ITT: Movies that wouldn't be so acclaimed if they weren't either foreign or old

ITT: Movies that wouldn't be so acclaimed if they weren't either foreign or old

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How long did this take you to think of OP?
You know you have to be 18 to post here, right?
You know there's a million movies that copy this movie, right?

is this the original "I'm assembling a team" kino?

Except it was acclaimed in its own land and own time, pleb
Unironically yes. It started the trope.

Not only does it still hold up but historical context matters too.

whilst not a film, i believe King Arthur's round table predated seven samurai by around 1500 years

Unironically 8 1/2.

I'm assuming you're just pretending to diss Seven Samurai to make sure the thread lasts for more than an hour.

Anyway, this is the most kino scene of any Kurosawa film:

Kagemusha > Ran >>> 7S

La Nuit Americaine

This is a 10/10 movie and the reason it ended up influencing western cinema so much is because of that.
It's not the original but it's the most responsible for it becoming a trope.

Any Tarkovsky

Reverso movioso

For me? It's Rashomon.

7 samurai is proto capeshit

ITT: Paintings that wouldn't be so acclaimed if they weren't either foreign or old

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You meant to say "movies that wouldn't fly so good."

Jason and the Argonauts has even King Arthur beat

this is a 10 in Italy

>It's not the original
after such a claim you must provide the original

People don't study/know the context arts, there is a lot of philosophy and literature implied in this painting, that is why it's valuable.

Its the sort of movie that wouldve been a short TV series today since its too long for most to sit through. Fuck you if you think this movie is bad m8.

>philosophy and literature implied in this painting
>making references to other works makes your work good

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Amelie is an overrated piece of shit.

>Seven Samurai
>There's only six of them

Bravo Kurowasa

>Kikuchiyo died a samurai
Eat shit, faggot.

>7 samurai is proto capeshit

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You're wrong but they're all good.

>mfw kagemusha
big feel

Singin in the Rain
Bicycle Thieves


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7 Samurai is possibly the most overrated film in the canon. It's just barely fine. Throne of Blood and Ikiru are a million times better.

ikiru is the most boring film i've ever seen. kurosawa should have stuck to samurai flicks

>kurosawa should have been a capeshit director

Is Yohei the half?

Literally every silent film. Seen any new silent films recently? Yeah, didn't think so.

>he thinks there isn't value to making films without dialogue

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I'm an not all inclined to agree with this but the Mona Lisa actually has a lot of interesting theoretical composition behind it that make it worth studying as a prime example.

>studio ghibli


Have you seen this film?

Pic unrelated?

Are we being raided by Reddit again?


Won Best Picture like five years ago pleb

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