Eating meat needs to be illegal

Eating meat needs to be illegal

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try telling that to Hillary and her Cannibal friends
(who also happen to fuck children)

I think they should legalize cannibalism. I bet Vegans and hippies would taste good if you can get past the petchulli seasoning.

You got btfo yesterday veganfag,
It's Sunday give it a rest.

You can gain everything you "need" from meat from plants. That is a fact.

The only logical argument that can be made is that is tastes nice.

>Muh nutrition meme
quit using proxies worst korea we know it's you

That looks a bit amphibian for my taste but the blood may make a nice gravy.

Vegans/vegitarians are by products of cultural marxism and worthless. I need vitamin B for a functioning brain and have pointy teeth.

Those PETA faggots showed their shit in fucking Paris. I've seen it on TV and the woman was like "hurr we are vegan (she used the american word vegan, leftards are directly importing their social justice bullshit straight from the US), and being a vegan means you don't eat animals, don't keep animals at home, don't go to zoos, don't buy products which have been made from animals or tested on animals, don't go to shows using animals, bla bla bla"
So basically those faggots are protesting to remove the right from everyone to use animals as they see fit. Litteral fucking fascists, they should be exterminated down the last one.

Its quite legal actually but good farm bovine beef is far better.

So you deny that meat has things in it that we just can't get from plants?