the shit out of ramsay's

Didn't you post the exact same thread earlier today but with Gordon instead of taffer?

would you visit her bar?

I bet Taffer has a cock the size and shape of a tall boy beer can

That's fucking illegal


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If they followed his advise they would be making a profit. Half the things wrong in most places were just quality and cleanliness issues.


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Literally creating safety hazards

>"I'm not going to call the police and I'll let you keep working her if you promise not to steal again"

How many lines of coke has he snorted in his lifetime

I love how you guys leave out the fact that all of these bars were going to close anyway, and the owners were all massively in debt.

This guy at least helped Spirits on Bourbon Street which allows me to watch videos on YouTube of buxom women pouring Fireball down a lucky SOB's throat and then shaking her funbags in his face.

John is based


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>tfw the strip club episode
>tfw the gay bar episode

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Is it bad that I’ve been to three of the bars on this show?

I don't care

>tfw the gay bar episode
Isn't that place still closed years later?

>turning a shitty pirate bar into a shitty corporate themed bar
How would anyone be surprised the worker would clash against that? It's a complete 180. And this is the same fucking guy that turned a bar into a zombie themed bar.

Imagine my shock


>*Rolls eyes*

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>bar is hemmoraging money and owner is hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt
>employees and their friends are stealing booze and money
>will be forced to close within weeks
>"come with me if you want to live"
>go back to old ways and forced to close
>"Waaahhh It's all his fault!"

Yes. People really are this stupid. Same with Kitchen Nightmares

Implying facts matter on this website

90% of kitchen nightmares
>I don’t know how to cook
>I don’t know how to run a business
>so I opened a restaurant!
>why is it failing?!

There was a firsthand account from a guy who worked at a bar on that show, apparently during the "stress test" they basically fucked with the beerlines so it was straight foam, and did some other stuff to intentionally make them look bad. It was also entirely scripted, their backstories and everything. All of the "customers" were hand picked extras with scripted lines and reactions to the show. It's basically all modern "reality" show garbage

Because boomers are the stupidest fucking generation that ever lived. All they do is get fat and go into debt. Go fucking die you boomer fucks.

Says the Tide Pod connoisseur who plays video games and posts on Sup Forums all day

Why do people still blame the boomers for everything when every subsequent generation has only aggravated their flaws?

Because they are failures at life and need someone or something to blame because fuck personal responsibility

I saw one where he did to a guy who was quite a bit bigger than him.


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>that pirate bar

This guy is always so angry surprised at the beginning of the episode, as if he doesn't understand the premise of his show

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He looks like an old retired male blow up doll.

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Bar Rescue is comfy. The only problem is I end watching multiple episodes because they marathon it. I always end up saying one more, but then keep watching.




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And the commercial breaks are offensively long

Most of the bar owners are borderline retards to be fair

Who'd win in a fight? Jon Taffer, Gordon Ramsey or Robert Irvine? Shouting match, I think Ramsey would win, but a physical fight, Irvine no doubt.

Irvine is jacked and is fucking Gail Kim
I'm sure she taught him some moves
Taffer is big and seems like he'd be vicious in a fight
I honestly don't know who would win

>Robert Irvine
He's a tiny manlet, it's Ramsay's cardio vs Taffer's size. If it goes the distance, Taffer will be in trouble

>this manlet comes to your house, slaps your wife on the ass and fucks your wife's daughter
What are you going to do about it?

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I feel like Gordon would fight the dirtiest and most brutal with no mercy, like stepping on faces, biting, stabbing with intent to kill in one strike, crushing eye balls etc

There's a bar in my town that was on this show, it went out of business like 6 months later.

hey i see your business is close to having to shut donw. don't worry we will remodel and you will be on tv and get tons of new costumers.

whats that? we wait 9 months before we air it. lol sucks you had to close down bro

I LOVE how they have to nod and agree about how great the new cocktails and food are

>so what do you have on your drink menu?
>we don't a menu but I can make you my special mix
>ok what is it
>just a bunch of shit poured together so we can throw out these almost empty bottles

ok guys gather around we are going to weigh liquor every night and treat the staff like shit.

If anyone here ever has the money to start or invest in a restaurant, don't. Get a food truck instead and shill your shit to yuppies.

The worst ones were those fucking pirate retards. They literally sold their own child's future to LARP as pirates.

The irony is the pirate bar is now a diner/bar, opens five hours a day and it makes bank.

He sometimes gets in tall jacked guys’ faces, but I’d they fight back the bodyguards come in because usually they have retard strength and are fucking stupid enough to kill a show host. He’s gotten lucky sometimes honestly.

>He’s gunning to fire the slutty waitress.
>Suddenly he says she’s turned around and can stay. She’s even the top bartender even though we see no improvement

How many bar wenches has he fugged by now?

Working in a bar/restaurant is so fucking weird
All the dishwashers and line cooks are high school drop outs and methheads
The bartender is usually some bitchy chick who does some sort of porn, busboys and hostesses are pimply faced awkward retarded tweens, all the waiters and waitresses are miserable and hate their job
It’s like an entire building full of fuckups but somehow they all have to work together and cooperate

So? People who own, work in and go to bars are pieces of shit

People don’t realize how mismanaged bars are. Also good staff is hard to find. Tapper is a dick but generally knows what sells. What’s nuts was I had no idea a very popular bar in our town was going down the shitter. It just goes to show even popular places when miss managed hemorrhage money.

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you forgot he added a dj boot and put air freshener to cover the shithole smells.

>that'd be 10% comission on every drink , have a good one


I'd visit her cervix if you know what I mean (while the cuck husband watches)

Literally more productive than boomers sitting in a office all day getting diabetes and watching the time pass until they can retire

Because they're literally responsible for 90% of what's wrong in society. I agree that genxers are boomer lite but where do you think they learned it from?

One of the fakest shows on TV

Are you saying the bars aren't real?

With different owners

Gordon based on what I've seen. He's shown real martial prowess in his shows. He caught a woman's hand mid slap showing good reflexes. He fireman carried a Brazilian manlet chef and stood face to face with a tough guy marine which shows he's not a pussy. Irvine is literally a roided lifter who doesn't work his legs because of muh cardio. Can't say much about taffer but he looks like a big guy

Holy fuck I nearly forgot about this dude. Why did everyone make such a big deal out of him embellishing his tenure at the White House? It’s not like he pulled a Brian Williams.

No because he is probably right and I want him to save my bar

>that pirate bar episode
>after massive success and everyone happy that its no longer a pirate bar, owner reverts it to a pirate bar
>closes a month later
these owners are fucking retarded

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Dive bar I used to frequent did that. Surprised I didn't die of alcohol poisoning.

It's the same exact show

Didn't the owner of the gay bar throw a hissy fit on the reopen and shut everything down?

>People don’t realize how mismanaged bars are

My colleague is the owner's ex-gf. She has been caught "borrowing" money from the safe multiple times, regularly calls in with surreal excuses ("my dog had a panic attack"), and shows up when we're closed to sit in the office and milk the clock while doing absolutely nothing I can discern.

I had my pay cut because the owner said management collectively is screwing around. I was set to storm out, but realized I still make better money than any of the competition would offer.

But goes to show, really underlines, under no circumstances should you EVER sleep with a subordinate. Guy still has his balls in a vice over an indiscretion half a decade ago.

>that neanderthal face

Taffer looks like a big guy but who has back issues and would be slow in a fight

Gordon or Irvine kick his ass easily

Irvine is 5'10", that's Mike Tyson height, not literaly "manlet" tier

He's going to partner with Barstool Sports and put his name behind these branded bars. You heard it here first.

>work in hospitality for 5 years out of school, work in various places around my country
>eventually be assistant manager in an upmarket restaurant in my hometown owned by indians (not indian restaurant though)
>since I've received sommelier training and whisky education I'm put in charge of our whisky bar and run the restaurant bar during busy nights
>slutty 9/10 thot from my year of high school is hired after we're open for 1 year, immediately promoted above me
>1 day after a busy shift, I leave for the night to go get a train to my GF's house
>realise I've accidentally pocketed a £20 from a customer
>we pool our tips and I have a moral conscience so I return to the premises and explain to 9/10 thot and hand her the tip
>go and fuck my GF for the weekend
>come into work on monday morning, the GM asks to see me
>explains that when cashing up on the night I came back with the tip that the tills were £200 down
>9/10 thot accused me of dipping the till, her only evidence is that I CAME BACK to RETURN money
>CCTV which watches every till shows nothing, because I didn't fucking take it
>told I am no longer welcome at the business (zero hours contract so they don't have to fire me, just stop giving me shifts)
>9/10 thot works there for another 6 months then gets fired for "reasons"

The story has a happy ending though. Because it was my hometown and the owners weren't local, I got word out through all of my friends and family that they are scummy fucks who don't look after their staff. The place is still open but it's on life support. No-one local works there any more and the place is never more than half-full and last I heard the owners are looking to sell because they are hemorrhaging money.
I managed to talk my way into a job at a vape shop despite never having used a vape, and 2 years later I'm running a small franchise earning twice what I did in hospitality and I don't have to work unsociable hours.

Moral of the story: Don't work in hospitality